Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1399: Fantastic Zhu Pingan

  Chapter 1399 Whimsical Zhu Pingan

  In the eyes of Wei Guogong and the three of them mourning the funeral, Zhu Pingan walked firmly to the door of the handsome tent and stepped into the sunshine.

  When he reached the door, Zhu Ping'an stopped.

  When Wei Guogong and others saw this, they thought that Zhu Pingan was regretful and timid, but they could understand.

  After all, in their view, Zhu Ping'an's going out to solve the problem of rebellious soldiers is actually tantamount to seeking death. There were a total of 3,000 of these rebels, and they were the ones who killed Huang Shilang, so there was no possibility of being persuaded. If Zhu Pingan goes out at this time, he will definitely be killed by the rebels immediately.

  Isn’t it normal to be afraid of death?

   Aren't they also afraid of death, so they were even a little relieved to see Zhu Ping'an stopped.

   "Uncle, Eunuch He, don't write a suicide note, use the pen, ink, paper and inkstone used to write a suicide note, and write a death certificate."

  Zhu Ping'an stood at the door, paused, turned his head and said to Wei Guogong, Linhuaihou, and He Gonggong.


   "Write a death-free ticket?!"

  Wei Guogong and the others opened their mouths wide in surprise, and stared at Zhu Pingan in a daze, unable to believe their ears.

   "Yes. Uncle, Eunuch He, please write three thousand death-free coupons. Don't forget to use your seal."

  Zhu Ping'an nodded and said seriously.

Wei Guogong was stunned for two seconds, then shook his head dumbfoundedly, looked at Zhu Pingan with eyes of caring for the mentally handicapped, and said with a wry smile, "Write a death certificate?! Hehe, nephew, you are so young and whimsical. We just give it to ourselves." No matter how many death certificates are written, those **** rebels will not recognize them."

"Hehe, my nephew, it's not a matter of quantity. Let alone writing 3,000 death certificates, it's useless to write 30,000 death certificates. How could those **** rebels out there accept death certificates. "

  Marquis Linhuai also responded with the same caring eyes for the mentally retarded, and said to Zhu Pingan dumbfounded

   "Hehe, Mr. Zhu, you made me laugh a little bit." Eunuch He shook his head.

  Amidst their laughter, Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Uncle, Eunuch He, these three thousand death certificates are not for us, but for the three thousand rebels outside!"

ha? !

   Did we hear correctly? ! The death-free vouchers are given to the three thousand rebels outside? !

   Wei Guogong and the others heard the words, their surprised faces were deformed, and the back molars of the mouth were exposed

The next second later, the three people of Wei Guogong who were about to die couldn't help laughing out loud, "Puff, nephew, are you preparing for the next life?! The rebellious soldiers killed us, and we will give them death certificates. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. By doing this, you are accumulating blessings for us in the underworld, so that we can live better down here, and give birth to a good family?!"

  Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly, I grew up under the red flag, how could I have such an idea.

   "Ah? Isn't it?" Wei Guogong and the others were surprised.

   "Of course not." Zhu Pingan nodded vigorously, and was about to explain to them, but heard a deafening sound of shouting and killing from outside. Obviously, the rebels outside have already robbed the gold, silver and jewelry.

Duke Wei, Marquis Linhuai, and Eunuch He stopped laughing when they heard the yelling and killing outside, and their faces turned pale with fright. They are gone.

   "Uncle, Eunuch He, it's too late to explain, please believe me, quickly draw 3,000 copies of death-free papers and stamp them with seals. These 3,000 copies of death-free papers are the key to quelling the mutiny this time. Please."

  Zhu Ping'an bowed deeply to them, and said sincerely, then turned around and walked quickly outside the tent.

  Wei Guogong and the others looked at Zhu Ping'an in amazement, stepped out of the tent with firm strides, and walked towards the rebellious soldiers.

   "He is really not afraid of death." Eunuch He looked at Zhu Ping'an's back and said to himself, "Scholars are always greedy for life and afraid of death. Zajia has never seen such a courageous scholar."

   "It's really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers!" Wei Guogong murmured.

   "He's not a newborn calf, he's a high-spirited young man." Marquis Linhuai shook his head slightly, inexplicably having a little confidence in Zhu Ping'an, and Marquis Linhuai also found it a little hard to understand, but he just had a little confidence.

   "Then should we write a suicide note or a death certificate?" Wei Guogong turned to look at Linhuaihou and He Gonggong.

   "Exemption from death coupons." Eunuch He said without hesitation. He is just an eunuch, so he doesn't need to write a suicide note at all.

   "Exemption from death penalty." Linhuaihou also said.

  Duke Wei looked at Marquis Linhuai in surprise. After all, Marquis Linhuai suggested writing a suicide note. Why did he change his mind?

   "We hid in the tent, and Zihou stepped forward. Before leaving, please ask us to write the death certificate. We can't live up to Zihou's trust, right? Besides, it's never too late to write the suicide note until the last moment."

  Marquis Linhuai looked at the tent, lost in thought.

   "You guys. Well, if you don't have to pass the test, let me go crazy with you too." Wei Guogong stomped his feet, and then pouted his buttocks to find a pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the corner of the handsome tent.

  The three of Wei Guogong and the others sat on the ground, cut the rice paper, and began to write the death-free paper. The reason why they sat on the ground was because the tables and chairs in the tent were pulled out by Zhu Pingan's former commanding soldiers to build a defense line.

  Outside the commander's tent, three thousand rebels had already robbed the gold, silver and jewelry, and once again began to attack the defense line at the gate of the commander's tent.

  This line of defense is built with tables and chairs, which is stronger than the last line of defense with meat shields. However, even though it was stronger than the last line of defense, it was still on the verge of collapse under the impact of three thousand angry soldiers, and it seemed that a hole would be torn apart by the soldiers in the next second.

   "If the dog officer doesn't give us a way to live, we won't give the dog official a way to live, kill the dog officer!"

   "The government forced the people to rebel, and they had to rebel!"

   "Officer dog, return my wife's food and soldier's salary!"

   "Officer Dog, Huang Shilang is still waiting for you below, we will send you to be companions with Huang Shilang!"

   "Brothers, shoot the bow without turning back, kill the dog officer, take back our soldiers' wages, wives and food, and throw them to the Japanese pirates."

  The enraged rioting soldiers crazily charged at the defense line in front of the tent, yelling at the handsome tent at the top of their voices.

  Zhu Ping'an walked out of the command tent, walked firmly towards the crumbling defense line, towards the crazy soldiers, with a calm face, and whispered in his mouth:

"Youth is chivalrous, and he is a man of five capitals. He is brave and his hair grows. In the middle of a conversation, life and death are the same. A promise is worth a lot of money. He is brave and arrogant. He is light and hugs. The spring scenery is floating in the cold urn, sucking the sea and hanging down the rainbow. Leisurely call the eagle and the dog, the white feather picks the carved bow, and cunningly hides in the sky. Joy in a hurry"

  (end of this chapter)

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