Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1480: Another secret

  Chapter 1480 Another hidden story

  Not long after the first Tang cavalry soldier entered Yingtian Mansion, soon another Tang soldier with a small flag on his back entered Yingtian Mansion.

   "Did you see, there is another Tang Bing, it must be about the Japanese pirates in Shangyu again, it seems to be Lien Zhan Lian Jie."

   "Well, that makes sense."

   "How come there is another Tang soldier reporting the letter? Could it be that something happened earlier?!"

   "Hehe, you are really worrying for nothing. What's the matter, seeing that "Zhao Kuo" is alone, do you want to accompany him too?! What are you thinking about, you, what will happen to the three thousand coalition forces to suppress the Japanese, is really worrying about nothing!"

   "Yeah, what I said is true, what kind of accidents can there be if the three thousand coalition forces wiped out the Japanese pirates who were about 80 people."

  When the people of Yingtian City saw Tang Bing, they began to discuss among themselves, and their attitudes were mostly optimistic.

  Tang soldiers rushed into the Ministry of War.

  After Shi Pengfei reported the first Tang newspaper, he left Zhang Jing's room and returned to his own room. Walking to the duty room, seeing a scribe waiting outside the duty room, he couldn't help frowning slightly, "Who are you?! What's the matter?!"

   "Master Shi, the younger one is the clerk under Commander Miao Yinmiao, whose humble name is Du Wenchang, and is ordered by Commander Miao to come to see you."

  Du Wenchang bowed and replied.

"You are a scribe under General Miao's command. Hmph, General Miao has been defeated again and again to suppress the Japanese. How can you come to see me?" Shi Pengfei snorted coldly when he heard this, and waved his hands. "Go back, I'm sorry for not accepting the official."

   "Master Shi, please calm down. There is something else hidden about this defeat. General Miao ordered the younger one to come and report." Du Wenchang explained.

"Hidden secrets?! Heh, what hidden secrets can there be after one defeat after another?! Go and tell Miao Yin that Master Shangshu is very angry and the consequences will be serious. Let him take care of himself!" Shi Pengfei waved his hands and looked coldly. Zhang Lian issued an order to evict the guest.

"My lord, there is really another secret. My lord, please read it. The secret is contained in this letter." Du Wenchang held back, explaining, and took out a bulging envelope from his sleeve, opened the seal, and showed it to him secretly. Shi Pengfei.

   "What's there to hide?" Shi Pengfei disdainfully said, halfway through the sentence, his eyes caught a glimpse of a thick stack of banknotes in the envelope, his eyes lit up, and he swallowed the words that followed.

Um? ! This bank note is Richang's hard currency, it is cashed at sight, it is not a treasure note issued by the imperial court, judging by the color, this bank note should be a one hundred tael denomination bank note. Judging by the thickness, there are about twenty sheets of this father.

   That's two thousand taels of silver!

  Two thousand taels!

   This is a huge sum of money.

  Seeing the face of the bank note, Shi Pengfei's face changed from cold to much gentler. He nodded slightly, and said in a warm voice, "Well, there is really something else going on. Cough cough, come in and tell me the details."

   "Thank you, sir." Du Wenchang said happily.

  It was about time for a cup of tea, Du Wenchang came out of Shi Pengfei's room with a happy face, and Shi Pengfei personally delivered it with a gentle face, the sleeves were heavy, obviously the two had a pleasant conversation.

   "My lord, please stop." Du Wenchang bowed again and again.

   "Hehe, Du Wenshu walk slowly, tell Commander Miao, the secret is known to me, and we should do our best not to make meritorious people guilty, and not let the soldiers shed blood, sweat and tears." Shi Pengfei smiled.

   "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir." Du Wenchang thanked again and again, and returned satisfied.

  As soon as Shi Pengfei sent Du Wenchang away, the small official of the military department brought up the second pond newspaper from the Tang soldiers. Shi Pengfei took the pond newspaper, opened it, looked at it quickly, turned around and walked quickly to Zhang Jing's room without any delay.

   "Master Shi, why did you come back?" Zhang Jing couldn't help asking when he saw Shi Pengfei walking in again with a pond newspaper.

   "My lord, there is another Tang newspaper about the Japanese pirates in Shangyu." Shi Pengfei explained.

   "Oh, read it, I want to hear what bad news there is."

  Zhang Jing took a breath, calmed down the emotions disturbed by the first Tang newspaper, and said slowly.

"Returning to my lord, the Tang newspaper records: After fifty-seven Japanese pirates from Shangyu burned the south bank of Wuhu Lake, they rushed across the north bank of Wuhu Lake in the flames and black smoke, and went straight to Wuhu County. Fortunately, Wuhu County was full of soldiers and did not slack in the slightest. They discovered it in time. The whereabouts of the Japanese pirates, at the critical moment, before the Japanese pirates entered the city, they cut off the moat bridge and closed the city gates for defense. , disappeared."

  Shi Pengfei launched the pond newspaper and reported.

   "The thief is really cunning and rampant!" Zhang Jing couldn't help but patted the table, and cursed angrily.

  The mere fifty-seven wolves set fire to the south bank to attract everyone's attention, but they raided the north bank of the river and attacked Wuhu County. Fortunately, Wuhu County was full of soldiers and discovered the whereabouts of the Japanese pirates in time, otherwise Wuhu County would not be safe!

   Therefore, Zhang Jing couldn't help scolding the Japanese pirates, treacherous and rampant!

   "Three thousand coalition forces encircled and wiped out the Japanese pirates, but were defeated by the Japanese pirates. We can only close the city gates and sit back and watch the Japanese pirates show off their power! Lord Shi, immediately order the relevant officials to truthfully report the details of this battle. I will hold them accountable!"

   Zhang Jing ordered Shi Pengfei.

Shi Pengfei heard the words, thought of the huge sum of money sent by Jianyang Wei Miaoyin, ah no, it was a "hidden feeling", rolled his eyes, and stepped forward to suggest: "My lord, calm down, look at these two pond newspapers, it is true that Commander Miao and Zeng Qianhu and others were defeated by the Japanese pirates, and they should be held accountable, but they are not without a little credit. My lord, please read the Tang newspaper. When the Japanese pirates raided Wuhu County, there were only fifty-seven people. Before this war, the Japanese pirates were There are more than 80 people, and now there are only 57 Japanese pirates left. It can be seen from this that Commander Miao, Zeng Qianhu and other coalition forces suppressed the Japanese with 3,000 people. Although they were defeated by the Japanese pirates, they also killed more than 30 Japanese pirates. Japanese pirates. It can be regarded as a meritorious service. Before, the Japanese pirates in Shangyu attacked the city one after another and defeated the officers and troops from all over the country. They have never suffered such a loss."

"In addition, my lord, please read the second Fengtang newspaper. Fifty-seven Japanese pirates burned the south bank of Wuhu Lake, crossed the north bank, and attacked Wuhu County. Wuhu County cut off the moat bridge and closed the city gate. It can be seen that the mere fifty-seven Japanese pirates no longer have the ability to attack the city and do evil again, so they can only hide their whereabouts. It is estimated that this group of Japanese pirates will flee overseas in the future."

"If they are held accountable, the Japanese pirates in Shangyu have traveled more than 2,000 miles since they landed. They have defeated officers and soldiers from all over the country. None of them can be spared, too many involvements may make the people of all prefectures and counties panic, which is not conducive to the overall situation of the anti-Japanese war. In addition, Commander Miao has been defeated and fought repeatedly, and his spirit is commendable. The current Japanese plague is serious, and it is time to employ people. Please think twice .”

  Hearing this, Zhang Jing was silent for a long time, then waved his hand, "Master Shi, you go down first, I'll think about it later."

  (end of this chapter)

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