Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1323: crazy

  Chapter 1323 Bewitched

  Zhu Ping'an returned to the backyard from the county office in the evening, and saw the witch Ruonan who was thinking hard in the yard.

  At this moment, the witch Ruonan is like a crazy thinker, with a vicissitudes of life, bloodshot eyes, and a chicken nest on her head. Beside her was a bowl of rice, covered with fragrant chicken legs and diced vegetables, and a gourd of wine beside her, but the rice was not touched, and the wine was completely drained

   "What exactly do you mean? Why can't I figure it out?!" The enchantress Ruonan said to herself in a daze.

   "Ruo Nan, why don't you eat something. You haven't eaten all day." Hua'er advised worriedly from the side.

"Hua'er, aren't you your lady's personal girl? Didn't you serve your lady since she was a child? Tell me, what is the meaning of this 'counseling' letter sent by your lady?! "

  The demon girl Ruonan tightly grasped Hua'er's hands, looked at Hua'er with bloodshot eyes, and asked eagerly.

   "Ah?! I don't know." Hua'er shook her head embarrassingly.

   "You have served your young lady since you were a child, don't you know what your young lady means?"

  The demon girl Ruonan looked at Hua'er eagerly, and grabbed Hua'er's hand even more tightly.

   "My lady has been smart since she was a child. My master always said that my lady is a female Zhuge. In front of the lady, I am just a stupid girl. I really don't lie to you. I really don't know what the lady means."

   Hua'er said very seriously.

   "Can't think of it at all? Anything is fine." The witch Ruonan looked at the painting encouragingly.

   "I can't think of it at all." Hua'er looked at the witch Ruonan very embarrassedly, and replied seriously.

   "What about the nerdy 'you'? Do you know what it means? You served him in Jingnan. You researched the ink in his study." The witch Ruonan asked without giving up.

   Hua'er's head shook like a rattle.

   Seeing this, the demon girl Ruonan felt like a frost-beaten eggplant, even more sluggish.

"Ruo Nan, hurry up and eat. People are like iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, not to mention you haven't eaten for a day." Hua'er looked at the haggard and dazed demon girl Ruonan worriedly, and persuaded her earnestly. road.

   "I can't eat, and I don't have any appetite. If I can't figure it out for a day, I won't be able to eat for a day." The demon girl Ruonan shook her head with a wry smile, and said pitifully, helplessly and decisively.

   After finishing speaking, the demon girl Ruonan scratched her head and continued to think hard.

  Zhu Ping'an returned to the backyard from the county office at this time, and this is what he saw.

  Curiosity killed the cat.

   Seeing the appearance of the witch Ruonan, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but think of this Western proverb.

  Zhu Ping'an has known for a long time that the witch Ruonan is very curious. When he was in the Anqing Mansion for the exam, he used a few brain teasers to calm her down so that the witch would not disturb his review.

  However, I didn't expect that the demon girl Ruonan's curiosity was so serious. Zhu Pingan looked at the demon girl Ruonan speechlessly.

  So, people, sometimes don’t be too curious, and the demon girl Ruonan is a lesson from the past.

   "Grandpa, you are back." Hua'er saw Zhu Ping'an's return, her excited eyes bent into crescent moons.

  "Zhu Ping'an" The enchantress Ruonan looked up at Zhu Ping'an, her eyes were bloodshot.

"Grandfather, Ruo Nan has not eaten for a whole day, so she just drank a little wine. It's really pitiful, or else you can tell her what 'counseling' and 'you' mean." Painting Er is a soft-hearted and kind-hearted man, and he couldn't bear to plead for the witch Ruonan.

  The witch Ruonan heard Hua'er speak for her, and couldn't help looking at Zhu Ping'an with anticipation.

  Zhu Ping'an looked at the painting, then at the witch Ruonan, and asked, "Will you still peek at other people's letters in the future?"

   "I didn't peek at it. You held the letter in front of my eyes, and I saw it by accident." The witch Ruonan insisted.

   "Come on, I was hesitant at first, if someone knows she's wrong, should I tell her, now I don't have to hesitate."

  Zhu Pingan looked at the witch Ruonan, smiled slightly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said something leisurely.

   "You" the demon girl Ruonan ended.

   "Acknowledge your mistake to my uncle, and say that you will never peek again." Hua'er shook the sleeve of the demon girl Ruonan.

The demon girl Ruonan has a backbone, and she didn't want to bow her head to Zhu Pingan to admit her mistake, but her curiosity prevailed. After a few seconds of stalemate, she looked at Zhu Pingan reluctantly, and said, "I was wrong, and I will never do it again. I peeked at your letter, you are satisfied, you can tell me."

   "Well, let's forget it. A twisted melon is not sweet. Although a certain person admits his mistake with his mouth, he is not sincere enough to admit his mistake." Zhu Pingan glanced at the witch Ruonan, slowly shook his head, and said leisurely.

   "You" the demon girl stood up masculinely, my aunt and grandma admitted that I was wrong, and you are still not satisfied.

   "What's wrong with me?" Zhu Pingan smiled and looked at the witch Ruonan.

"You..." the demon girl Ruonan was very imposing at first, but she was handsome for only two seconds. After two seconds, she lost her aura. The whole person was like a face changing in a Sichuan opera. A smile appeared on her face, and she said softly, gritted her teeth, "You You are right, I just admitted my mistake and it was too insincere. Zhu Pingan, Master Zhu, I was wrong, I should not have peeked at your old letter, I will never do it again, your boss has a lot, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach , don’t care about me like a little woman, show kindness, and tell me what the word 'counseling' and the word 'you' mean."

   "Letters are personal privacy. This is the secret between our husband and wife." Zhu Pingan looked at the witch Ruonan with a smile, and said slowly, "I hope the girl can respect our privacy and give us a little private space."

   "Ah?! Zhu Ping'an!"

  The demon girl Ruonan was stunned. You didn't tell me. Since you weren't going to tell me, why did you ask me to admit my mistake? I was so angry that I wanted to poke Zhu Ping'an's transparent holes with a fish dagger.

   "Huh?" Zhu Pingan smiled and looked at the demon girl Ruonan with a calm expression on her face.

The witch Ruonan took a deep breath, forced a smile on her face, blinked her eyes, and put on a charming look, "Master Zhu, you are right. I just hope that Master Zhu will take pity on the poor girl. If you don't know the answer, The little girl doesn't think about tea and food, she will really be hungry."

   "Grandpa, Ruonan hasn't eaten for a day, not even a bite of her favorite chicken leg."

  Hua'er also intercedes for the demon girl Ruonan.

   "Master Zhu is very merciful" the witch Ruonan folded her hands together, looking at Zhu Pingan pitifully.

   "It's not impossible, it's okay to show affection once in a while." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

   "Really?!" The witch Ruonan heard the words, her eyes lit up immediately, like a lost person seeing cooking smoke.

  (end of this chapter)

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