Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1440: Peaceful military training, Zong Xian hit a wall

  Chapter 1440 Peaceful military training, Zong Xian hit a wall

  Today is the tenth day of the formation of the Zhejiang Army. The soldiers of the Zhejiang Army were born bandits and bandits. They are used to being free and undisciplined. Nine days of high-intensity training made them exhausted physically and mentally. Every cell in the Zhejiang Army was instinctively protesting.

  However, they wanted to protest but were powerless. In reality, they could only lie down and accept the ravages of training.

Because Zhu Pingan tailored a training package for them on the fifth day: queue training, all soldiers who made a wrong turn or went wrong will be punished three times with the rod, and they will not be allowed to rest after the rod punishment, but must continue to train; In boxing, kick and weapon training, all soldiers who make mistakes in their movements will also be punished three times with a stick, and then continue to train, and every day, Zhu Pingan will make all the corps leaders draw lots, and the two teams will practice in actual combat. The victorious team will eat first. The defeated Yiwu not only had to eat, but also washed the clothes for the winning Yiwu for a day.

  In addition to training in formation, fists, kicks, and weapons, Zhu Pingan also added training in "Ordering the Golden Drum and Banner". In ancient times, unlike modern times, there were no instant communication tools such as radios and telephones. It was difficult for the army to follow the command and fight. People on the battlefield screamed and screamed, and the voice was noisy. To command, in simple terms, is to beat the drums to march forward, ring the gold to withdraw the troops, and march the flag. In addition to the handsome flag, Zhu Pingan also set up five-party five-color flags according to the overall situation of the Ming army, that is, the red flag in the front, the black flag in the back, the cyan flag on the left, the white flag on the right, and the yellow flag in the middle, representing the front army and the rear. Army, Left Army, Right Army and Central Army, holding the red flag is to order the front army to obey orders, raising the black flag is to order the rear army to obey orders, and raising the green flag is to order the left army to obey orders, and so on. Waving the flag continuously means urging the soldiers to get ready. Waving the flag forward means making the soldiers advance; waving the flag to the left means making the soldiers turn left; waving the flag to the right means making the soldiers turn right; turning the flag once Waving backwards in a circle is to make the soldiers retreat.

  Like training in formation, punching, kicking, and blade training, if you make a mistake in the training of ordering the golden drum and banner, you will be punished, and you will be punished three times with the stick

  So much so that the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army often laughed at themselves when they were not training. They ate the most "bamboo rice".

  Zhu Pingan tailored a training package for the Zhejiang Army, which made it impossible for the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army to play their free and undisciplined attributes.

  Of course, Zhu Ping’an also knows the principle of combining work and rest and relaxation. He gives them time to rest, conducts ideological education and military song training during the rest time, and at the same time ensures that their meals are constantly meat and vegetables.

  The military law is very strict, the training is very hard, the board is very painful, the food is very delicious, the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army are suffering and persist

  When Zhu Pingan was training the Zhejiang Army intensively, Hu Zongxian, who was full of ambitions, faced the reality again and again and was beaten to death.

Hu Zongxian is a laborer with great ambitions. When he left Beijing to serve as the inspector and supervisory censor of Zhejiang, he made a great wish: "I will go to Zhejiang, and I will not fight the Japanese pirates. If I don't settle in the southeast, I will never return to Beijing!" Jiangsu and Zhejiang, in the southeast, took the Japanese invasion as an opportunity to write a glorious chapter in his life.

   To fight the Japanese pirates and settle the southeast, the military strategy is the top priority.

  So, as soon as Hu Zongxian took office as the inspection and supervision censor in Zhejiang, he began to patrol the military camps and guards within his jurisdiction non-stop.

   I don’t know if I don’t check, I’m startled when I check. Not to mention the local barracks guards, even Yingtian and the nearby barracks guards made Hu Zongxian speechless to the extreme! Before coming to Yingtian, Hu Zongxian did his homework, looked through the archives of Yingtian and Jiangsu and Zhejiang military equipment, and got a written understanding of Yingtian and Jiangsu and Zhejiang military equipment. According to the records in the archives, Ying Tian had 120,000 soldiers capable of fighting, but the reality gave Hu Zongxian slaps one after another.

   Hu Zongxian’s first stop was the University Camp. According to archives, the University Camp had 30,000 soldiers ready to fight. The data also records that the big colonel is well-trained and has a strong military force, and he is a model army for Yingtian to imitate.

   But, reality.

  Hu Zongxian came to the University Camp and found that the gatekeepers in the University Camp were loose and loose. Two of the ten gatekeepers were old, weak, sick and disabled, and even one of them was a gray-haired veteran with a cane

   "Old man, why are you still a soldier at your age?" Hu Zongxian asked.

   "Hey, there is no land at home, no harvest, and I have to pay for food. My son has to carry on the wharf to survive. I will serve as a soldier for my son." Hearing this, the gray-haired veteran replied with a sigh.

  After hearing the words, Hu Zongxian remained silent for a long time.

After Hu Zongxian stepped into the camp of the big colonel, he found that the phenomenon of the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled in the camp was even more serious. He caught a large number and observed with the naked eye, reaching more than half of the entire army. In addition, there were many people who did not practice weapons. At first glance, he came to the military camp to dawdle.

  The whole military camp is full of a casual atmosphere, sunbathing, chatting, fighting, and gambling. All kinds of leisure and entertainment can be seen in the military camp, but the training scene cannot be seen.

  Hu Zongxian's face was gloomy, and he asked the colonel and general to beat the drums and gather the soldiers. It took a full half an hour to gather the soldiers in the camp.

Hu Zongxian led people to check and found that the number of soldiers and horses in the camp of the University was seriously inaccurate. Compared with the number of people they reported on paper, it was seriously insufficient. There were only eleven soldiers, nearly 80% less than the number they reported.

  Reported 30,000 people, but the actual number is only 6,891 people, with a deficit of more than 23,000 and an empty salary of more than 23,000.

   Really unscrupulous!

The dignified Beijing camp has become such a situation, the soldiers have no combat power, and the generals have no scruples. Hu Zongxian was heartbroken and laughed back in anger, "Hehe, the big colonel's camp is also the Beijing camp, the Beijing camp, I didn't expect it, I never expected it, old and childish Tiredness is the sixth, and bare-handed exercise is the second. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Peace will last forever, and there is nothing to fear."

   "Hehe, Mr. Hu, some soldiers have asked for leave, so they are not in the camp. Please forgive me."

  The captain of the colonel, Mr. Zhang, stepped forward with a smile, explained in a low voice, and slipped a silver ticket to Hu Zongxian without any trace.

  Hu Zongxian rejected the bank note, looked at the general with no expression on his face, and twitched his lips, "Master Zhang, have all the more than 20,000 soldiers asked for leave?! Such a coincidence?!"

  Master Zhang smiled awkwardly and said in a low voice, "It's not a coincidence."

  Hu Zongxian's expression suddenly became gloomy.

   "Hehe, Mr. Hu, please calm down. To be honest, this is not only the case in our barracks, but also in other armies."

  Master Zhang laughed dryly and explained.

   "Nowadays, the Japanese plague is getting worse. How can we resist the Japanese?!" Hu Zongxian asked with a sneer.

   "Since the Battle of Jingnan, our Yingtian City has not been invaded for more than a hundred years. The Japanese pirates are just wreaking havoc in the countryside. Even if they eat bears' hearts and leopards, they dare not come to our Yingtian City."

  Master Zhang, the captain of the colonel, said without worry.

  (end of this chapter)

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