Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1345: a big pit

  Chapter 1345 A Big Pit

   "I used to think you were a monk, but now I realize that you are an insidious beast in cassock."

   "Tsk tsk. Some people look like people, but they are dirty behind their backs"

  Although the demon girl Ruonan let Zhu Pingan go, she didn't give Zhu Pingan a good face for several days in a row, and even made a few sarcasm from time to time.

  Zhu Ping'an made a mistake after all, and he is always embarrassed every time.

  Hua'er always fights for Zhu Ping'an's injustice, and doesn't understand why the witch Ruonan slanders her uncle again and again

   On the second day, after performing various ceremonies, Zhu Ping'an officially took office, and received officials from the government office to meet him.

  However, Zhu Pingan is in charge of military equipment, and he is destined not to stay in the official office for a long time, even more rooted in places than Chuxiong and others. Therefore, although these officials are respectful, they do not cling to Zhu Pingan.

  Of course, Zhu Ping'an is also happy to see this.

  After officially taking office, Zhu Pingan discovered that the post of military equipment is a big pit, dark and big. Simply put, it is like the line in the love apartment: insufficient money, undecided actors, and no script yet.

  Zhu Ping'an currently has only one imperial edict issued by the imperial court on "reorganization of military equipment", and nothing else.

   No one. Although Zhu Ping'an has the right to lead the army and lead all the militias in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the current situation is that there is not a single militia under the Judiciary of Jiangsu and Zhejiang;

  No money or food. At present, Zhu Ping'an does not have a penny or a bucket of grain and grass, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Procuratorate currently does not have a budget for this.

   No camps.


  Only Zhu Pingan is a polished commander, and nothing else. Zhu Pingan's most important problem at present is to solve these problems.

   On the third day of rest, Zhu Ping'an went to visit Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai. Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, served as the admiral of Caojiang and the left guard of the water army of Yingtian Zuojun.

  Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu did not live in the Dudu Mansion, but rented a big house in Yingtian Mansion.

Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, renting a house is not because he can’t afford a house. In fact, with the economic strength of Marquis Linhuai’s mansion, it’s not a big deal to buy a house in Yingtian Mansion. It’s because of Emperor Hongwu’s strong anti-corruption policy, which was prohibited by Ming Dynasty’s laws. Local officials buy houses in the place where they are employed. Any official who dares to buy real estate in the place where he takes office, regardless of the reason, will be punished with fifty lashes, dismissed from office, and all purchased real estate will be confiscated. The law clearly stipulates: "Where there are officials, they are not allowed to buy land and houses in the place where they see their posts. Those who violate them will be punished with fifty lashes, dismissed from their posts, and their fields and houses will be transferred to officials."

   It is precisely because of the constraints of the system that even Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai who is not short of money, can only rent a house in Yingtianfu.

  The capital does not count.

  Zhu Pingan also often hears colleagues complain that this system is too strict, but Zhu Pingan thinks this system is ingenious. In modern times, Zhu Pingan has seen too many corrupt officials corrupted by bribes such as real estate. Lawbreakers donate houses to officials, or give officials a big discount when they buy a house. This disguised bribery method has corrupted many officials who are not firm. Although the ban of the Ming Dynasty could not eliminate corruption, it at least solved part of it.

  In addition to prohibiting local officials from buying real estate in the governed land, the Ming Dynasty also prohibited marrying local women as wives and concubines. The law stipulates that if an official in a prefecture or county is close to the people and marries a civilian woman as his wife or concubine, the stick will be 80. The woman's family is guilty of the same crime as the officiant, and the wives and concubines are still separated. Give a daughter to a relative, and a gift to enter an official. This regulation is to prevent officials from marrying local women, and the woman's family will benefit from the power of officials, which will lead to more serious family corruption.

  Of course, no matter how good the policy is, people will always be able to exploit all kinds of loopholes when it is implemented, but it is much better than no policy.

  Zhu Ping'an brought a salute, came to the house where Marquis Linhuai lived, and sent a salutation letter.

"Fifth Young Master, you are here! What do you need to come there? You just come in with me. Master Hou specially told me to wait in the concierge yesterday, because he was afraid that the concierge would not recognize you. He told me that as long as you came, I will invite you into the mansion immediately." Zhu Ping'an just sent the greeting card, and there was a pleasantly surprised voice from the porter's room.

  Then, a somewhat familiar person came out of the gatehouse. It was Li Er, a young housekeeper in Linhuaihou's Mansion in the capital.

  It turned out that Marquis Linhuai had learned yesterday that he had come to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to take up the post of Prosecutor, and knowing that he would definitely come to visit, he specially asked Li Er, who knew him well, to sit in the concierge and give him convenience when he came.

   "Uncle Lao misses you, butler Li has worked hard." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said.

   "We are all a family, so why are you so polite. My aunt, come in quickly, and I will take you to see Lord Hou." Li Er bent down and said.

  The house rented by Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, was originally a private garden, but was later converted into a residence. Although the area of ​​the courtyard is smaller than that of the Marquis of Linhuai in the capital, it still occupies quite a large area. The courtyard is exquisitely built, with ponds dug out of the ground, mountains piled up with stones, and the mountains and rivers seem like fairy houses. The living environment is much better than the halls assigned by Zhu Pingan in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

  Zhu Ping'an was led into the mansion by Li Er. On the way, Li Er asked the maid in the mansion, and learned that Marquis Linhuai was taking an exam for the younger prince in the study, so he led Zhu Ping'an to the study.

  Testing the homework of the younger son? !

  Could it be that the bear boy Rui also followed Linhuaihou to Yingtian Mansion? ! Zhu Pingan guessed after hearing the words.

Zhu Ping'an and the two came to the study, and before they went in, they heard the angry voice of Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, the sound of beating meat with bamboo boards, and the howling of Xiongzi Rui, brother Rui, who was killing a pig. With a characteristic howl, Zhu Pingan knew that he had guessed right, that the bear boy Rui had really come.

   But, is it just to compare the coursework? Why is there corporal punishment? ! How did the bear boy offend his old man again?

   "Master Hou, the Fifth Young Master is here." Li Er seemed to be getting used to this scene, and knocked on the door.

   "Zi Hou is here, please come in quickly."

  After Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu heard the report, he dragged his fat body out, holding a cane in his hand, which he had just used to teach the bear boy, and he hadn't had time to throw it away yet.

   "Meet Uncle in peace." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands in salute.

   "We are all a family, why bother with these red tapes, please come in quickly." Li Tingzhu, Marquis of Linhuai, patted Zhu Ping'an's shoulder with his fat hand, and invited Zhu Ping'an into the study.

Entering the study room, Zhu Pingan saw the bear boy Rui as expected. At this moment, the bear boy burst into tears, snotted his nose, and his shoulders were twitching. There were two tears on his fat face, and he was very happy. With an expression of both aggrieved and dissatisfied, his two fat hands were rubbing together desperately, and the red marks on the palms could be seen faintly. It seemed that the bear boy Rui had just been beaten on the palm of his hand by the Marquis of Linhuai with a rattan cane.

  (end of this chapter)

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