Rise From the Humble

Chapter 149: that night that golden toad

  Chapter 149 That Night That Golden Toad

  When Mr. Zhu came out of the house after changing into the still wet green cloth, the official messenger outside who announced the good news had already approached.

  The sound of firecrackers rang out outside the door.

"Hurry up, Uncle Zhu, hurry up, get ready, the firecrackers are going off outside." Hearing the sound of crackling firecrackers, the folks couldn't help urging Mr. Zhu to come, the official is coming, and the yard of your old Zhu's house has not yet arrived. Pack it up.

Without the orders of Mr. Zhu, these people began to work consciously in the old Zhu's house. Some swept the floor, some sprinkled water, some boiled water and made tea, young and strong moved tables, and those who were close to home returned home Candies, melon seeds and fruits are brought over. Soon, the Zhu family's old house took on a completely new look.

"Hurry up, the third family, go to the second family to get some money and prepare red envelopes for them, and all the money at home will be sent to the eldest." When Mrs. Zhu was preparing money for the wedding, she didn't have enough cash to wrap the red envelopes. I couldn't help urging the third child's family to go to Zhu Ping'an's house to get some money to deal with the emergency.

   "His aunt is too late, and the messenger is about to arrive at the door. I have some money with me, and her aunt will use it first for emergencies."

   "I also have more than ten pennies here."

   "And me, this is the private money I hid while the old woman was not paying attention"

  It was so enthusiastic that the folks scrambled to give Mrs. Zhu the money they had on their bodies, and asked her to make red envelopes for others to reward. There was even an uncle who took off his shoes and handed a few copper coins with the smell of feet to the old lady Zhu without any explanation.

  After the red envelopes were wrapped, they heard a noise from the people at the door, and then they gave way, and the officials who came to announce the good news entered Zhu's old house one after another, and came in front of Mr. Zhu and the others.

   "Congratulations, congratulations to Mr. Zhu's high school boy trial case in your mansion. The magistrate has hand-picked Mr. Zhu as a student, and the government will supply it every month in the future."

   "Congratulations to Mr. Zhu, who won the first place in your high school, and wish Mr. Zhu won the third prize in succession and successes frequently."

   "Congratulations, congratulations to the old man and the old lady, you and the old are waiting to enjoy the blessings in the future. This master Zhu may be able to win the number one prize in the future."

The officials who came to announce the good news were all eloquent and well-informed. When they entered the courtyard of Old Zhu's house, they could tell at a glance that Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu who were surrounded by everyone must be family members, so they went to Mr. Zhu's house. In front of Mrs. He and Mrs. Zhu, she repeatedly said compliments and congratulations as if she didn't want money.

  The folks in Zhu’s old house heard the good news from the official post, and they were happy together with Mr. Zhu’s family. See what the official post said, most of the old Zhu is very good, and maybe he will be the champion in the future.

"Same joy, same joy" Mr. Zhu was as happy as if he had drunk half a catty of old wine, and he bowed his hands in return, already incoherent. easy."

  Old lady Zhu seemed to have returned to those years when she was a village flower. Don't mention how excited she was, she handed the red envelope to the officer who announced the good news with trembling hands.

"Hehe, thank you, old man, old lady, don't worry about red envelopes, don't worry, after we read the happy news, you can put away the happy news. This is a great happy event for Guangzong Yaozu." The yamen servant holding the red paper also Don't be in a hurry to receive the red envelope, it's not too late to receive the red envelope if you want to read the happy news first.

   "It's reasonable, it's reasonable." Mr. Zhu nodded repeatedly, smiling from ear to ear.

   "Congratulations to Mr. Zhu Pingan of your mansion, Mr. Zhu, who is now Admiral Zhu Nanzhili Xuezheng. He was selected as the first scholar in the Anqing Mansion Examination. He is characterized as a student in Huaining County. There are frequent reports of success in the township examination, and the Beijing News has repeatedly won the emperor's first prize."

  The yamen servant holding the red paper unfolded the red paper announcement, coughed, and began to read it out loudly and emotionally.

  After reading, the yamen servant was surprised to find that the whole yard was suddenly silent, and the old man who was smiling from ear to ear also closed his mouth at this time, murmuring something to himself.

   And why did the old lady turn pale with joy?

   What's wrong

  How does this family have such a long reflection arc?

  It was fine just now

  How to finish reading the happy news. But it seems to be silly with joy. Oh, that's right, maybe he was shocked when he heard Ti Xueguan, or maybe he was too surprised by the unexpected surprise of Linsheng. After all, the yamen gives four taels of silver every year, not to mention rice noodles. Oil and other benefits.

  How did the yamen servant who announced the good news know that the 10,000 grass-mud horses in Mr. Zhu's heart were roaring, and thought that the scholar's father was so happy that he was stupid.

   The yard was quiet for a few seconds before someone tremblingly said something.



Hearing this, the yamen servant who read out the happy news on the red paper hurriedly looked down at the happy news, and read it word by word. He didn’t read a word wrong. How could he make a mistake? He even practiced it several times on the way, and he didn’t make any mistakes. Woolen cloth.

   "Wrong, wrong."

   Similar sounds came and went in the yard, like a flock of ducks quacking.

  The yamen servant blushed, and read the happy news again, that's right! Uh, it wouldn't be everyone working together and joking with us, right? Now the people of Hecun are too interesting.

   "Wrong, they separated. This is Zhu Shouren's family. Zhu Ping'an is his nephew. We passed by Zhu Ping'an's family just now."


  The yamen servant was stunned, did he go to the wrong door?

In fact, I don’t blame them. Thinking about Huaining County, where the Yingtianfu postmen changed three fast horses overnight, the time was short, and Huaining County was far from Xiahe Village. The officials in charge of signing did not expect Zhu Pingan to be a young man. .

  If the town came to announce the good news, there would be no mistake. People from the county would inevitably make some mistakes, and they were also misled by the villagers. A series of factors led to such a mistake.

  At this time, at the door of Zhu Ping'an's house, Mrs. Chen looked at the bustling old house from a distance, and entered the house with the insole in despair, out of sight and out of mind.

  Why is it that someone like his uncle is in the middle of it? God must have been dazed for a while, and let this kind of person take advantage of the loophole.

   Mrs. Chen was upset, and she was no longer in the mood to continue to accept the soles of her shoes after entering the yard. She was going to go back to her room to rest for a while before talking. As soon as Mrs. Chen entered the room and sat on the bed, she heard the sound of blowing and setting off firecrackers outside again.

   There is no end!

  So, Chen couldn't help but frowned again. What a talent to show off! What made Chen even more depressed was that the sound of blowing and beating seemed to enter the yard, and even the firecrackers seemed to be set off outside the gate.

  What is the old house doing, there is no need to show off, is it the sister-in-law's idea? This is because she thinks that she didn't go to the old house to congratulate her. After thinking about her own virtue, Chen gritted her teeth and counted a hundred cash from the bedside. Door!

   Mrs. Chen just went out from the back room, and saw a lot of people coming in the yard.

"Oh, my second sister-in-law, congratulations, I just said, I had a dream on the day I was rushing to take the exam, saying that a golden toad went to your house bouncing around, and someone made a fortune telling me, I just said that I was going to go to your house." As for the designated high school, as it should be, the pig just wants to compete, no, it’s in high school, and it’s still number one.”

  The fourth aunt took Chen's hand first, and congratulated her, as if we were good sisters-in-law who would never be separated.

   On the other side, the eldest aunt who was coerced by everyone looked at the fourth aunt, her face was a little deformed: the basic credit of being a human being, didn't it mean that the golden toad jumped into my room.

   "Congratulations to Ping An Damn"

   "Congratulations to the second family, you are really proud of your safety."

   "Since I was a child, I can tell that your family is safe and not an ordinary person."

   Mrs. Chen was stunned for a long time before realizing it. This is, this was a mistake just now. The high school student is his second elementary school, not his uncle.

   As a result, Chen's frowning brows suddenly relaxed, the frustration in his heart was relieved, and the disappointment on his face suddenly changed into a bright and beautiful smile.

   "Where is it, my second child is just luckier"

   Mrs. Chen spoke very modestly, but she couldn't hide her pride...

  (end of this chapter)

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