Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1476: haunted?

  Chapter 1476 Haunted?

"My lords, the number of people depends on the situation. It is true that there are not many Japanese pirates in Shangyu, there are only about 80 people. Such a force is not enough to attack the city, but it is more than enough to spy. The officials think that the purpose of the Japanese pirates in Shangyu to harass Yingtian is not The purpose of attacking the city is to spy on Yingtian's real situation, peek at Yingtian's troop deployment, combat power and city defense, etc., in order to prepare for a large-scale invasion in the future. Although there are only about 80 Japanese pirates in this group, they are extremely brave and powerful. It is capable of accomplishing the purpose of espionage."

  Zhu Pingan let out a barely audible sigh amidst the roar of laughter, and clasped his hands to explain to everyone.

"Yingtian is the capital where I stayed in the Ming Dynasty. Once the Japanese pirates harass Yingtian, they will be annihilated under the city gate, and it will surely shake the world. My Ming face will be humiliated, which will greatly damage the confidence and enthusiasm of the ruling and opposition parties, especially the people in the south of the Yangtze River. It will greatly stimulate the rampant Japanese pirates and drive them into madness, and the Japanese plague will become more serious; if the Japanese pirates harass Ying Tianhou and can retreat completely, the impact will be even worse."

   "The matter is of great importance, and I implore all adults to think carefully about it."

  After the explanation, Zhu Ping'an bowed ninety degrees, and said sincerely to the officials at the meeting.

   "Hehe, it's sensational and makes people laugh. Master Zhu is more suitable for storytelling than military affairs"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhu seems to be very unprofessional when he said this, 'If the Japanese pirates harassed Ying Tianhou, would he still be able to retreat unscathed'? Eighty Japanese pirates harassed Ying Tianhou, how could it be possible to retreat unscathed! When our tens of thousands of troops can't be deployed It’s fine if the Japanese pirates don’t come to Yingtian, if they come to Yingtian, then Yingtian will be their burial place!”

"Hehe, Mr. Zhu's words are a bit of a moral kidnapping. It is true that the Japanese pirates harassed Yingtian and had a lot to do with it, but it is impossible for the Japanese pirates to harass Yingtian. Naturally, there is no impression. Master Zhu's worries are groundless; on the contrary, If we mobilize troops, dispatch troops and generals, set up an ambush halfway, let alone harming the three armies, it will waste people and money, and make us the laughingstock of the world."

  Zhu Ping'an's waist was bent at 90 degrees, and before he straightened, he heard the laughter in his ears.


  Zhu Pingan couldn't help a long sigh in his heart.

If it’s something else, Zhu Ping’an is really happy to see this kind of scene. This is a standard famous scene of pretending to be slapped: Today you laugh at me as an amateur, mock me as a kidnapper, and mock me as a sensationalist, don’t you? Stay for a few days and wait When the Japanese pirates really came to try and attack Yingtian City, as in history, and successfully retreated, I see that your faces are swollen from the beating, and your own strength will also be extremely strong.

   But this is not going to work, the matter is important, and it concerns the people in the south of the Yangtze River, how can I be so selfish.

  Although he was ridiculed, but for the sake of the common people in the world, Zhu Pingan straightened up half of his waist, bent down again, and once again bowed his hands to the crowd, "My lords, what Ping An said is not sensational, Shangyu."

  Marquis Linhuai and Duke Wei couldn't help but put their hands on their foreheads, closed their eyes tightly, the corners of their mouths curved like they were suffering from constipation, and their faces looked like they couldn't bear to look directly at them, being dragged and ashamed, especially the constipated expression of Marquis Linhuai.

   "Lord Zhu, let me just say two things." Before Zhu Ping'an could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War.

   "Master Shi, please speak." Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands.

"The first thing I want to say is that it's getting late now, and I still have a lot of important things to discuss here. Just talking about Japanese pirates, there are many Japanese pirates who have landed in my Ming Dynasty to plunder during this period. Not only the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu, there are more than a dozen cases, but among these pirates, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu are the smallest in scale and number, so it is not worth spending so much time arguing. After discussing other major issues, If there is still time, it will not be too late to listen to your opinion, Mr. Zhu."

  Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War, looked at Zhu Pingan, shook his head slightly, and said to Zhu Pingan in a somewhat blunt tone.

  Today's meeting, the Ministry of Yingtian Bing is the host.

  He is the second-in-command of Yingtian's military department, and he can be regarded as half of the host. He consciously has the responsibility to control the progress and time of the meeting.

Originally, Zhu Ping interrupted the meeting with an urgent military situation, which was somewhat disturbing; secondly, Zhu Ping's so-called urgent military situation turned out to be an outrageous inference that dozens of Japanese pirates were going to attack Ying Tiancheng. It was a waste of time; what made Shi Pengfei even more dissatisfied was that Zhu Pingan was still going on and on about this outrageous and nonsense military situation, how could this be possible! Everyone is very busy. It is not easy to gather everyone in the Ministry of War for this meeting. How could you waste everyone's time!

This is the first point.

  There is a second point, and the second point is also the main reason why Shi Pengfei characterized Zhu Pingan's emergency military situation as outrageous nonsense and interrupted Zhu Pingan.

"The second point is that before today's meeting, I just received an urgent report from Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and Wuhu Metropolitan Censor. I read the contents of the urgent report, but I haven't had time to report it to Zhang Shangshu. Since Mr. Zhu has been talking about the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu, so I will take this opportunity to briefly read the contents of this urgent report." Shi Pengfei took out a folded report from his sleeve and showed it to Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Ping looked at Shi Pengfei quietly, waiting for him to continue.

"Wuhu Metropolitan Censor Baoshan, Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and others jointly reported that the defeat of Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and others yesterday was not a crime of war. It was actually Miao Yin's intentional defeat to lure Japanese pirates into the siege. Being taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates, Miao Yin and others suffered a little damage, but the strategic goal had been achieved, and Miao Yin and others successfully lured the Japanese pirates into the encirclement—Fugui Town, the bordering place between Ningguo Mansion and Taiping Mansion. Wuhu Metropolitan Censor Baoshan sent thousands of soldiers under his command Hu Zengji commanded 1,500 soldiers, Xiangyong, and tiger killers, and encircled Fugui Town from Taiping Prefecture. Together with Jianyang Guard Commander Miao Yin and other 1,500 soldiers, a total of 3,000 troops flanked the Japanese pirates. When the urgent report was sent out, Zeng Ji, Miao Yin and other coalition forces had already encircled the Japanese pirates. Presumably, at this time, the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu had been surrounded and wiped out by Zeng Ji, Miao Yin and others. Three thousand surrounded by eighty, how could the Japanese pirates escape? Logically, taking ten thousand steps back, even if a few Japanese pirates escaped by chance, it is nothing to worry about. The Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu have all been wiped out, so how could they attack Yingtian?! Master Zhu, your inference is unfounded and worrying."

  Shi Pengfei launched an emergency report, summarized it concisely, and completely denied Zhu Pingan's inference.

   "Oh, Zeng Ji, Miao Yin and other coalition forces of more than 3,000 people encircled and wiped out 80 Japanese pirates. Hehe, it turns out that today is the death day of these Japanese pirates without thinking about it."

   "It turns out that Miao Yin and others were defeated last time in order to lure the enemy into a deep siege. They really endured the humiliation. Now, the Japanese pirates have been surrounded. With so many elite soldiers, this group of Japanese pirates is over."

   "Hehe, the Japanese pirates have been surrounded and wiped out. How can they attack Yingtian and be haunted?! Hehe, if we set up an ambush, should we invite some monks and Taoist priests?"

   "Please monks and priests, puff."

  Shi Pengfei fell behind, and everyone in the venue didn't believe Zhu Ping'an's emergency military situation even more, and laughed even louder.

  (end of this chapter)

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