Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1451: The pirates crossing the river, the censor returning home

  Chapter 1451 The pirate who crossed the river, the censor who returned home

The battle against the Japanese in Funing town became a joke. Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu assembled more than 2,000 soldiers and horses, plus more than 800 reinforcements later, and the cumulative number of troops invested reached 3,000, while the Japanese pirates only had one One hundred and fifty people, typically with more attacks than few, but the result is shocking: none of the Japanese pirates was injured, only a dozen people were slightly injured, while the Ming army alone had 644 people killed in battle, and the minor injuries were even more serious. It is uncountable! Liu Zhifu, the chief commander of the Ming army, vomited blood and fainted, and Xu Qianhu, the second commander, was still in shock.

   Naoshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanlang led the Japanese pirates to crush the Ming army outside the East Wall with ease, killed a Ming army with **** titles, cried for their father and mother, and then crossed the Qishui River on a raft with arrogance and laughter.

Watching the Japanese pirates cross the river east, the surviving more than a thousand Ming soldiers, especially the Ming army who had faced the Japanese pirates directly, such as the Ming army surviving outside the east wall, wished to beat the gongs and drums to send the Japanese pirates off. Watching the Japanese pirates disappear on the other side, the Ming army seemed It was like sending away the **** of plague, and there was a feeling in my heart that I had survived the catastrophe, escaped from the sky, and recovered my life.

  Thank God, these Japanese pirates who kill people without blinking an eye and kill people like slaughtering chickens are finally gone!

   We are saved!

  Ming army tears

  The night was pitch black, and you couldn’t see your fingers. After Naoshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanlang led the Japanese pirates across the Qishui River, they disappeared from the sight of the Ming army.

  Liu Zhifu vomited blood and fainted, and the command of the Ming army fell into the hands of Xu Qianhu. Xu Qianhu was still in shock, deeply afraid of the lethality of the Japanese pirates, and did not dare to order the Ming army to cross the river to hunt down the Japanese pirates.

"On the other side of the Qishui River, there are both official roads and country trails, as well as woods, low mountains and remnant hills. The terrain is extremely complicated. It is late at night, and it is difficult to detect traces. It is difficult to trace the whereabouts of the Japanese pirates. If you are unprepared , and it is easy to be taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates, it is better to send heavy troops to pursue the Japanese pirates after dawn tomorrow."

  Xu Qianhu found a high-sounding reason to order the Ming army to rest in place and cross the river tomorrow morning to hunt down the Japanese pirates.

   "My lord is wise!"

  All the generals breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and praised Xu Qianhu for his wisdom. They were also frightened by the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates were so cruel. In today's battle, one hundred households died, three general banners died, and eight small banners died! They were afraid that it would be their turn next, and they were all relieved to hear that Xu Qianhu had ordered him to stand still and pursue the Japanese pirates tomorrow.

The Japanese pirates came all the way to plunder wealth. This Funing has been robbed once, and there is no property left. The Japanese pirates crossed the river and will definitely not come back. This night must be safe, and the Japanese pirates will leave long ago. If they are far away, they will definitely not be able to catch up. Of course, even if they can catch up with the Japanese pirates, they "will" not be able to catch up.

  Therefore, all the generals wished to raise 10,000 hands to enthusiastically support Xu Qianhu's wise decision.

  When all the Ming troops received the order from above to rest tonight and hunt down the Japanese pirates tomorrow morning, they all raised 10,000 hands in favor.

To the east of the Qishui River is a wilderness, and half a mile ahead is an official road, which leads directly to Hangzhou Mansion in the north, and there are several rural roads connected to the official road, leading to nearby villages and towns, and there is a dense forest not far away , and there are low mountains and low hills, and countless villages are scattered on the edge of dense forests and low mountains and low hills.

  Whether dense forests or low mountains and low hills, it is suitable for hiding. Once you enter it, it is difficult to find traces and whereabouts.

  If Japanese pirates hide in dense forests or low mountains and low hills, it is really like a fish entering the sea, and it is difficult to find traces.

  However, the Japanese pirates did not choose to hide in dense forests or low mountains and low hills, but swaggered onto the official road.

   "Are you sure this official road leads directly to Hangzhou?" Matsuura Sanbanlang confirmed to the Japanese pirates who had followed Xu Hai.

   "Yes. When I landed with Xu Hai in Shangyu to plunder Daming, Xu Hai pointed out this official road." The pirate confirmed.

   "Yaoxi!" Sanbanlang Matsuura nodded in satisfaction, turned around and suggested to Naoshima Naonan, "General Zhinan, how about we rush on the road at night, enter Hangzhou and find a secluded village to rest?!"

   "As seen by San Fanlang! I can't wait to see the prosperous Suhu area of ​​Ming Dynasty!"

  Nabeshima Naoo licked the Ming army's blood stained on his face, smiled and nodded.

  Suddenly, a group of Japanese pirates swaggered north along the official road, aiming at Hangzhou Mansion.

  At this moment, about ten miles north of the official road, there is also a mighty group of people holding torches on their way.

   This is Qian Jing, a retired senior censor, and his party who have returned to their hometown with honor.

  Qian Jing retired from the position of supervisory censor, a seventh-rank official, and an old colleague of Hu Zongxian.

  Qian Jing's hometown is from Qiaotoubao Town, Shaoxing Prefecture. It is located next to Shangyu County, just five miles north of Shangyu. Old Censor Qian is sixty this year, and he is a representative of late bloomers. He won the imperial examinations when he was forty-nine, and was admitted as a Jinshi when he was fifty-three. He was appointed a magistrate of a local county. A career path. However, after all, Qian Jing was getting old, and he reached the retirement age before he was promoted from Yushi Gao, and his official career was fixed on the seventh-rank supervisory censor.

  Of course, he is also considered lucky. Although the supervisory censor is only a seventh-rank official, his position is high and powerful, and he is an existence that cannot be ignored in the officialdom. Therefore, in his position as a supervisory censor, he can be regarded as a glorious one, and he has lived up to his decades of hard study. When he left home to take up the post, he was alone. There are sixty or seventy people, gardeners, servants, cooks, and servants.

Of course, his line of business is vast, not only his wives, concubines, children, family servants, etc., but also 50 escorts sent by local officials who left office, and more than 80 escorts sent by officials along the way. Passing through Yingtian, when his colleague Hu Zongxian heard about it, he not only warmly entertained Qian Lao Yushi, but in view of the recent frequent Japanese pirate raids in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, for Qian Lao Yushi's safety, regardless of Qian Lao Yushi's refusal, he insisted on sending A hundred soldiers escorted Qian Lao Yushi, and when he left, he also told Qian Lao Yushi to travel during the day and not at night.

  Cough cough, it’s not about safety and grandeur, it’s because Hu Zongxian’s enthusiasm is hard to get rid of, so Lao Yushi Qian had no choice but to accept Hu Zongxian’s kindness.

  Old censor Qian rides in a sedan chair, carrying his beautiful wife and concubines, children around his knees, a group of servants, one hundred and thirteen escorts, and one hundred soldiers.

  Homecoming, that's all!

For Hu Zongxian's advice, Qian Lao Yushi adopted it all the way. After all, he was old and the officials along the way were enthusiastic. Qian Lao Yushi always traveled during the day and rested at night to recharge his batteries. The censor is eager to return home, and if he walks all night today, he will be able to reach his hometown in about two o'clock.

  So, Qian Lao Yushi, who couldn't wait to go home, walked all night on this last day.

  (end of this chapter)

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