Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1372: balance and comparison

  Chapter 1372 Tradeoffs and comparisons

  Zhang Jing once again rejected Zhu Ping'an's request on the grounds that the yamen had a deficit and had no money to withdraw.

  The Yamen of the Ministry of Yingtianbing has a serious deficit and no treasury bank? !


  After Zhang Jing was appointed Minister of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, he was very concerned about the Japanese invasion, actively raised food, grass and silver, and recruited brave men to prepare for resisting and exterminating the Japanese pirates. Before Zhu Ping’an’s arrival, he learned that there was 27,000 taels of treasury silver in the yamen of the Ministry of War. 2. More than 50,000 taels of silver were fined for Huchaoguan shipping materials and Houhu stolen goods in Suzhou Fu. Adding up all these things, there are about 200,000 silver in the Treasury of the Ministry of War. I just drew five thousand taels of silver, how could I not have it!

  If you have it, but you don’t give it to yourself, then there is a problem.

  Zhu Ping'an narrowed his eyes slightly, and carefully observed Zhang Jing without any trace, but found nothing. That's right, Zhang Jing is not an idle person, and he is both literary and military, so how can he be observed by himself.

"Master Zhang, the Japanese plague is becoming more and more serious, and the common people are suffering from it. Ping'an urgently needs this money so that it can organize its troops, lead the militia, and do its part to resist the Japanese pirates." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands again, sincerely Said.

"The Japanese plague is serious, and I don't know it." Zhang Jing replied, "It is precisely because of the serious Japanese plague that our ministry spent a lot of money on dispatching troops and recruiting brave men, so our ministry has a serious deficit, and there is no money left to pay Master Zhu. gone."

   Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an finally understood that it wasn't that the Ministry of War had no money in storehouses, and that Zhang Jing wanted to use the money to dispatch troops and recruit heroes. Rethinking the questions that Zhang Jing asked himself just now, it is probably because he feels that he is a baby, has no experience in commanding troops, and plans to command the militia. He is unreliable and not worth the five thousand salary; in his opinion, the role he can play in dispatching troops and recruiting brave men is far more effective than leading the militia himself. many.

   Two-phase trade-off.

  Zhang Jing made a choice without hesitation, withholding his salary, and instead embezzling troops to dispatch generals and recruit brave soldiers.

"My lord Zhang, the officers and soldiers of the guards today are not the same as they used to be. The farmlands of the guards have been repeatedly invaded. According to the investigation and statistics of the lower officials, the actual control of the guards is no longer 30% of the original, and the economic capacity has dropped sharply, which has led to the poorer configuration of the guards. The arrears and deductions of food and salaries have become the norm; the soldiers in the guards have been reduced to slaves of the powerful nobles, unbearably abused, and there are countless deserters. The lower officials have counted the situation of the guards in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the average number of officers and soldiers in each guard has dropped from the original 5,000 to 1,000 Seven hundred people, this number is still watery, and the old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers who stayed in the guard accounted for a considerable proportion, and they had little combat effectiveness. How effective is it?!"

  Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and said.

  Zhang Jing didn't answer the call, nor did he stop Zhu Pingan from speaking, but just looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes.

Seeing this, Zhu Pingan continued, "As for the brave new army, it is indeed more effective than the officers and soldiers of the guard. However, the new army is composed of regular soldiers, and its cost far exceeds that of the militia. Calculated on the basis of eighteen taels per soldier, five thousand taels For the brave new army, the silver is only enough to pay 277 people for a year, but this five thousand taels of silver is enough for Jiangsu and Zhejiang to have an extra force to resist the Japanese—the militia, besides the guards and the new army.”

   "The guard is unusable, so the militia is useless?! It costs five thousand taels of silver, and what good is an extra unusable militia to the people of Jiangshan?!" Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, and said slowly.

   "My lord, the militia is the new army. The militia is useless. The key is tempering." Zhu Pingan replied.

   "Master Zhu also said that the key to the militia is tempering. Master Zhu is still young and has no experience in commanding troops. How to temper a usable militia?!" Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, and said bluntly.

"My lord Zhang, although I am not a weak official and have no experience in commanding troops, but I have experience in commanding the people. Three months ago, I was appointed as the magistrate of Jingnan County. The leader of the Japanese pirates, Honda Heihachi, led more than 3,000 Japanese pirates to besiege Jingnan County. At that time, there were less than 100 soldiers in the county town, and the lower officials organized two thousand young men to help defend the city. They fought fiercely with the Japanese pirates for a day and a night, defended the county, and captured seven hundred and ninety-five items of Japanese pirate heads. The Japanese pirates who fled to Taiping County killed 31 Japanese pirates and restored Taiping County, which was captured by Japanese pirates. The people are organized and ready to fight, and the Japanese pirates are afraid and divert."

  Zhu Pingan looked at Zhang Jing with a pair of eyes, and clasped his hands and told about his experience of organizing Minzhuang in Jingnan.

   "I've also heard people talk about your experience. Let's not talk about whether there is water in it. Defending the city is completely different from training and commanding troops."

  Zhang Jing shook his head slightly, and did not change his decision because Zhu Pingan cited his achievements in leading Minzhuang.

  In Zhang Jing’s view, Zhu Ping’an’s achievements at that time must have been good, but there must also be water. Moreover, training and commanding troops is completely different from defending a city. There is a big difference between the two.

   "My lord." Zhu Pingan spoke again.

  Zhang Jing interrupted Zhu Ping'an, "What does Master Zhu think is the key to training a useful soldier?"

   "The lower officials believe that the key to commanding and training troops lies in strict military discipline, clear rewards and punishments, strict training, and ideological education."

  Zhu Ping'an clapped his hands and replied.

  "Strict military discipline, clear rewards and punishments, strict training, and ideological education" Zhang Jing couldn't help repeating in a low voice, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Zhu Pingan again, his eyes were different from the beginning.

  Zhang Jingwen has all kinds of military strategies, and Zhu Ping'an's answer, he has his own judgment. When I asked this question, I didn't expect to find that Zhu Ping'an was actually a soldier.

   "Military discipline is strict, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and strict training. I know these three points. What do you mean by ideological education?!"

  Zhang Jing asked with great interest, and his tone was a little more kind from the beginning of not disturbing strangers and rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"Return to my lord. This is the experience I gained from organizing Minzhuang to defend the city. At the beginning, Minzhuang was afraid of Japanese pirates outside the city and had the intention of fleeing cowardly. The subordinate said, 'Behind us are our parents, wives and children, and we have no With mobilization and encouragement such as "Lu Ke retreated" and "Down with the Japanese pirates, protect parents, wives and children", the people's spirits rose immediately, and they no longer feared the Japanese pirates, nor were they afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, and bravely defended the city. Therefore, the lower officials understood , To make the people fearless, let the people have faith! Let the people know who they are fighting for! Why are they fighting! The officials think that the same is true for training and commanding troops, let the soldiers have faith, let them know who they are fighting for , Why fight, improve the ideological awareness and spirit of officers and soldiers, a soldier with faith and discipline will not become a straggler and a mob!"

  (end of this chapter)

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