Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1470: I have a military emergency, but no one believes me (Part 1)

  Chapter 1470 I have a military emergency, but unfortunately no one believes it (Part 1)

  After seeing the wolfish ambitions of the Shangyu Japanese pirates, Zhu Ping'an realized the seriousness of the problem, and without hesitation, clamped the horse's belly hard, brought the horse under him to the fastest speed, and hurried to Yingtian.

  The time spent on this journey was less than half of the usual time.

  Zhu Ping'an arrived in Yingtian, and continued to go to the Si Yamen, the procurator of the punishment and procuratorate without stopping, and trotted all the way to meet Zhang Nietai at the first time. Zhang Nietai is Zhu Ping'an's immediate superior, and Zhu Pingan must first report to Zhang Nietai both emotionally and rationally.

  When Zhu Ping'an hurried to Zhang Nietai's office room, the deputy envoy Bai Jinhu and his official Zhang Chufeng were also in the room.

   "Zihou, look at you sweating profusely and panting, but what happened to the 'Zhejiang Army'?!"

   Zhang Nietai saw Zhu Pingan panting and sweating profusely, and thought something happened to the barracks, so he hurriedly asked.

  The Zhejiang Army went into trouble? !

   Zhang Chufeng listened to Zhang Nietai's question, and then saw Zhu Pingan's hurried, sweaty, and panting appearance. He highly agreed with Zhang Nietai's guess in his heart, and the corners of his mouth could not help but bend an arc of gloating.

  The Zhe Army under Zhu Ping'an's practice has gone into chaos, hehe, it's going to be a little bit more obvious at noon today.

Zhu Ping'an was unlucky, so Zhang Chufeng couldn't help but feel good. Various reasons were complicated, not just because he lost a large sum of money to Zhu Pingan in two consecutive bets a few days ago, nor was it simply because he was jealous of Zhu Ping'an. Ping An won the first prize at a young age and became an official of the same rank as him. The more profound reason is that Zhang Chufeng is a member of the strict party, and he is worried about how to complete the tasks assigned to him by the superiors. Now it is all right. Zhu Ping'an's Zhejiang Army has eliminated the chaos, and the opportunity to clean up Zhu Ping'an has come.

   Be sure to tell the good internal news to the higher authorities. I believe that someone will impeach Zhu Pingan on this ground soon.

This kind of thing, at a small scale, is dereliction of duty, and at a big scale, it is a failure to take the tasks assigned by the Holy Majesty to heart. If you take the tasks assigned by the Holy Majesty to your heart, how can you cause chaos in the military camp? So, the military camp Chaos means that you did not take the mission of the Holy Majesty at ease, and you were disrespectful to the Holy Majesty.

  Shanggang and online such an impeachment is enough for Zhu Pingan to drink a pot.

  Hehe, Zhu Pingan offended Master Yan, and still wants to be better, go dreaming.

  Oh, by the way, Zhu Pingan also has his own credit for leading the group training. Now that his group training has gone wrong, he has reported it immediately.

  Jane is in Xiangye's mind, it's hard for him not to get promoted.

  As Zhang Chufeng thought about it, the corners of his mouth became more and more curved, and the smile on his face became more and more difficult to conceal.

   "No." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

What? ! no!

  When Zhang Chufeng heard this, the smile on his face withered before it bloomed, and disappointment and loss welled up in his heart.

  Since there is no trouble in the training of the Zhejiang Army, why are you panting like a sweaty cow in a hurry?

  Zhang Chufeng slandered with disappointment.

   "Then why are you in such a hurry, Master Zhu?" Zhang Nietai asked curiously.

   "My lord, I have a major military report!" Zhu Pingan cupped his hands with a serious face.

  What, a major military situation?

  Hearing the words, Zhang Nietai couldn't help leaning forward and asked, "Master Zhu, what important military situation do you have?"

Before Zhu Ping'an could speak, Zhang Chufeng on the side laughed disapprovingly, "Master Zhu, you are in the Peach Blossom Group training militia in the corner, what emergency military situation do you have? Is there a bandit near the Peach Blossom Group, or is there a The villagers are fighting for water and land? It’s nothing more than these sesame seeds, and it’s too much trouble for you to come here to report to the adults in Taiwan?!”

  Zhang Chufeng looked disapproving, feeling that Zhu Pingan made a fuss.

  After Zhang Nietai heard Zhang Chufeng's words, he couldn't help but looked at Zhu Ping'an in doubt, wondering if Zhu Ping'an, who was training in Taohuaji, could have any urgent military situation.

   "Master Zhang, Master Zhang, do you know the group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu?" Zhu Pingan asked in a deep voice.

"I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while. There have been more Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu recently. What happened to the pirates who landed in Shangyu?" Zhang Chufeng looked blank, and basically had no impression of the pirates who landed in Shangyu. I don't understand why Zhu Ping'an mentioned this group of Japanese pirates.

   "I've heard about this group of Japanese pirates. There are only a hundred or so of them. Since they landed in Shangyu, they have burned, killed and looted all the way. They have committed all kinds of crimes and destroyed several counties. They are really arrogant." Deputy envoy Bai Jinhu said softly.

Zhang Nietai nodded slowly, "I have been paying attention to this group of Japanese pirates. I have met Qian Lao Yushi who was killed on the way back to his hometown. Although there are only a few hundred people in this group of Japanese pirates, their combat power should not be underestimated." , Roaming around to commit crimes, attacking cities and pulling out strongholds, full of crimes. At present, this group of Japanese pirates is roaming around and committing crimes in Ningguo Mansion. Zihou mentioned this gang of Japanese pirates at this time, but is the important military situation related to this group of Japanese pirates?"

"Exactly." Zhu Pingan nodded, and said with a serious face, "My lord, I have carefully studied the marching route and style of this group of Japanese pirates, and I seriously suspect that this group of Japanese pirates will attack Yingtian City! It is better to prepare early , wipe out this group of arrogant and domineering Japanese pirates under the city of Yingtian!"


Hearing this, Zhang Chufeng spit out a mouthful of tea, shook his head and laughed, "What?! Zihou, did I hear you right? You said that the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu are going to harass Yingtian?! Don't be joking. , Japanese pirates with less than one hundred people dare to touch Yingtian City?! Hahaha, this is the best joke I have heard this year."

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu, is this what you call a major military situation?" Zhang Nietai couldn't help coughing after hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, and rubbed his forehead with his hand. Same. How could it be possible that there were less than a hundred Japanese pirates attacking Yingtian City! Even with such a small force, they came to attack Yingtian, did they come to commit suicide? !

"Zi Hou, I'm not talking about you. Your military intelligence is too unreliable. It's like a fantasy. Japanese pirates with less than a hundred people are harassing and accompanying the sky?! They grew up eating bears' hearts and leopards. Don’t dare to attack Yingtian Jucheng with less than a hundred troops. Even if their strength is ten times, or a hundred times more, it is impossible to capture Yingtian Jucheng, which is heavily guarded!” Deputy envoy Bai Jinhu shook his head and said .

  In his opinion, in fact, in the eyes of almost everyone, Yingtian City is the second largest city in the world that will never fall, and the largest city is Shuntian City. So I feel that Zhu Ping'an's military situation is too outrageous and unreliable.

   Among the three people present, none of them believed the important and urgent military situation that Zhu Pingan said.

  (end of this chapter)

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