Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1408: No, the mutiny is not over

  Chapter 1408 No, the mutiny is not over yet

   "Well, no matter how you say it, today's mutiny, no, it should be said to be an attempted rebellion. Thanks to Master Xiao Zhu, it was finally a fluke and passed through safely. The heart and lungs of Zajia are terrified."

  Eunuch He let out a long sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and patted his chest, and said with emotion with a look of escape after a disaster.

   "Yes, thanks to my nephew today." Marquis Linhuai and Duke Wei nodded at the same time, echoing.

   "No, it's not over yet." Zhu Ping'an shook his head slightly.

"Ah?! They're here again?!" Wei Guogong heard the words, and suddenly his hair exploded again. Wei Guogong ran to the door of the handsome tent in three steps and two steps, opened a gap in the curtain with one hand, and looked out nervously. .

   "Not yet?! The rebels haven't left yet?!" Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai couldn't help but panic again, followed Wei Guogong to the door, also leaned forward and looked out nervously.

   "No one," Wei Guogong and the three were puzzled.

   "That's not what I mean." Seeing this, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but shook his head.

   "Nephew Huxian, please speak clearly, we were taken aback." Wei Guogong breathed a sigh of relief.

   "I mean this mutiny is not over, and there is still a great possibility of a resurgence."

   Zhu Pingan explained.

"Ah?! My nephew is saying that the Ministry of War may not necessarily restore the wives' food, and the money will be the same as before?! Let me just say, the Ministry of War is the superior, how can my nephew be the master of the Ministry of War? If the Japanese Ministry of War does not restore wives' food and silver as before, the rebel soldiers will definitely mutiny again on the grounds that the promise has not been fulfilled!"

  Duke Wei Guo shook his head and sighed endlessly. He was worried about the Ministry of War in his heart, worried that the Ministry of War would not restore his wife's food and lose money as before.

   "Uncle, there is no need to worry about the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War will definitely restore the discount of silver, and the wife's food as before." Zhu Pingan said with confidence.

   "Since the Ministry of War will definitely restore the old money, wives, and food, why does the nephew say that the mutiny is not over yet? After the nephew promised today, they are already satisfied, and they happily put down their weapons and dismissed back to the camp."

   Wei Guogong said with a puzzled face.

   "That's right, nephew, the officers and soldiers have put down their weapons and dismissed and returned to the camp. How could it not be over?"

  Marquis Linhuai was also puzzled.

   "Master Xiao Zhu, don't scare the miscellaneous family, why are you so panicked?" Eunuch He took two steps back and stood behind Wei Guogong and Marquis Linhuai, in case anything unexpected happened.

"Uncle, Eunuch He, today's mutiny seems to have subsided on the surface, but in fact it is not. It is obvious that people with ulterior motives are planning, instigating, and inducing the mutiny today. If these instigators are not cut off, there is a possibility of another mutiny in the Zhenwu Camp. This time they bewitched the mutiny on the grounds of wives' food, silver, and soldiers' pay, and next time they may use other reasons such as moving camps, suppressing Japanese casualties, and other reasons to bewitch the mutiny again."

  Zhu Ping'an reminded Wei Guogong and others to be humane.

   "Well, what my nephew said is true, that damned Wang Baihu must be one of the black sheep!"

  When Wei Guogong heard the words, he nodded in agreement, and when he mentioned Wang Baihu, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth in hatred.

   "It makes sense." Marquis Linhuai and Eunuch He also nodded.

   "Okay, I will order Wang Baihu and the other favorite guys to be arrested and hanged!"

  Gritting his teeth, Wei Guogong turned his head and looked out of the tent. He was about to call his own soldiers to give this order.

   "Wait a minute, uncle." Zhu Pingan hurriedly stopped Wei Guogong.

   "Why did my nephew stop me?" Wei Guogong looked at Zhu Ping'an in confusion. It was obviously you who proposed to cut off the chief envoy.

   "Uncle, your order at this time will disturb the entire battalion and may stir up another mutiny."

   Zhu Pingan explained.

"That's right, Lao Xu, you gave the whole battalion officers and soldiers immunity from death certificates. Now you order to arrest and hang Wang Baihu and others. The rabbit died and the fox was sad and injured. Can the whole battalion officers and soldiers not panic, and then appease the mutiny? I have to be aroused by you!" Marquis Linhuai grabbed Wei Guogong and agreed.

   "Wei Guogong, Wei Guogong, you can calm down." Eunuch He pointed at the orchid.

   "So, what can I do?!" Wei Guogong looked at Zhu Ping'an.

   "Ahem, that's right, nephew/Master Zhu, what should I do?" Marquis Linhuai and Eunuch He also looked at Zhu Ping'an.

"This matter is easy. Order Wang Baihu and other chief envoys to be closely monitored. After a few days, they will be arrested in secret. I have said something before, so that if you don't die, you will inevitably be guilty of rebellion. I think they have been instigating officers and soldiers to rebel and join the Japanese pirates." , He must have evidence of private liaison with Japanese pirates, carefully search and collect evidence, and punish the chief culprit for the crime of collaborating with Japanese rebellion, and the rest of the chief envoys will be spared the death penalty, and punished to guard the border guards, so as to serve as an example to others."

   Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and proposed.


   Duke Wei and Marquis Linhuai couldn't help but nodded when they heard the words.

   "Exercising both kindness and power, Mr. Zhu is a good means." Hearing this, Eunuch He was full of praise for Zhu Ping'an.

   "But." After a while, Wei Guogong thought of something, and spoke with some worry.

   "But what?!" Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai asked.

"With such kindness and power, the mutiny can be eliminated, but I am afraid that the officers and soldiers of the battalion will taste the sweetness from this mutiny. After being stimulated this time, their appetite will grow more and more in the future. To tell you the truth, when Jianzhen During the military camp, due to the tight schedule and heavy tasks, when selecting soldiers, one-sided attention was paid to their physique, and their wealth was not checked too much. As a result, there were many scoundrels in the camp, arrogant and lawless. I am afraid that these people will have more appetites in the future. , more arrogant, more rebellious."

  At this time, Wei Guogong also didn't care about face, and told Zhu Ping'an and others the private truth, expressing his worries.

   "What?" Marquis Linhuai stroked his chin and began to think.

   "There is no other, but strict military discipline, strict rewards and punishments. Strictly enforce military discipline, and use military discipline to restrain the entire battalion."

  Zhu Ping'an clapped his hands and replied.

"Nephew, what you said is reasonable, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the eventuality. If the eventuality, the entire battalion officers and soldiers are stimulated by this time, they will all have a big appetite, and they will collude and collude at every turn, agitating for mutiny, and forcing more What are the benefits?" Wei Guogong asked again worriedly, he was a little uncertain, worried that it would be difficult to implement military discipline in Zhenwu Camp, and it would be difficult to strictly enforce rewards and punishments, and he was worried that he would not be able to control the officers and soldiers of Zhenwu Camp.

   "Well, strict military discipline, strict rewards and punishments, is easier said than done." Marquis Linhuai said with emotion.

  Cough cough Zhu Pingan couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words. Is it difficult to enforce military discipline and impose strict rewards and punishments? !

   "Then there is only one way?" Zhu Pingan looked at Wei Guogong and others, and said softly.

   "What way?!" Wei Guogong and others asked curiously.

   "Disband Zhenwu Battalion." Zhu Pingan said lightly.

   Wei Guogong and others opened their mouths wide. This is really a solution to the problem, and the problem is gone.

   Once and for all, no future troubles!

  (end of this chapter)

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