Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1449: twists and turns

  Chapter 1449 Twists and turns

Return? !

  The Japanese pirates actually retreated? !

Won? !

  We actually won? !

  The Ming army on the verge of collapse seemed to have won a billion-dollar lottery. It was unbelievable at first, and then ecstatic.

  Although it’s unbelievable, it’s unbelievable, but it’s the truth. After a fierce battle, the fierce and messy Japanese pirates were beaten away by them, and they retreated back into the courtyard!

  Think about it, we have many people, and there are few Japanese pirates. It is normal for this situation to happen! This is the advantage of a large number of people!

   As a result, the collapsed morale of the Ming army gathered again and rose!

   "Take advantage of the victory to chase after the tail! Don't let the Japanese pirates close the door! Chase into the courtyard and wipe out the Japanese pirates!"

  Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu lost no time in commanding the Ming army to chase down the "escaping" Japanese pirates, and promised a big reward!

  Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man!


   "Kill Japanese pirates, receive silver rewards!"

   Stimulated by the command of Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu and the rewards, the Ming army launched an assault on the courtyard!

  The Japanese pirates retreated into the courtyard, but before the gate could be closed, the Ming army and the Japanese pirates were only a few meters away. With such a short distance, when the last Japanese pirate retreated into the courtyard, the Japanese pirates had no time to close the gate.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu couldn't help but look excited again, and a smile appeared at the corner of their mouths. Although the start was not smooth and the Japanese pirates were fierce and cruel beyond imagination, the ending was still within expectation; although the loss was a bit bigger and the credit was discounted a little, the credit was still credit.

   Sure enough, the last Japanese pirate retreated into the courtyard. The Japanese pirates had no time to close the gate, and the Ming army was less than three meters away from the gate!

   Enter the courtyard with one sprint!

   Seeing this scene, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu's eyes became more excited, and the arc of the corners of their mouths became wider.

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

   "Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

  The sound of musket guns and the sound of bows and arrows piercing the air sounded when the first Ming army was about to rush into the courtyard occupied by Japanese pirates.

   "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

  After the gunshots and feather arrows sounded, the Ming army rushing to the front immediately uttered screams, and fell to the ground dead after being shot and arrowed!

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

   "Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

  The gunshots continue, the feather arrows continue!

   There are no false shots! Arrows never fail! Every bullet and every feathered arrow fired by the Japanese pirates accurately hit a Ming soldier.

  The dozens of Ming soldiers in the front seemed to have been mowed, and they fell to the ground one by one. In an instant, dozens of corpses of Ming soldiers lay down at the gate of the courtyard occupied by Japanese pirates! Rivers of blood flowed in front of the door!

With these dozens of vivid examples in front, the Ming army behind immediately moved in unison, stopped, turned around, and ran back, faster than when they came. At this moment, they wished their parents would give them another life. One foot, so you can run faster!

  The smiles on Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu's faces have long since withered! The excitement in the eyes has already turned into a shock!

  The Japanese pirate Tai Nima is cruel! Not to mention the Ming army running back, there are still some Ming soldiers who want to continue running and leave the battlefield as deserters!

   "Xu Qianhu! Quick! Kill the deserters! Before the situation gets out of control!" Liu Zhifu hurriedly shouted.

Under Liu Zhifu's reminder, Xu Qianhu immediately reacted. He urged his horse, held up his spear, and chased after the nearest deserter. He pierced his body with one shot, and then bent his bow and shot at the fastest deserter. The shot went over, uh, missed, Xu Qianhu blushed slightly, and pulled out another feathered arrow and shot it out. Fortunately, the distance from the deserters was not too far, and this time it hit the target! The deserter was shot to the ground by an arrow!

   "Stop all of them! Whoever dares to escape, this is what will happen to you!"

  Xu Qianhu took the reins of the horse, lay on the spot, raised his **** spear, and shouted loudly at the Ming army who was running back with a grunt!

  There are two unlucky guys as examples. Under the threat of Xu Qianhu, the fleeing Ming army finally stopped.

"The Japanese pirates only have more than a hundred people, and we have more than a thousand people! The Japanese pirates have come from afar and have no food supplies, but we can get troops, food and grass supplies at any time. We can't kill them in the field, but we can trap them to death!" Liu Zhifu said loudly, "Whatever you run, keep at it, the final victory will definitely belong to us!"

   "Steady, the archers step forward, the shield hands cover, and surround the courtyard!" Xu Qianhu followed suit.

   No field battle! Just surround the siege courtyard, that's okay! The Ming army heard that there was no need to fight in the field, as long as they just surrounded the courtyard, they breathed a sigh of relief, and surrounded the courtyard layer by layer under the command of Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu.

  Then, after discussing with Xu Qianhu, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu sent ten people each, ordering them to go back to call for reinforcements, and at the same time order the reinforcements to bring more bows and arrows.

   "Oh, by the way, Xu Qianhu, don't you have two cannons in your guard, let someone pull them over and bombard the Japanese pirates!"

  Liu Zhifu thought of the artillery in the guard, and hurriedly said to Xu Qianhu.

If the artillery is brought over and aimed at the courtyard occupied by the Japanese pirates, a few shots down will surely kill many Japanese pirates, greatly lower the morale of the Japanese pirates, and also greatly increase the morale of our army. After the bombardment, the remaining Japanese pirates will not be enough Considered.

   "Ahem, Prefect Liu, the artillery is heavy and the journey is long, and it has to pass through several rivers, so it is difficult to carry it. It may be late at night when the artillery is transported here." Xu Qianhu coughed.

   "It's okay in the middle of the night! It's evening when the reinforcements arrive, and I planned to attack the Japanese pirates with rockets late at night! When your artillery arrives, first fire two cannons, and then fire the rockets. It will surely make a difference!"

   Liu Zhifu stroked his beard.

"Ahem, Magistrate Liu, let's be honest, the two cannons in my guard are old antiques for decades, they have long been in disrepair and are no longer usable." Xu Qianhu coughed, his face flushed slightly Honestly.

In fact, Xu Qianhu has not told the truth yet. The two cannons in their guard are not in disrepair for a long time. On the contrary, they are actually well maintained. It was sold privately at a high price, but it was reported as a disrepair and abandoned.

  As for who to sell to, to be honest, Xu Qianhu doesn’t know, and he doesn’t care, he just cares about the price and getting the money. As long as the money is in place, it doesn't matter who the buyer is.

   "Uh, well, let's use rockets to attack the Japanese pirates in the courtyard late at night after the reinforcements arrive." Liu Zhifu said regretfully.

   "Prefect Liu has a good plan! The Japanese pirates occupied the wooden building. When it was late at night, the Japanese pirates relaxed their vigilance and shot them with rockets. If they couldn't shoot them, they could burn the Japanese pirates to death!" Xu Qianhu nodded, praising Liu Zhifu.

   "The Japanese pirates are nothing more than the bravery of ordinary people! It is not appropriate to take them by force, but to take them out of their wits." Liu Zhifu smiled slightly.

  So, Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu confidently waited for the reinforcements to arrive, waiting for the night to come!

  (end of this chapter)

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