Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1413: Surprise (2)

  Chapter 1413 Surprise (2)

"Master Xiao Zhu, please. The bowl guns and firecrackers in the storeroom are all sponsored by Lord Zhu's team for training." Xiao Xizi led Zhu Pingan to the storeroom, took out the key to open the door, and bowed to Zhu Ping An said.

   "Thank you, Mr. Xi." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands in thanks, and walked into the warehouse at the invitation of Xiao Xizi.

  Wankou Cannon is a kind of artillery in the early and middle period of Yuan and Ming Dynasties. It is an old-fashioned artillery. Zhu Pingan has seen the real thing in a modern museum.

Zhu Pingan knew that in a few years time, the Wankou Pao would be replaced by the Folang Machine Cannon, the Tiger Crouching Pao, etc., but at present this Wankou Pao is still one of the popular firearms in the army ("Minghuidian·Military Uniforms") "Remember, Hongzhi used to set a rule that the second bureau of military weapons and saddles and bridles made 3,000 bowl guns every three years), although the status is not as good as that of the big, medium and small general guns.

  However, this era is still the era of cold weapons, and the deterrent effect of artillery is still very strong. With the Wankou Cannon, the firepower of the regiment training can be increased several levels. After a few shots, it can not only kill the enemy from a long distance, damage the morale of the enemy, but also boost the morale of one's own side.

  So, Zhu Ping'an was still looking forward to Wankoupao. As soon as he stepped into the room, his eyes couldn't wait to look into the room.

With just one glance, Zhu Ping'an froze in place, maintaining the posture of stepping into the room with one foot while the other foot was about to leave the ground. His eyes were wide open, and he blinked in disbelief, and then Confirmed it again.

   That's right.

  Four bowl guns, or four bowl guns! Not the two bowl guns that were agreed before, but a total of four. In addition, there are two big boxes full of new firecrackers, and eight big boxes of lead.

  The lead contained in these boxes is the shells. Ancient artillery shells are not like modern ones. Ancient cannons were filled with gunpowder first, then wooden horses, then soil, then lead, etc., then soil, and then lead, etc., until they were full. Of course, stones can also act as lead. However, it is still difficult to find stones of the right size on the battlefield, and lead is usually prepared in advance.

Seeing Zhu Ping'an's appearance, Xiao Xizi couldn't help covering her mouth with her orchid fingers, and let out a series of muffled laughter, "Hehehehe, Mrs. Zhu is a little surprised, this is the surprise that her godfather gave to Mrs. Zhu. "

   Sure enough, it was a surprise!

  Zhu Ping'an was overjoyed, and cupped his hands to thank Xiao Xizi, "Thank you, Eunuch He, and thank you, Eunuch Xi."

"Hehe, it is enough for Mrs. Xiao Zhu to thank her godfather. I can't afford to be thanked by Mrs. Zhu for my lack of merit." Xiao Xizi covered her mouth and smiled, "After my godfather came back yesterday, I specially asked someone to go The Baoyuan Bureau dug three feet into the ground, found two bowl-mouth guns, one hundred firecrackers, and eight boxes of lead, and gave them to Mrs. Zhu."

   "Eunuch He is not feeling well, but he still thinks about safety. Ping An is really grateful." Zhu Pingan thanked again.

   "Hehe, godfather said, compared to Mrs. Zhu's life-saving grace, these are just trivial things." Xiao Xizi said with a smile, then leaned closer to Zhu Ping'an's ear, and whispered, "And ah"

   Anything else?

  Zhu Ping'an listened attentively.

"Besides, Mr. Zhu, you don't know. Last time you beat up Xiao Qianzi in Jingnan, godfather was very happy when he heard the news." Xiao Xizi leaned into Zhu Ping'an's ear and whispered Said.

Um? !

  Strange, don't you have a grudge against Qianxu? ! I hit Qianxu, why is Eunuch He so happy.

"Hehe, Master Xiao Zhu doesn't know that the reason why Xiao Qianzi has enmity with me repeatedly is actually the root cause of Xiao Qianzi's godfather—that old dog Chen Hong doesn't deal with godfather. So, we don't deal with it either." Xiao Xizi explained in a low voice. "When I was in the capital, that old dog Chen Hong used to play tricks and rob my godfather's job in the clerk's office, causing his godfather to go to the Zhidian Supervisor to clean the palace. Fortunately, his godfather had another chance later, and it was a blessing in disguise, so he is here today. Last month, that old dog Chen Hong went out to Beijing to buy gold treasures and pearls, and came to Yingtian, relying on his official business title, he kept showing his prestige in front of his godfather, who respected and loved the Holy One the most In order not to affect the Holy Majesty's errands, the godfather forcibly endured his anger. Master Xiao Zhu beat Xiao Qianzi, and the godfather took advantage of this to embarrass Chen Hong's old dog's old face, look at him Gritting his teeth and swallowing, he let out a big breath of anger."

   Uh, well, so there is such a thing. Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitched his lips when he heard this.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered this. Just now I reminded Lord Zhu to be careful of Xiao Qianzi, and I forgot to remind Master Zhu to be careful of the old dog Chen Hong. Master Xiao Zhu should be careful of Chen Hong in the future." This old dog. This old dog Chen Hong is much more sinister than Xiao Qianzi's little dog." Xiao Xizi reminded.

  Zhu Ping'an nodded slightly.

"My lord Zhu, I'm not afraid of your jokes. People like us are not physically sound, and our minds are more or less abnormal." Xiao Xizi laughed at himself, and said leisurely, pointing at the orchid flower, "But compared with Chen Hong, that's nothing to see. Big witch, that’s nothing to worry about. Chen Hong is a complete pervert. He once said that he admired two people the most in his life. Do you know who they are, Mr. Zhu?”

  Zhu Ping'an naturally shook his head, how do I know who the two people Chen Hong admires the most are.

   "The two people he admires the most are Gong Chengshu." Xiao Xizi revealed the answer.

  Gong Chengshu? ! I don't seem to have a clue who this is. Zhu Pingan searched in his mind, but found nothing.

   "Gong Chengshu was a great **** in the Southern Han Dynasty." Seeing Zhu Ping'an's bewildered face, Xiao Xizi explained.

  South Han!

   Zhu Ping'an immediately had the impression that this was one of the regimes during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, located in the current Guangdong, Guangxi provinces and northern Vietnam. The most prominent feature of this regime is the heavy use and great use of eunuchs, which was later destroyed by Song Dynasty.

"Actually, I don't even know Gong Chengshu. Chen Hong told us little eunuchs once when he was drunk. He said that when Gong Chengshu was a eunuch, he served the Emperor Liu of the Southern Han Dynasty. Extravagant and lustful, Gong Chengshu caters to Liu in different ways every day, and he is obedient. As long as Liu looks at him, Gong Chengshu can understand and arrange everything on Liu's heart. He is deeply trusted by Liu, making Liu feel that the **** is reliable and reliable No ambition, easy to control. One day, Liu thought that he was such a ruined government, what if the civil and military officials under him were rebellious? Gong Chengshu slandered, please ask the Chinese civil and military officials to be castrated before they can become officials. If castrated, one cannot be an official and must resign and go home. He explained to Liu that after eunuchs are castrated, they will have no offspring. Even if those civil and military officials succeed in rebelling, their country is for others, so why risk their lives? Dangerous rebellion, so that they will not take the risk of rebellion, so that the emperor will no longer have to worry about the future, and can enjoy it with peace of mind. Liu Wenyan, overjoyed, received advice like a stream. It is said that all civil and military officials in the Southern Han Dynasty were eunuchs, and the number of There are more than 20,000 people. Chen Hong, an old dog, often says that Gong Chengshu is the person he admires the most in his life, and that he wants to learn from Gong Chengshu. Do you think he is a pervert?"

  Xiao Xizi said leisurely.

  (end of this chapter)

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