Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1298: Tongxing Civil Engineering

  Chapter 1298 Tongxing Civil Engineering

On this day, Director Zhu Pingan came back with work in lieu of relief, and stayed up all night to write the first secret letter in his life. Taking time as the main line, he divided it into several chapters, including government affairs, case trial, anti-corruption, and anti-flood, to tell the story of his administration and peace. Nan's experience, described his experience of being a prisoner under justice, defrauding a thief, sleeping in the city to calm the people's hearts, defending the city with blood, raising grain prices to catch grain merchants, etc.

  Of course, at the end Zhu Ping'an also made a suggestion to strengthen the construction of urban defense along the southeast coast. For counties without a city wall, it is recommended to build a city; if the city wall is an earthen city, it is recommended to repair it with bricks and stones to strengthen the defense and prevent Japanese invasion before it happens.

Zhu Pingan is a graduate student of Chinese language and literature, and has hundreds of years of experience ahead. When writing the secret book, he made a little artistic processing of his experience in governing Jingnan on the basis of facts, and made the secret book written It is both documentary and readable, especially its own image is full and vivid, upright and wise, patriotic and loving, brave and fearless, capable of writing and martial arts.

  After Zhu Pingan finished writing the secret booklet, he read it by himself, and couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up in his heart.

  Ahem, bragging, a bit shameless, huh? !

  No way, in this era, if Zhu Pingan wants to make a difference, he must have a position.

  For the sake of position, Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to do so.

   Shameless? ! Hehe, what is the face? ! How much is it worth? ! Can I have a meal? !

   Also, this is not bragging, this is marketing. In this era, if you want to have a position, you must learn to market yourself and improve your worth. The higher your worth, the higher your position will naturally be.

  With such private marketing, Zhu Pingan would sometimes include it when presenting the secret package to Emperor Jiajing.

  Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently. Slowly build and deepen your own image in Emperor Jiajing's mind.

  To be a human being, one must work hard and look up to the sky.

After checking that it was correct, Zhu Pingan put a thick stack of secret folders into the secret folder box, locked it, put the key close to him, handed the secret folder to Liu Mu, and asked him to carry it with him, and accompanied him with two government servants, one person The two horses went straight to Beijing to present to the imperial court without passing through the post station.

When Zhu Ping'an was doing work for relief in Jingnan and building large-scale construction projects, Wang Zhi had also been building large-scale construction projects in Ligang, Zhoushan, which was more than 500 miles away from Jingnan. , trading bazaar, etc., and even built three churches specially for Franji. The infrastructure construction of Zhoushan Ligang continued from daytime to late night with bright lights, as if to build a new port city.

"I want to build Ligang into the second Shuangyu Port and create a prosperous maritime trade." Wang Zhi stood on a huge ship with the banner of "Huiwang" and pointed to the brightly lit Ligang, full of ambition. Tell the people around you.

At this moment, Wang Zhi was wearing a scarlet robe with a jade belt, a black head and a Japanese ornament, a golden crown with five eaves and a yellow umbrella, behind him were fifty personal guards with gold armor and silver helmets, all with bright knives hanging from their waists, and the scabbards were made of shark skin and adorned with precious stones. shining brightly.

  Wang Zhi’s huge ship was huge, accommodating more than 2,000 Japanese pirates. Horses could gallop up and down on the deck, floating on the sea like a mobile camp.

   All of them demonstrate the majesty of Wang Zhi, the overlord of the sea.

Beside Wang Zhi, a man wearing a big hooded gown and a brocade suit but deliberately bare-chested, with a wild knife pinned to his waist, stood bowed, with a smile on his face, and complimented Wang Zhi: " With the father-in-law strategizing, success will be achieved immediately. The oceans in this world will be the father-in-law's territory."

   This man is Wang Zhi's adopted son, and also the captain of Wang Zhi's largest ship—Mao Haifeng.

Wang Zhi waved his hand in response to the foster son's compliment, "How can a century-old foundation be successful?! Have you forgotten the disaster at Shuangyu Port back then?! Decades of hard work were destroyed by Zhu Wan. "

   "Don't worry, father-in-law. From time to time, father-in-law's wish today will surely come true." Mao Haifeng said in relief.

   "How do you see it?!" Wang Zhi asked with great interest.

"The so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero. As far as I can see, the current affairs are maritime trade, and the maritime ban is out of date. Zhu Wan was so powerful in those days. He was admiral of the military affairs of Zhejiang and Fujian coasts, and governor of Zhejiang. He destroyed Shuangyu Port in one fell swoop, but he did not Knowing the current affairs, acting recklessly against the trend, and enforcing a strict sea ban. As a result, he was killed by his own people before we could avenge him. Since Zhu Wan's death, no one in the southeast dared to speak out about sea bans, even the Ming court inspectors. No, the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian has been vacant for four years, and the defense of the southeast coast is useless. There are only one or two out of ten warships and sentry ships. They ran across Taizhou Prefecture, burned, killed, looted and retreated. Now, whether it is Ningbo Prefecture, Shaoxing Prefecture, or Hangzhou Prefecture, which one does not acquiesce in private markets, this sea ban has essentially become useless.”

  Mao Haifeng pointed to the coast not far away, pointed to Ningbo and other places, and talked confidently.

  Wang Zhi smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then told Mao Haifeng seriously, "The government is the most fickle, so don't be careless."

"The foster father teaches, and the child will remember it in his heart. Not to mention the government, the folks are even more so. The rich families in Zhejiang and Fujian, and the aristocratic families compete with us, trade and deliver goods with us; the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, almost every household When it comes to smuggling trade, one of the seven aunts and eight aunts always has a secret relationship with us. During this period of time, as soon as we landed, some ordinary people competed to sell us rice noodles and oil wine. I can take my sons and daughters away in a grandiose manner. Go to the streets of Hangzhou and Suzhou, and do business with the local people openly and aboveboard, but the local government seems to be blind and doesn't care."

   Mao Haifeng nodded vigorously, and continued.

   At this moment, there was a commotion on the shore in the distance, and there seemed to be a large group of figures. Wang Zhi was vigilant and made people investigate.

   Soon, the inspectors came back and reported, "Go back to Your Majesty, the noise just now was some villagers from Linhai, Ningbo, and they rushed to send their children to our boat, begging Your Majesty to take them in."

   "Hehe, take it, take it all, the king will not refuse anyone who comes." Wang Zhi laughed out loud when he heard this.

   "The hearts of the people are available, congratulations to foster father." Mao Haifeng took the opportunity to compliment.

"Hahaha" Wang Zhi was very helpful, he laughed, and explained to Mao Haifeng, "Speak to the subordinates, don't lower the price too low for the wealthy families, families, and ordinary people who are secretly in touch with us, smuggled and traded. , give them a part of the benefits, and let them have money to earn, so that they can be used better by us. These people are our eyes and ears in Daming, and they are also the foundation for us to move across the coast of Daming."

  (end of this chapter)

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