Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1500: Japanese pirates treacherous

  Chapter 1500 Japanese pirates treacherous

The little official on the city wall who was frightened and fainted was rescued and was supported by others. Before he could catch his breath, he saw the Japanese pirates under the city wall moving again out of the corner of his eye. The soldiers came rushing towards the city wall in two ways, just like **** demons stretched out their claws towards the city wall!

   "Ah... the Japanese pirates attacked the city."

  The little official screamed hysterically in fright, then rolled his eyes, and fainted again from fright, his crotch was instantly wet, yellow liquid flowed out from the trouser legs, accompanied by a pungent smell of feces.

   Not only fainted from fright, but also peed in fright, but no one laughed at him, because the city wall panicked and screamed one after another.

Naoshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanlang led half of the Japanese pirates each, and rushed towards the city wall. However, they were very measured. Right, running around the city wall, showing off its power, as if observing the weak link of the city wall defense.

  The city wall was in a panic, and the defenders panicked, and they all drew their bows and shot at the Japanese pirates who were showing off their might below the city.

  Because the Japanese pirates were on the edge of the range of range, and the military quality of the defenders on the city was very limited, feathers and arrows flew like snowflakes, but the threats to the Japanese pirates were only a handful.

Some bows and arrows fell to the ground halfway, most of the bows and arrows were too poorly accurate, and a few feathered arrows with better accuracy, but because the Japanese pirates were on the edge of the range, the feather arrows were already at the end of their arrows, and the extraordinary Japanese pirates took the opportunity to attack the defenders on the city. Performed some fancy empty-handed arrows, frightening the defenders in the city.

   "The Japanese pirate Tai Nima is very powerful. He catches arrows empty-handed. How can he fight like this?"

   "Fuck, the legend that the Japanese pirates catch arrows empty-handed is true!!!! The legendary Japanese pirates are invulnerable to swords and guns is also true?!!!! Then how to fight, what should I do?"

  The soldiers and civilians on the city looked at the Japanese pirates showing off their might below the city, and panic was like taking hormones, which savagely grew.

   "Is it tolerable or unbearable! Take my bow and arrow!" Yu Dayou couldn't help being angry when he saw the Japanese pirates in the city so arrogant.

  The personal soldiers handed Yu Daxian's special strong bow and feather arrows to Yu Daxian.

  Yu Dayou took an arrow and drew his bow. The bow was like a full moon. He aimed at Naoshima who was showing off his power outside the city without making a sound, and let go and shot it!

Naoshima’s armor is the most gorgeous, and he’s riding a red horse with a yellow umbrella. You can tell it’s a Japanese chieftain at a glance! Capture the thief first and capture the king! If the Japanese chieftain is shot to death with one arrow, the Japanese pirates who are showing off their power outside must have great morale reduce!


  The feathered arrow shot straight at Nabeshima Nao!



  The feathered arrow flew straight to Naojima Naojima's face that was not covered by the visor!

Among the feeble and inaccurate feather arrows, suddenly flew out such an accurate and powerful feather arrow. Masao Nabeshima was unprepared, but he had extraordinary skills. The conditioned reflex brought about by many years of life-and-death fighting made the feather arrow go straight. The moment he faced the door, he grabbed Feather Arrow with his hands!

  On the city wall, when Yu Dayou made a move, Zhang Jing and other officials also widened their eyes in anticipation.

Yu Dayou was famous for his bravery in fighting from east to west. The legend that he singled out Shaolin Temple and defeated dozens of Shaolin monks in a row has spread all over the south of the Yangtze River. Seeing Yu Dayou shooting the Japanese head with his bow now, everyone stares wide-eyed. He closed his eyes and watched Yu Daxian shoot the Japanese head with a bow and arrow intently.


  Seeing Yu Daxian's feather arrow flying straight to the front door of Woqian, Zhang Jing and other officials couldn't help but shouted "Hello!"

   It’s over! Zhang Jing and other officials, the corners of their mouths are slowly opening...

  However, in the next second, I saw that Wa Chief held Yujian with one hand and took Yujian away from his face at the very moment.

   Ah. Ah.

  The first "ah" is a cheer of excitement, and the next "ah" is a sigh of astonishment. This is the real reaction of Zhang Jing and others in the city.

  Yu Daxian can be said to be the ceiling of the force of the defenders on the city. All the arrows shot by Yu Daxian were caught by Japanese pirates!

  The morale of the defenders on the city has dropped again!

Due to the long distance, they only saw Naoshima catch the arrow, but they did not see that the arrow had already pierced the skin of Naoshima's face, leaving a shocking bloodstain! At the same time, Nabeshima The straight man's right hand was also **** from the friction of the arrows.

   "General!" The Japanese pirates were shocked when they saw Nabeshima Naoao injured!

"Baga! It's just a cold arrow in the district, it just broke the skin a little bit, what's the fuss, don't make a fuss, don't let the Ming people know that the cold arrow hit the general just now, continue to deter the Ming people, put pressure on the Ming people! hit their morale , forcing them to conscript the people to help defend the city.”

   Naoshima scolded the Japanese pirates under him, then shook his hand without showing any traces, dispelling the pain and numbness in his right hand.

"It's rude to come and not to go! This is what you wise people say! This arrow is returned to you!" Naoshima Naoman shouted to everyone in the city, aimed his longbow in the direction where Yu Daxian was, and then let go of the arrow !


  Feathered arrows fly to the city wall!

But Masao Nabeshima wanted to be careful. He knew Yu Daxian's strength from the feather arrow shot by Yu Daxian. He knew that he was under the city and his hand was injured. The target of the arrow was not Yu Daxian, but a soldier beside Yu Daxian.

  Yu Daxian thought that Waqian was going to shoot at him, and tried his best to guard against it, but unexpectedly, the Japanese pirates played a trick and shot feather arrows at Xiaobing.

  Xiao Bing didn't take precautions, and didn't react quickly. When he noticed Yu Jian, Yu Jian had already nailed his face.

   There was a scream.

  The little soldier fell to the ground, red and white flowing out, and he lost his breath.


  The defenders on the city paled in fright, panicked, and retreated subconsciously one by one, away from the wall.

  Nabeshima's arrow brought great threat to the city!

  The defenders on the city didn’t expect the Japanese pirates to be so terrifying. They shot arrows from the bottom of the city to the top of the city. They were quick, accurate and ruthless, killing their lives with one arrow!

The people in the city didn't know the inside story, they only saw that Yu Daxian shot the Japanese pirates with arrows, and the Japanese pirates took the arrows with one hand; the Japanese pirates shot the arrows at the defenders, and the defenders fell in response! Doesn't such a sharp contrast mean that the Japanese pirates are much more powerful than Yu Dayou? !

  Suddenly, the panic in the city became even worse!

"Master Zhang, He Zhenshou, Wei Guogong, we can't let the Japanese pirates continue to show off their power like this. The morale of our army has dropped sharply. The officer suggested sending elite soldiers out of the city to fight against the Japanese pirates' arrogance." Hu Zongxian stepped forward with injuries, and asked Zhang Jing, He Gonggong and Wei Guogong made a speech.

"Leave the city?! You mustn't do it! Master Hu, your scar hasn't healed yet, forget the pain?! You led more than a thousand elite soldiers to fight against the Japanese in the Cherry Orchard, but the wounded soldiers who were killed by the Japanese pirates lost their helmets and armor! Now again Sending troops out of the city means repeating the same mistakes! Master Zhang, He Zhenshou, and Duke Wei, absolutely cannot send troops out of the city! Now that there are so many people in the city, and everyone is watching, if one day the troops go out of the city, they will be defeated. When the time comes, the city will be panicked, no matter how strong Yingtian is, it will not be able to hold it!"

   "A defeated general dares to offer his words?! Do you want to pull the big guys to become the defeated Japanese pirates with you?!"

   "It is said to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. There is no reason to abandon the city wall and not defend it, and go down to fight the Japanese pirates! It is the best policy to defend the city!"

  As soon as Hu Zongxian finished speaking, there were voices of opposition all around.

   "My defeat was not a crime of war, but actually" Hu Zongxian gritted his teeth and explained to everyone.

   "Pull it down, if you lose, you lose, what excuses are you looking for?" the officials snorted.

  (end of this chapter)

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