Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1429: Four Iron Laws, Eighteen Cuts

  Chapter 1429 Four Iron Laws, Eighteen Cuts

   After about half an hour of competition, eighteen whistle chiefs were finally born. Zhu Daniu's good luck did not continue, he met Zhang Kuang in the second round of the competition, his skills were not as good as others, and he was defeated by Zhang Kuang cleanly.

   Zhang Kuang, Zhang Xiong, Li Yuanye, Wang Sixi and others that Zhu Ping'an was optimistic about, except for Wang Sixi, all stood out and won the post of whistle chief. Wang Sixi was a little bit of a loser, he met a ruthless guy named Zhang Tiesuo in the second round of the competition, Zhang Tiesuo had studied Zhang Sixi's competition, and knew that his agility was far inferior to Zhang Sixi's, so he intentionally exposed a fatal flaw in the competition, which tricked Zhang Sixi into approaching him. He attacked Zhang Sixi with a body attack, and then he did not hesitate to exchange injuries for injuries, severely injuring Zhang Sixi, and then won the position of whistle chief.

   "Congratulations on your victory in the final competition. I officially appointed you as the post chiefs of our Zhejiang army. You can lead a post in the future, and the monthly salary is three more coins than the chief of the army."

  Zhu Pingan congratulated Zhang Kuang and others who stood out as whistle chiefs, and officially appointed them as whistle chiefs.

   "Thank you, my lord. I will swear to serve my lord's kindness!" Zhang Kuang and other new post chiefs knelt down to receive the seal, declaring that they would serve Zhu Ping'an to the death.

"Everyone, please stand up." Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of getting up, and then announced to everyone present, "So far, the corporal commander, post commander, and battalion commander of our Zhejiang Army have all been appointed. I will briefly announce the arrangement. In view of At present, our Zhejiang Army only has more than 700 people, and the number is insufficient. We will temporarily adjust the establishment. The number of each team will remain unchanged at ten people, and the four teams under each sentry will remain unchanged. However, the number and total number of sentries under each battalion are as follows Standard: The Zhejiang Army has a monitoring battalion, and Liu Mu is the battalion commander. He is currently leading a troop and is responsible for the military discipline supervision of the Zhejiang Army. In addition to the death penalty, he has the right to act in accordance with military regulations; the personal guard battalion, Liu Dadao is the battalion commander. , currently lead a sentry temporarily, responsible for guarding the safety of the officer; there is a Huotou barracks under it, and Liu Daqiang is the battalion commander. As the battalion commander, he is temporarily in charge of a sentry, responsible for food, materials, equipment and other matters of the whole army; except for the monitoring battalion, personal guard battalion, Huotou barracks, and logistics battalion, the rest are ordinary battalions. Hu, Liu Dahui, Liu Dafu, and Liu Daqiang are the battalion commanders, and each battalion temporarily has a commander under its command, and each commander temporarily has two outposts under its jurisdiction, and all vacancies will be filled when the army expands in the future."

   "Obey!" No one would disagree.

Then, based on the observed situation, Zhu Pingan assigned specific posts under his jurisdiction to the monitoring battalion, personal guard battalion, gang leader barracks, logistics battalion, and ordinary battalion, and gave the battalion commanders of each battalion to familiarize themselves with the generals under his command. time.

Then, Zhu Ping'an ordered again, "All sentry chiefs go to Liu Dagang in the logistics battalion to collect the weapons, military uniforms, bedding, camp tents and other military equipment for each sentry. To lead the soldiers in the army to study, we must ensure that everyone recites it, and in the future, anyone who violates military discipline and regulations will be severely punished."

   "Obey!" Everyone responded in unison.

  The sentry chiefs led the soldiers to the Liu Dagang logistics camp to receive their weapons, military uniforms and other military supplies.

   "Wow, military uniforms, everyone's uniforms are exactly the same, there are still two sets for each person, hey, I also have two sets of clothes. Look, I'm wearing mighty or not? Isn't it domineering?"

   "Hey, don't talk about it, people really rely on clothes. Your son is an idiot. Once you put on this military uniform, your temperament will change instantly. You just want it."

  Everyone couldn’t wait to put on the military uniforms after they got them. They were happy and wanted to show off their smug ones in front of everyone. Many people went to the riverside to appreciate themselves wearing them. When they saw the reflection on the water, they felt that they were too arrogant.

  Although the military uniforms on them were old-style military uniforms sponsored by the Marquis of Linhuai, they were all refitted.

  In addition to two sets of military uniforms, each person also received a bedding, and each Wu received a camp tent as a resting and sleeping place.

As for the weapons, Zhu Pingan only ordered Liu Dagang to distribute cold weapons to them, each with a spear and a saber; he did not issue firecrackers to them. On the one hand, they were newly surrendered and were still in the probationary period; on the other hand On the one hand, they have never been in contact with firecrackers, have not yet trained firecrackers, and they will not know how to use them if they are issued to them.

  Of course, in addition to the above, each corps also received a copy of the military discipline manual, which was kept by the corps leader.

  This military discipline manual is titled: Four Iron Laws, Eighteen Cuts!

The specific military discipline and military regulations are Zhu Ping's combination of "three major disciplines, eight points of attention", modern military discipline, Han Xin's seventeen prohibitions and fifty-four cuts, "Wei Liaozi" military regulations, contemporary military regulations of the Ming Dynasty, and In the future, Qi Jiguang's military regulations and disciplines of the Qi family's army, combined with the specific actual situation, summed up the "four iron laws, eighteen cuts"!

  The four iron laws are: follow orders in all actions;

Eighteen beheadings refer to: when the general is ordered, the three drums are finished, and those who fail to reach the head will be beheaded; those who can't enter the drum, hear the gold, and can't raise the flag, and the flag can't be pressed down, will be beheaded; those who pretend to be sick before the battle will be beheaded; Those who abandon military weapons will be beheaded; those who refuse to obey the orders of the superiors and stop them will be beheaded; those who kill civilians for meritorious service and **** women will be beheaded

General Zhu Pingan's regulations are very strict. The reason for this is that on the one hand, an iron army must have iron laws and a strict barracks management system to create a steel lion; It is necessary to use heavy codes to control them. "Wei Liaozi" has a saying: "In ancient times, those who are good at using soldiers can kill half of the soldiers, secondly kill thirteen, and next kill eleven. Those who can kill half of them can kill more than half of them. If you kill thirteen people, you will increase the strength of the princes; if you kill eleven people, you will order soldiers." This is the reason why the so-called compassion does not command soldiers.

   After everyone changed their military uniforms, the military training officially began.

The first item of military training is the queue, um, that’s right, it is the modern military training items that Zhu Ping’an learned from: tidy up, order the number, stand at attention and rest, stop and turn in place, gather and disband, run in step, and change formation , dense evacuation and so on.

"Look to the right! Look at that, right, right, you know?! When I shouted to the right, the base soldier didn't move. It was you, and the others turned their heads to the right, looking at the person on your right. Cheeks, move faster, don't be like a girl, turning your head and whimpering, turn your head quickly."

   "Stand at attention! Keep your legs straight, don't look like a bow-legged one, straighten up! Slightly retract your lower abdomen, keep your chest up naturally, and look straight ahead."

  Liu Dadao and others were appointed by Zhu Pingan as military training instructors, and began to conduct queue training for everyone.

It was the first time for everyone to come into contact with this kind of military training, just like the first military training of modern students, their movements were pointless, stiff and awkward. Liu Dadao and others had to correct them over and over again, of course they were not as civilized as modern instructors , They use whips or sticks to assist teaching again and again.

  (end of this chapter)

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