Rise From the Humble

Chapter 136: retest

  Chapter 136 reexamination

  Every student who came out of the Jiangnan Tribute Academy walked around a fat man with their noses covered. The smell of this guy was really unacceptable.

  Zhu Pingan looked at the fat man three meters away with a runny nose and tears, couldn't bear it, and said:

   "Brother Xue, the matter is so sad and useless, it's better to fill your stomach first, I'll be the host."

  As soon as Zhu Ping'an finished speaking, he heard the fat man three meters away, whose nose and tears flowed into a river, groan, lying on the side of the road and vomited again.

  Uh, it seems that I shouldn't bring up topics related to eating.

Under the begging of the fat man, Zhu Pingan did not leave the fat man alone in the end, but still kicked the fat man to the inn, asked the shop assistant to send him to the fat man's room, and asked the fat man to brush himself from top to bottom, don't mess with it. It's like a humanoid biological weapon.

   While the fat man was washing upstairs, Zhu Pingan was sitting in his room by the window reading a book. The eight-legged essay questions in the imperial examination are limited to the four books, and the more you read and do the questions, the more confident you will be.

  When the fat man came downstairs after washing and changing into clean clothes, Zhu Pingan collected the books and followed the fat man downstairs to the inn lobby for dinner.

  But the fat man left a psychological shadow after all. He didn't eat a bite of dinner, and he didn't even drink a sip of soup. Zhu Pingan was powerless about it. You can't wake a person who pretends to be asleep, and you can't feed a person who throws up at the sight of food.

  Many scholars sat in the lobby of the inn one after another, having dinner together in twos and threes, and at the same time critiqued today's exam questions, mainly aimed at the Ziyue question. It seemed that many people were at a loss for this question and didn't know where to start writing.

  The night is quiet, the moon is dim, and the breeze blows the gauze edge. Zhu Pingan sat by the window until the watchman rang the third watch before packing up. Turned off the oil lamp, walked to the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

   On the second day, before dawn, Zhu Ping'an got up early to prepare for the last exam of the college exam—the re-examination.

  Fatty got up early as usual and asked Zhu Pingan to take the exam, but he didn't see him all night. The fat man lost a lot of weight, and his forehead seemed to be very blue.

   "Your head..." Zhu Pingan looked at Fatty Qing's fierce forehead, and was speechless.

   "Oh, I specially touched this, high school door beam! Good luck!" The fat man was a little smug.

All right. you win.

  When he walked to the bridge connecting the two sides of the Qinhuai River, he met his uncle and others who came from the other side of the bridge. Zhu Pingan really didn't know what to say about this.

   "Hey, how was the exam yesterday?" Uncle Zhu Shouren asked with concern, yawning.

   "Yesterday's topic..." Before Zhu Pingan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by his uncle.

"You also think that yesterday's question was difficult, right? Well, it's okay, you are still young. It would be nice to take the test a few more times." Uncle Zhu Shouren stroked his beard and said in relief, "It's a pity, if the questions are more common. In the future The identity of the chief case of your government is stable, but this time the topic is a bit more difficult, which is a pity for you."


  Zhu Pingan...

   Today is the second round, retest.

  The entry procedure is the same as last time, and after the roll call and application for insurance, the guards will lead them to the room to continue the exam.

  That’s right, it’s still the same number as last time.

  I can't help feeling a little sympathetic to the fat Xue Chi, who probably will have to vomit for another day.

  The retest is actually compared to yesterday's main session. less important. Daming had requirements on the time for marking the examination papers, and gave the examiners about ten days to mark the papers. With so many examinees and so few examiners, the ten-day marking time is too short. In order to complete the marking work as soon as possible, the examiners have made a convention that the most important thing in marking is the first stereotyped paper. If time is tight, maybe the first test paper can only be glanced at in a hurry. At this time, if you do well in the first test paper, then congratulations, preconceived ideas, the examiner thinks that your first test paper is well written, then you can almost pass. As for the second and third tests, etc., you can go to heaven On the contrary, if you do not do well in the first test paper, it will be embarrassing. If you do not do well in the first test, who cares what happens to you later, even if you do well in the next few tests, you will probably be exhausted.

  Of course it doesn’t mean that the re-examination is not important, the grader still depends on the quality of your answers, especially the stereotyped essay, which has a fixed format, so it is easier to judge the quality of your essay fairly.

   After hitting the cloud board, the test papers were distributed, and several government servants held the placards with the questions on them to read the questions in the aisle in front of the dormitory.

  Compared with yesterday, today's exam questions are less, two four-book stereotyped essay questions, and one less common test poem. In fact, in the Ming Dynasty, the township examination, general examination, and palace examination did not test posting poems. Even the boy's test was rare, because Taizu disliked this, but after the mid-term, Taizu's influence weakened, and there were occasional posting poems in the boy's test. But there are very few, and the marking is mainly based on the four books and eight-legged essays.

The title of the two-way, four-book and eight-legged essay is not like yesterday's Taoist saying, it is more orthodox. The first title is "Don't be afraid to correct your mistakes." It comes from "The Analects of Confucius": "A gentleman is not serious, but he is not powerful, and learning is not firm. The Lord is loyal and trustworthy. If you have no friends who are not as good as yourself, don’t be afraid to correct your mistakes.” The second question is a long sentence, “The good men of one village will be friends with the good men of one town, the good men of one country will be friends, and the good men of the world will be friends with the good men of the world. Scholars", from "Mencius".

   These two questions are relatively orthodox, and they are not difficult for students who often do stereotyped essays. How well you do stereotyped essays depends on everyone's skills.

  But the last test post poem is a trap, and the title is "Yellow flowers are like scattered gold".

There is a saying in "Book of Rites", "In the moon of autumn, chrysanthemums have yellow flowers". It is estimated that many candidates will write about autumn scenery and chrysanthemums when writing test post poems based on this. Big digression.

  When Zhu Pingan saw this topic, he was a little thankful to that black-bellied, overbearing and poisonous girl in Shanghe Village. If it wasn't for her, he would have digressed.

The last time I went home, I went to Li's house to borrow books many times to copy, but most of them were stereotyped and so on. The arrogant girl once laughed at herself as a toad nerd, and after being teased by herself with words, this The girl asked herself this line of poetry, but after she said it was a chrysanthemum, the girl laughed at her for a long time, and threw herself a collection of poems and laughed at herself, "Chrysanthemum **** flower, safe toad, silly and confused."

  There are two ancient poems in succession in the collection of poems, "Wen Xuan" by Liang Xiaotong in the Southern Dynasty and "Duwang" by Sikong Tu in the Tang Dynasty. There are poems in the second book, "The green strips are always green, and the yellow flowers are like scattered gold", "The green trees are dark in the village, and the yellow flowers are scattered in the wheat". Therefore, Zhu Pingan knew that yellow flowers did not refer to chrysanthemums, but rapeseed flowers in spring. This test post poem was about spring scenes. I don’t know how many candidates who are not good at studies and careless will fall into the trap set by the examiner.

  Zhu Ping'an first copied all three questions on the draft paper with a pen and ink, and then began to conceive and make a draft.

  Time passed quietly in the splash of ink. The morning sun watched me enter, the scorching sun supervised my answering papers, and the setting sun sent me out. When Sunset, who was unwilling to perish, finally couldn't bear the loneliness and had a shy date with Xishan, Zhu Pingan walked out of Jiangnan Gongyuan.

   "Come, come, come, Brother Zhu, please appreciate my poem. The yellow flowers are like scattered gold, and the golden wind floats the chrysanthemum stamens..."

  As soon as Zhu Ping'an left the tribute courtyard, he heard a familiar cry. Looking up, he saw the fat man Xue Chi with two **** of cotton stuffed in his nose, his fat face smiling like a chrysanthemum, coming from a distance step by step.

   Chrysanthemum? Gone with your sister's chrysanthemum! That's rapeseed, bro!

  Zhu Ping'an looked at the fat man speechlessly, okay, brother fat, you'd better go home and ask your father to donate a supervisor for you.

   Breakout on Saturday and weekend



  (end of this chapter)

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