Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1474: Combining Wen Tao and Wu Strategy

  Chapter 1474 Combining Wentao and Wushu

   "Greetings to Mr. Zhang, I have met all your lords."

  After entering the hall where the meeting was held, Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands to Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, and all the officials present, and at the same time looked at the officials present without any trace.

   There were 18 officials present except Zhang Jing. Judging from their official uniforms, they were mostly civilian officials and relatively few military officials. Among them, there were ten civilian officials and eight military officials.

   Among the 18 officials, there were three acquaintances. Among the civil servants, Hu Zongxian, the inspector and inspector of Zhejiang Province, and among the military officers, Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou, among them, Wei Guogong and Linhuaihou both smiled and nodded to themselves.

   Zhu Pingan didn't know the rest of the officials present, but there were two people who impressed Zhu Pingan very deeply. One is an official who sits above Hu Zongxian among the civil officials. He is dressed in a fourth-grade civil official uniform, with a standard Chinese character face overflowing with righteousness, sitting upright, with a straight waist and piercing eyes. General's spirit. Zhu Ping'an thought to himself, this should be Li Tianchong, the governor of Zhejiang that the guards said, Mr. Li, a civil servant who is full of martial arts, he deserves to lead soldiers and fight against Japanese pirates.

  In fact, the emergence of the post of governor, like the governor, is a historical necessity. Back then, Emperor Hongwu was the prime minister of the provinces of the Yuan Dynasty. He knew that the provincial prime ministers were in charge of the military and political power of the provinces. In order to prevent local officials from being too powerful, Emperor Hongwu divided the power of the provincial prime minister into three parallel organizations, namely, the capital commander in charge of military affairs (Zheng Erpin) and the civil affairs chief in charge of civil affairs (cong Erpin) And the inspector (Zheng Sanpin) who is in charge of the prison. The separation of the three divisions, the command of the military, the government and the punishment, conflict with each other, so that the place will not grow bigger. However, the separation of the three powers is not conducive to handling major emergencies that occur in the locality.

   For example, the Japanese plague today!

  In order to coordinate the three local divisions, unify powers, and deal with major emergencies, the post of governor also appeared. The governor is in charge of the military and political affairs of a province. He is above the three divisions and below the governor. He is a senior official stationed by the Central Metropolitan Procuratorate in order to better handle the relationship between the central government and the local government and coordinate local affairs.

  Currently, governors and governors-general are very established official positions. In the late Ming Dynasty, due to various civil disturbances and other reasons, there were many more, and they almost became permanent institutions.

The reason why Li Tianchong sits at the head of Hu Zongxian is also very simple. Li Tianchong is the censor of Youqin Capital and the governor of Zhejiang; . However, although the power of the governor is greater than that of the inspector, in fact the governor has no direct jurisdiction over the inspector. Conversely, although the official position of the inspector is small, he has the power to impeach and correct the governor.

Among the military officers, there was also one who impressed Zhu Pingan deeply. He was a military general who sat on the lower head of Wei Guogong and the upper head of Linhuai Hou. He was about 40 or 50 years old, and he also had a standard Chinese character face, with a long back and a strong body. He is like a bear, and his military officer's uniform is bulging. This is a general. He sits between the thin Wei Guogong and the fat Linhuai Marquis, making the two pale in comparison.

   "Everyone, this is Zhu Pingan, the chief inspector of Zhejiang Province, and Master Zhu, who also knows the soldiers." Zhang Jing briefly introduced Zhu Pingan to everyone, and also gave Zhu Pingan a brief introduction to everyone present.

   Through Zhang Jing's introduction, Zhu Ping'an knew the identities of the two impressive officials. The civil servant is Li Tianchong, Mr. Li, and the military officer is Yu Dayou.

  Hearing Yu Dayou's name, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help being awed. Yu Dayou is as famous as Qi Jiguang in the fight against Japanese pirates. He has been fighting against Japanese pirates almost all his life, and he has achieved great military exploits. However, Yu Dayou’s fortune is not as good as Qi Jiguang’s. Although he has made great military achievements, he has a scapegoat physique. He is often impeached and dismissed from office, and even has been falsely led by others many times. It is also more awe-inspiring.

  The rest of the officials present included Shi Pengfei, the right servant of the Ministry of War, Duan Cong, the right servant of the household department, and several chief generals of the Beijing camp.

"Zhu Ping'an is the champion of Enke this year, and also the nephew of our Marquis of Linhuai. Not only is he outstanding in literature, as Mr. Zhang said, he is also a soldier who knows how to fight, and his martial arts skills are not inferior to his literary talent." Linhuai Marquis Xian and Rong Yan faced each other Several Beijing camp leaders next to them introduced in a low voice.

"Hehe, Lord Zhu also called me uncle. Speaking of Zihou's literary and military strategy, it is true. Some time ago, there was a mutiny in our battalion, and it was Zihou who helped our brothers to calm it down." Wei Guogong also came to intervene. Gangzi, added to the generals of the Beijing camp, don't let the Linhuai Hou specialize in the front.

   "It's unbelievable that such a young champion knows how to use martial arts in the army. He deserves to be the son-in-law of the Houfu."

"Lord Zhu really knows soldiers. Although I have never met Master Zhu, I have heard of Master Zhu's name for a long time. A few months ago, Jiangmen and Tie Jingang gang with tens of thousands of Japanese pirates drove more than 700 ships and invaded Taizhou. At that time, the seven counties under the jurisdiction of Taizhou Prefecture and the prefectural cities were all attacked by Japanese pirates. For a time, all five counties and counties were captured by Japanese pirates, and even the prefectural cities were once in danger. Mr. Zhu was the magistrate of Jingnan County at that time. With less than 100 government officials and soldiers, he fought against more than 3,000 people. The Japanese pirates who attacked the city not only successfully defended Jingnan County, but also captured the leader of the Japanese pirates, 824. Not only that, Mr. Zhu even recovered the neighboring county Taiping County, and the record caused a sensation in the entire Taizhou government. It is really admirable! Rushing to help Taizhou Fucheng, and having fought against these Japanese pirates, I know that it is not easy." Yu Dayou, who was sitting between Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai, nodded and said with emotion.

   "General Yu seldom praises others. It can be seen that the son-in-law of the Houfu Kuai is indeed a master of both literary and martial arts!"

  Hearing Yu Dayou's evaluation of Zhu Ping'an, the generals of the Beijing camp couldn't help but nodded.

   After Zhang Jing finished his introduction, he asked Zhu Pingan to take a seat at the lower head of the right servant of the Ministry of War and opposite Hu Zongxian.

  After Zhu Ping'an was seated, Zhang Jing asked, "Master Zhu, just now the disciples reported that you have an emergency military situation. I don't know what it is?"

  Everyone present also looked at Zhu Ping'an.

  Zhu Ping'an got up and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, after research by the officials, it is deduced that the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu are going to harass Yingtian."

   One word shocked the sky.

   "Huh?!" Everyone present looked at Zhu Ping'an in astonishment after hearing this, with wonderful expressions.

  Puff Chi...

  I don't know who couldn't help but took the lead in laughing, and then the room laughed endlessly.

  (end of this chapter)

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