Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1493: Standing ready, hungry and cold

  Chapter 1493 Standing in battle, suffering from hunger and cold

The time passed by every minute and every second, it was already past noon, the weather became more and more gloomy, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature was getting lower and lower, with waves of cold wind whistling, damp and bitter, Frozen to the bone marrow.

  In front of the cherry orchard, in front of the deep ditch, the Ming army has been waiting in the cold wind for most of the day.

   Not a drop of water!

   Grains of rice are not swallowed!

   Hunger and cold!

  The ancients said: "One vigorous effort, then it will decline, and three times it will be exhausted." It was like this at this time, waiting and waiting, the morale of more than 1,300 soldiers of the Ming army gradually weakened as they waited for most of the day due to hunger and cold.

  They have come here since they received the news that the Japanese pirates captured Jiangning in the morning, and they have been waiting for work.

As a result, up to now, most of the day has passed, and the Japanese pirates have not yet come! In order to fight against the Japanese pirates who attacked Yingtian at any time, the Ming army never left their armor and soldiers, and were always ready. Jin, I haven't eaten any grains of rice, and my stomach is growling with hunger, and my chest is sticking to my back.

   Really hungry and cold!

  Because all of them were fully armed and covered with heavy armor, they didn’t feel that at ordinary times, but now that they were hungry for most of the day, they felt that the armor on their bodies was too heavy, and their physical strength began to run low.

   Not only heavy, but also cold!

I believe everyone is familiar with the term "old iron". There is a joke in the Northeast saying that the name "old iron" is because people with good relations have licked the iron railings together. The temperature is very low. If you lick the iron, your tongue will be frozen on the iron railing and cannot be pulled out. You have to help each other to save it. The old iron symbolizes that you have licked the iron together and bleed together. The relationship is unusually close.

   This paragraph fully illustrates how cold metals such as iron and copper are outdoors in winter.

  The Ming army fully realized this at this moment. Wearing iron armor on his body is like wearing ice cubes. The biting coldness of the iron armor seeps into the muscles and bones through the clothes all the time, and goose bumps all over the ice man!

   "Made, this armor is too cold, and the iron crotch guard is so cold that my children and grandchildren can't feel it. It's so cold that my stomach swells. No, I have to go and make it easier."

"Hehe, don't do such stupid things as taking off your pants and farting. You have to have something in your belly to get rid of it. From morning till now, we haven't had a drop of water. What do you use to fart?! It's just a fart, let it go here That's it. I didn't see Feng's nose is not the nose and the eyes are not the eyes, how dare you sneak away and squat in the pit?!"

   "Well, it makes sense, shit, Hu Laoqi, I believe in your evil, you pay me for my pants."

   "Are you really pulling your trouser pockets?! Hahahaha"

  Amid the hunger and cold, a few rough men in the army burst out laughing.

This is also a microcosm of the military formation. The soldiers have been suffering from hunger and cold for a long time, and most of the morale gained by the rewards has long since been vented. , Stamping their feet, the formation also began to be chaotic. Some people even started to sit on the ground, of course they were all stopped by the officers cursing, but the formation was no longer as strict as it was at the beginning.

   And, as time went on, the confusion grew.

  Hu Zongxian strictly ordered military officers at all levels to strictly control military discipline, but as time went by, some officers could not hold back their bullets.

  Hunger and cold, cold and hungry, haven’t eaten for most of the day, and it’s freezing cold, and the imminent food and clothing can’t be solved. It’s no wonder that the soldiers can live in peace.

   As for the reward of two hundred taels of silver for killing the Japanese, this is still a bit far away. Under the hunger and cold, food and clothing are the first needs of soldiers.

   If the first need cannot be met, who cares about your second need.

   "The weather is frightening, I don't know why, why do I have an ominous premonition in my heart."

"Bullshit, it's like today, it's strange to be able to explain it! The weather is so cold, my bones are almost frozen, and I haven't eaten for a long time. I'm cold and hungry. My eyes are starving. I guess In another hour, if the Japanese pirates don’t come, the black and white Wuchang brothers should come to pick me up on the road.”

"Why don't you say that the Japanese pirates didn't come? Didn't they capture Jiangning in the morning and kill Ying Tian?! This distance should have come, why didn't they come?! Why do I feel a little uneasy? , Alas, look, my right eye also started to twitch, as the saying goes, the left eye twitches money, and the right eye twitches disaster, so nothing will happen, right?"

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense you're saying, I'm getting goosebumps. How could something happen? There are more than 1,300 of us, and we're ready, and there are only more than 50 of us. What could happen! Besides, ahem, we have been waiting for so long, and we haven’t even seen the shadow of the son of a bitch, maybe, these **** have spied so many of us here, scare them away up."

"Well, it makes sense. The Japanese pirates should have come long ago. If they don't come now, maybe the Japanese pirates were scared away. Also, it's not certain if the Japanese pirates don't go this way. We should have so many city gates, The Japanese pirates made a semicircle, and it is impossible to attack the city from the north of the city."

   "Don't go, these pirates are walking gold bars. One pirate can be exchanged for a gold bar. I want to make a fortune."

  Amid the hunger and cold, all the soldiers rubbed their hands and stomped their feet, and the whole cherry orchard seemed to be noisy and chaotic.

   Waited for another half an hour, but there was still no sign of the Japanese pirates. Hu Zongxian sent scouts to investigate, but no trace of the Japanese pirates was found.

  Finally the soldiers couldn't bear it anymore.

   "From morning to now, we have been cold and hungry. If this continues, we will freeze and starve to death without waiting for the pirates to come."

   "We want to eat! If we don't eat, I will starve to death."

   "Death, you can't be a starving ghost! We want to eat! We want to eat!"

   "Let me take a sip of hot soup, I'm about to freeze, if I don't eat or drink, I can't even hold a weapon."

   "You won't even be allowed to eat, and you don't have the strength, so why fight!"

   "Sir, to be honest, are you colluding with Japanese pirates and want to freeze and starve us to death here, cheap Japanese pirates?!"

   "If you don't give me any more food, I will quit!"

   A group of Ming soldiers started to quarrel, clamoring for food, and the situation was a little out of control for a while.

   It looks like the camp will be bombed.

Master Zhang, the head coach of Zhenwei Camp, saw that the situation was out of control, so he approached Hu Zongxian and suggested: "Master Hu, the weather is really too cold, it's been half an hour now, we haven't even had a drop of water, and we don't have any strength left. How to fight in this state, the big soldiers below are almost out of control, can you see if you make a fire and cook food, let everyone eat and drink some hot water, so that they can have the strength to fight the Japanese pirates when they are full."

Hu Zongxian frowned and scanned the audience, seeing a group of soldiers huddled under the cold wind, clamoring emotionally for food and drink, it was true that they were dying of hunger and cold, and the scene was almost out of control. After thinking for a moment, slow down Nodded, "Okay, bury the pot and make a fire to cook, and let everyone pad their stomachs. Remember, let everyone divide into two groups, one for eating, and the other for vigilance, and you must not be taken advantage of by Japanese pirates!"

  (end of this chapter)

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