Rise From the Humble

Chapter 146: Daming good voice

  Chapter 146 Daming's Good Voice

  The bright moon shines every night, and the morning and morning are worn by the white clouds.

  The banks of the Qinhuai River were full of traffic and bustle, and there were so many ambitious ambitions who were drunk and dreaming, and I didn't want to follow in their footsteps. Zhu Pingan shook his head and refused, and wanted to leave.


  Hearing Zhu Pingan's refusal without hesitation, the red-eyed girl who was originally shy, timid, and full of expectation suddenly sobbed, and tears flowed out.

   "What do you know, you don't know anything, do you know what kind of life we ​​live. We are not those popular people, we can only be manipulated by our mothers, sister Taohong was beaten half to death a few days ago."

"Do you know why more talented women are born in brothels? Those without talent like us were tossed to death early... Ordinary people's lack of talent is virtue, and those without talent like us are not far from death... "

"Beautiful, without talent, like eggs with seams, all kinds of flies and mosquitoes came, and they were tossed to death early; unattractive, without talent, it is even more sad, bad old man, widow, widow, sick man An ugly man has no way out..."

   "A talented and famous person can be his own master and have a good death."

   "Sister Taohong is freed, and we are about to suffer. Those widows, widows, sick men, and ugly men have all paid money with their mothers. They can't escape the first day of the junior high school, and they can't escape the fifteenth day..."

"You think why do we have the courage to look for you? Who knows if you are really talented or an embroidered pillow? Who knows if you are good or bad. We have no other scholars who are famous and unknown, but just as a life-saving straw…"

  The red-eyed girl was full of resentment, talking hysterically, and crying tears all over her face.

"Good sister, don't cry. Since the young master doesn't want to, let's go back. It's late, and mother should seize the opportunity to have a fit..." The older girl gave Zhu Pingan a resentful look, then lowered her head to comfort the red-eyed girl .

  If everyone in the world is like this young man, my sisters don't have to worry about their beauty.

  I was always too soft-hearted, Zhu Ping'an laughed at himself.

   "Do you have a pen and ink?" Zhu Pingan asked with a sigh.

  Hearing this, the red-eyed girl raised her head in disbelief, and joy appeared on her tear-filled face; the older girl also looked at Zhu Pingan with bright eyes.

  Although I don't know how good this boy is, at least there is hope.

   "Yes, yes, we are hiding under the bridge." The seventeen or eighteen girls nodded hurriedly.


   She really came prepared, even if there was no misunderstanding in the morning, this girl would probably try to find herself in a different way.

   Actually, I can’t blame her, it’s just a way of survival.

   "Then let's go." Zhu Pingan said lightly.

  The two girls walked faster than Zhu Ping'an, and trotted all the way to the bridge with their skirts in their hands. By the time Zhu Pingan walked over, they had already placed pens, inks, papers and inkstones on a boulder.

   "Our sisters were rude just now, please forgive me." When the seventeen-eighth girl handed Zhu Pingan the brush, she apologized repeatedly.

   "Fortunately, it's me, if someone else..." Zhu Pingan took the brush and said casually.

   "It's because of you, son, that we dared to do that. If it were someone else, we wouldn't dare even if we were given ten courage..." The seventeen-eighth girl was very sincere.


  Zhu Ping'an was a little speechless.

   "What poem do you want to write, my lord?" The red-eyed girl saw that Zhu Ping'an seemed to have swallowed a fly, and hurriedly changed the topic.

   "Who said he was going to write poetry." Zhu Pingan shrugged.

  Hearing this, the red-eyed girl's face became angry and her chest heaved, "You, are you kidding us?"

   "I don't write poetry, and I didn't say I wouldn't write anything else." Zhu Pingan said lightly.

  Hearing this, the red-eyed girl put away the anger and anger on her face, and smiled through her tears, "Then you are writing lyrics, and poetry is more suitable for us. The oiran in our building is famous for his words."

   "Who said it was time to write lyrics." Zhu Pingan shrugged again.

   Then, the red-eyed girl burst into tears again, "Are you kidding us?!"

"Can you wait for me to finish speaking?" Zhu Pingan said lightly, "I don't write poems or lyrics, I'll write the first one for you. Well, songs, isn't it a strange word, actually a little It’s not surprising, poetry and music are called poems, and ci also has lyric cards, which are the tunes of ci, and ci was originally sung to accompany the melody, so you probably also sang poetry if you want it, well, you probably need you when you choose oiran Go on stage and sing, or dance, or get an instrument or something. The song I wrote is for singing, and only for singing.”

"When you choose the oiran, you must invite some scholars and poets to judge. Well, this song should be very suitable for you to sing. I guess those scholars will like to listen to it very much. After that, there should be many scholars who are willing to write poems for you. gone."

  Zhu Pingan held the brush in his hand, dipped it in the ink, and began to write:

  I am a fox who has been in love for a thousand years, and I have been in love for a thousand years and have been alone for a thousand years; in the long night, you know who makes up my red makeup, and in the world of mortals, you know who combs my hair.

  I am a fox who has been waiting for a thousand years, waiting for a thousand years and being helpless. See me dancing for you with beauty when I am in love, and listen to me singing for you when I am in pain.

  Han Chuang studied hard, you and I swore to each other, engraved in my heart

  Jinbang Anniversary is a long way to go, with different roads and different paths.

  Can you let me cry for love, I am still the white fox who loved you thousands of years ago, how many springs and springs come and go, day and night, life after life is your fox.


Although the two girls are not talented enough, they have also practiced hard. Seeing Zhu Pingan's straightforward but heartfelt words, their eyes widened in surprise. The voice was in a trance, as if the heart had opened up a little more.

  In a trance, it seemed that Han Chuang, that scholar, and that beautiful fox demon suddenly performed a poignant love in front of her.

   so poignant

make me cry

  When Zhu Ping'an finished writing, the two girls were already in tears.

"Well, it's better to learn a few more dance moves. You can dance one and sing, or dance and sing at the same time. If you want to accompany music, Guqin and Guzheng can almost create the atmosphere. I don't understand that, you guys Look at it. The tune is almost like this." Zhu Pingan said, trying to sing a few lines with the modern Chen Rui singing method, but found that he couldn't control it at all. It's over.

"I am a fox who has practiced for thousands of years..." The older girl only heard Zhu Ping'an sing a few lines, then she sang the white fox following the tune that Zhu Ping'an just sang. Not too much, and the difference is even better than the original singing.

   "Oh, yes, that's it." Zhu Ping'an nodded in satisfaction.

"Forget it, I'll give you one more song. Those literati should also appreciate it very much." Zhu Pingan thought for a while, and then wrote another song, singing, drafting, etc. How could his song be missing? Well, such an antique Chinese style should not make people feel awkward in this era, and the girls also have a special feeling when singing, and Sister Ying sings very emotionally. Selecting the oiran in Daming is almost the same as the modern draft.

   "Blue and White Porcelain"

  The plain embryo outlines the blue and white strokes from thick to light

  The peony depicted on the bottle is just like your first makeup

  Ran Ran sandalwood through the window I know what's on my mind

  The pen on the rice paper is halfway here

  Glaze color renders the charm of a lady's picture and is hidden

   And your sweet smile is like a bud

  Your beauty drifts away

  Go where I can't go

  Azure is waiting for misty rain and I am waiting for you

  Cooking smoke curls up thousands of miles across the river

  The book engraved on the bottom of the bottle imitates the elegance of the previous dynasty

   Just think of me as a foreshadowing for meeting you


   After finishing writing, Zhu Pingan hummed a few lines casually, but found that he still couldn't sing, because he had no musical talent.

   "It's almost like this, you can watch and sing." Zhu Pingan put down the brush and smiled self-deprecatingly.

  The two girls, especially the 17-18 girl looked at the new song "Blue and White Porcelain" written by Zhu Ping'an, and after listening to a few lines, they became even more excited.

  After finishing the blue and white porcelain, Zhu Pingan put down the brush in his hand and blew on the ink slightly.

   "You can do it for yourself." Zhu Pingan waved his hand casually and left.

  Flick off the clothes after the matter, and hide the merit and fame deeply.

   "Sir, walk slowly, dare to ask what your name is?" the girl asked loudly behind her.

   "My surname is Zhou, my first name is Jielun, and my style name is Gongju."

  Zhu Ping'an paused slightly, then continued to walk forward, without asking any questions, and replied with an evil taste.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for your great kindness, the little girl never forgets."

  The voices of the two women came from behind...

  (end of this chapter)

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