Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1432: stabbing

  Chapter 1432 Thorns

"I am a soldier, I come from the common people, and I am honored by the emperor's kindness." When the Taohuaji army song was loud, in the far east, on the other side of the sea, the house of Matsuura, the famous Hirado daimyo of the country of Japan, was decorated with lights and festoons. There are ten arenas, and on each arena, there are two short, naked warriors fighting with Japanese swords, and the bright red blood on the arena is flowing down the arena.

  A viewing platform was also set up in the school grounds, and the governor of the Matsuura family knelt on the second seat, pouring tea and wine attentively to greet a young man with a sinister and cunning face and a fat body like a bear. The young man was only in his twenties, but he knelt down and sat in the first place in the Matsuura family's base, enjoying the hospitality of the Matsuura family governor. This is the embodiment of his strength. This young man is Takanobu Ryuzoji, the current guardian of the Hizen Kingdom.

  Ryuzoji Takanobu's childhood name Nagahoshimaru, nicknamed the Bear of Hizen. He is the direct son of the Zhou family of the Longzao Temple in the Shuijiang branch of the Longzaosi family. At the age of nineteen, the Longzaosi family became extinct. He inherited the main family as a descendant of the branch line, which naturally caused dissatisfaction among many retainers of the main family. However, with the support of Ouchi Yoshitaka, the most powerful daimyo in the Western Kingdom of Wa, Ryuzoji Takanobu successfully suppressed the objections of his retainers and became Ryuzoji. Governor House.

The year before last, Ouchi Yoshitaka, who supported Ryuzoji Takanobu, was killed by his retainer Tao Qingxian. The Ryuzoji family's retainers Dohashi Eiichi and others seized this opportunity, united everyone to seize the opportunity, and raided and besieged Ryuzoji Takanobu. He is also the supervisor of Longzao Temple.

Ryushin was forced to flee to the Chikugo Kingdom. With the support of Kamachi Kammori, he borrowed troops and successfully returned to Hizen. He defeated the rebel retainer Dohashi Eiichi and other coalition forces, exiled the Ryuzoji supervisor and established absolute control over the Ryuzoji family. right.

Under the efforts and promotion of Longxin Longxin, the Longzuosi family who was originally in the land of Kyushu, Japan, where the mountains were not exposed, and was weak due to family splits, flourished and grew wildly and wildly. The Daimyo of Goo Otomo and Satsuma Shimadzu Naoio. In the land of Hizen Kingdom, the Ryuzoji family is the uncrowned king!

  The Ryuzoji family is the uncrowned king of the Hizen country, and the Matsuura family is just a wealthy family in the southern and northern Matsuura counties of the Hizen country, and they cannot be compared with the Ryuzoji family. In addition, due to the superior location of the Matsuura family land, which is close to the sea and has Hirado, a famous trading port in Japan, the economic strength is very strong. Because of this, the Matsuura family has been coveted by powerful daimyos such as the neighboring Arima family and Omura family like a piece of fat. In order to protect themselves, the Matsuura family resolutely surrendered to the guardian of the Hizen Kingdom—the Ryuzoji family for shelter.

  Ryuzoji Takanobu is the founder of the rise of the Ryuzoji family. He has the title of the bear of Hizen. His ability is so powerful that it is naturally extraordinary.

  Therefore, Gan, the governor of the Matsuura family, took the second seat and entertained him attentively.

  Ryuzoji Takanobu arrived at the Matsuura home yesterday at the invitation of the Matsuura Family Governor. In order to treat Ryuzoji Takanobu well, last night the Matsuura Family Governor even sent his concubine, who is well-known in the Hizen country, to the Ryuzoji Takanobu’s bedroom to serve. In the morning, the governor of the Matsuura family heard his concubine say that Ryuzoji Takanobu had rained three times last night. He was overjoyed and rewarded his concubine with a hundred taels of gold so that he could rest well.

   "Yaoxi, Matsuura-sama, the samurai on the ring on the right is very skilled, and there is no enemy under his sword."

   After drinking a glass of wine, Ryuzoji Takanobu reached out and nodded to a samurai on the ring on the right, and said to the governor of the Matsuura family.

   At this time, the warriors on the ring had already withdrawn their knives, and the opponent was already dead on the ring. This is already the second opponent who died in the ring today.

"Your Highness, he is my nephew, named Matsuura Sanbanlang, and he is the sharpest knife in my Matsuura family. The knife in his hand is the famous blade of my Matsuura family. It has been passed down from generation to generation in my family that my ancestor Matsuura Maru used this blade to kill a ghost dragon in the sea, hence the name." The governor of the Matsuura family poured wine to Ryuzoji Takanobu graciously, and explained in detail.

   "Matsuura Oni Kokiri" Ryuzoji Takanobu read it lightly, seeming a little interested.

"There is a famous saying in the Ming Dynasty: A treasured sword is worthy of a hero. Matsuura Sanbanlang is not worthy of Matsuura Oni Jiaoqie, and no one in my Matsuura family can match Matsuura Oni Jiaoqie. Don't be disgusted."

  Matsuura Family Governor saw that Ryuzoji Takanobu was interested in Matsuura Oni Koki, so he bowed and offered his sword graciously.

   "Hehe, thank you Master Matsuura for your kindness, but this is Master Matsuura's ancestral famous blade, how can I win the love of others."

  Ryuzoji Takanobu laughed.

   "Your Highness, it is the greatest honor of my Matsuura family to have Matsuura Oni Kakiri show his glory in His Highness's hands and pass down the world. It is the greatest honor for my Matsuura family. The ancestors of my Matsuura family can also smile and rejoice under the nine springs."

  Matsuura House Governor insisted.

   "Hehe, thank you Matsuura-sama for your kindness, but I already have the famous blade of my Ryuzoji family in my hand." Ryuzoji Takanobu smiled.

   "Alas" the governor of the Matsuura family was very regretful when he heard the words.

"Your nephew Matsuura Sanbanlang is very good, and I love him very much. After he returns from this trip to the Ming Dynasty, you can let him go to the house of Longzao Temple, follow me around, and help me unify Feiqian and Buwu are all over the world, in this way, Matsuura Ghost Jiaoqie can also be famous all over the world in his hands."

  Ryuzoji Takanobu held the wine glass in his hand, looked at the governor of the Matsuura family with a pair of snake eyes, and said slowly.

  In the eyes of Ryuzoji Takanobu, the governor of the Matsuura family was overjoyed and bowed to thank him, "I thank Your Highness on behalf of Sanbanlang!"

   Seeing this, Ryuzoji Takanobu narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled and helped the Matsuura House Governor up, "Your Majesty Matsuura is very polite."

   "My lord, the 'Assassination' arena is over. A total of 560 warriors participated. 120 people died and 180 people were injured in the arena. In the end, 100 warriors stood at the end."

   At this moment, a samurai from the Matsuura family knelt in front of the viewing stand and reported to the governor of the Matsuura family.

In the group arena with 560 people, 120 people died and 180 people in the house. Such a casualty ratio shows the cruelty of this group arena. The hundred warriors who won in the end must be very skilled Ruthless role.

   "Your Highness, look." The governor of the Matsuura family looked at Ryuzoji Takanobu.

   "Master Matsuura, why don't you call him over and let me take a good look at the hundred winners."

  Ryuzoji Takanobu said with a smile.

   "Good! Hurry up and call Sanbanlang and others, and please review the lecture." The Matsuura Family Governor nodded in agreement, then turned his head and gave orders to his retainers.


  The samurai, the retainers of the Matsuura family, led the way.

  Soon, Matsuura Sanbanlang and other 100 victorious samurai with belts and sabers arrived in front of the viewing stand, knelt respectfully on the ground, and kowtowed to Ryuzoji Takanobu and Matsuura Family Governor on the viewing stand.

  (end of this chapter)

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