Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1438: Extreme joy begets sorrow

  Chapter 1438 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness

  Witch girl Ruoan's mind was muddled, and she was willing to admit defeat, so she could only watch Zhu Pingan lead the surveillance battalion to the gate of the camp.

  At the gate of the camp, five gatekeepers including Erdan and Datou are guarding the gate. Today it is their turn to guard the gate. The five guards including Erdan and Datou are responsible for guarding the gate, and the other five are patrolling along the camp walls.

   Erdan, Datou and other six people were divided into two rows, with three people in one row standing on the left and right sides of the gate.

   "Hey, Liu Zi, Heijiao, let me tell you why you let them in. The one who went in just now is the young village master of our cottage, that is, the daughter of our battalion commander."

   Erdan held a spear in one hand and put one hand on his waist, turned his head and said to the two people next to him with a triumphant smile.

   "No wonder you want to open the door, it turns out to be the **** of your cottage." Liu Zi and Black Horn suddenly realized.

In ancient times, bandits and bandits were all men, and there were almost no female bandits. The women in the cottage were all robbed to suppress the stronghold, but the demon girl Ruonan was an exception. She was almost the only female bandit in Dayu Mountain, and she was extremely skilled. Most bandits and bandits are powerful, especially the one-handed flying knife is the best in Dahou Mountain, so she is well-known in Dahou Mountain, and the nearby cottages have been famous for a long time. Some thieves have heard their name for a long time and have evil intentions, but all those who try are rebuffed, and some unlucky ones even lost their names, so the nearby villages all call the witch Ruonan a "Hanyasha" behind their backs.

"When the **** enters the camp, she will definitely find Battalion Commander Ruo. If the battalion commander hears that we opened the door to let the **** in, he will definitely remember us. I will definitely not be left behind." The sixth son rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

   "Oh, by the way, where is the shorter one?! Who is she?" Black Horn asked curiously.

   "Who is she, hehe, she has a bigger background, you should ask Lu Dalang about this, he knows best."

   Erdan smiled, and pouted at Lu Dalang who was opposite him.

   "Lu Dalang, who is that shorter girl?" Black Horn asked curiously opposite Lu Dalang.

   "Who is it?!" Lu Dalang smiled while holding a spear in his hand, "I tell you, I'm sure I'll scare you to death."

   "Scared me to death?! Then how old is she?!" Heijiao's eyes widened when he heard this, and he became even more curious.

   "The background is beyond your imagination." Lu Dalang laughed.

   "Which other magistrate's family's daughter can be the daughter?!" Black Horn blurted out.

   "Hehe, the magistrate's daughter is not worthy of carrying her shoes." Lu Dalang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

  When Heijiao and Liuzi heard this, their eyes almost popped out.

   "Okay, Lu Dalang, you can tell them." The big head said with a smile, "They can't figure it out even if they want to break their heads."

"Okay." Lu Dalang nodded with a smile, and revealed the mystery in the curious eyes of Heijiao, Liuzi and the others, "I tell you, just have fun in your heart, the one who is shorter is our general Master Zhu little wife."

"Ah? Our general's little wife!" Black Horn and the boss of Liuzi, with their mouths open, were stunned for two seconds, then overjoyed, "East wind, north wind, south wind and west wind are not as good as the wind at your pillow. Fortunately, you know Lu Dalang. Let's open the door and invite the general." If your little wife goes in, she will definitely miss us, and we can walk sideways in the barracks in the future."

   "Hey, now you know why we rushed forward to open the door as soon as we saw them!"

   Erdan and the others laughed triumphantly.

   "Thank you for knowing the hag and the little madam, otherwise these two great gods would come to the gate of the camp, and we would have offended them." Black Horn and Liu Zi couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

   "Hey, it's good that you know." Erdan and the others laughed triumphantly.

Just when Erdan and Heijiao were chatting enthusiastically, Zhu Pingan led Liu Mu and a group of people from the surveillance camp to come over. Just noticed.

   "Did you see, our general came here with the little lady, the hag, and they must be rewarding us with winks." Seeing this, Er Dan, Da Tou, and Black Horn couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts.

   Looking forward, looking forward to, Zhu Ping'an and his party are here.

Huh? !

  Why does our general look so serious? ! Why are the Shaozhai Master and the little madam so uneasy? !

   Erdan, Datou, and the others saw the expressions of Zhu Pingan and the others clearly, and they couldn't help feeling a sense of ominous foreboding in their hearts.

   Sure enough, the next second, Zhu Pingan came and said, "Where is the surveillance camp? I will take down the guard on duty who violated military regulations and disciplines and let outsiders enter the camp!", confirming their ominous premonition.

  Zhu Ping'an ordered the entire battalion to gather at the gate of the camp, and in front of everyone, deal with Erdan and Datou under military law.

"The state has state laws, the family has family rules, and the military camp has military regulations! What military regulations?! Military regulations are the lifeblood of the military! There is no rule without rules. It is not difficult to make laws in the affairs of the world, but it is difficult to enforce the law! Orders and prohibitions, this is my responsibility. The most basic requirements of the Zhejiang Army! The military regulations of our Zhejiang Army clearly stipulate that those who do not have a waist badge and arrows, and who cannot answer the command are prohibited from entering the camp; outsiders who visit the military camp must be approved by layers of reports before they can enter the camp, otherwise they are strictly prohibited from entering the camp Anyone who dares to violate it will be dealt with by military law! No matter who it is, even if it is the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, as long as he does not have a waist card and arrows, cannot answer the password, and has not obtained permission through layers of reports, he will not be allowed to enter the barracks. Whoever dares to enter the camp will be punished by military law! No matter who it is, no matter what meritorious service it has, even if it is a general, whoever violates the military regulations for the first time will be punished with a stick of one hundred! The second violation of the military regulations , beheaded for public display!"

  Zhu Pingan stood in front of all the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, emphasizing once again the importance of military regulations and discipline.

Then, Zhu Ping announced the punishment to Erdan and the others, "Ge Erdan, Zhang Datou, Lu Dalang, Liu Heijiao, Wang Xiaoliu, and Xie Chang, you six allowed outsiders to enter the camp without authorization, which violated military regulations and discipline. Are you The first time you violated the military regulations, according to the military law of our Zhejiang Army, you would have been sentenced to a hundred sticks!"

   "My lord, please forgive me, we will never dare again."

   "My lord, they are the head of the Shaozhai and your little wife."

  Ge Erdan and the six of them kept begging for mercy.

  "My lord, we know that military law is ruthless, but we only think that they are first-time offenders. Please forgive them this time. After this hundred sticks, they will peel off their skin even if they don't die. How will they train in the future? Please be merciful, sir."

  Some were originally from Ge Erdan’s cottage, and some were from Ge Erdan’s group, and some of them pleaded with Ge Erdan and them.

   "The general said, as long as it is not our Zhejiang army soldiers, and has not been approved at all levels, even the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will not be allowed to enter the barracks!" Zhu Pingan looked at Ge Erdan and others with burning eyes.

   "Surveillance battalion, execution!"

   After finishing his speech, Zhu Pingan waved and ordered the surveillance battalion to enforce the military law.

  Liu Mu strictly followed Zhu Ping'an's order, leading men to knock Ge Erdan and six others to the ground, and executed them with sticks.

  (end of this chapter)

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