Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1284: Catch corruption for the country, but visit a sage

  Chapter 1284 Caught corruption for the country, but interviewed a sage

   At this point, the matter has come to light. No matter whether Wang Meng and others accept it or not, it is the way it is!

  The impeachment of Liu Wannian, Taiping magistrate and others was wrong, or a big mistake! It's purely a frame-up, spreading rumors and causing trouble!

  Zhu Ping'an is not only innocent, on the contrary, Zhu Ping'an is also the best in fighting floods and disaster relief, ranking first in the south of the Yangtze River!

"The ancients said: the great loyalty is like a traitor, and the great truth is like a fake. Sincerity is not deceitful. I wanted to catch a big corrupt for the country, but unexpectedly visited a great sage. Most of the south of the Yangtze River was flooded, and there was a lot of mourning. Only Jingnan is alone, the food and rice in the territory are abundant, the people live and work in peace and contentment, it seems like a paradise, Zhu Ping'an must be underestimated."

  Xu Hai couldn't help feeling emotional, and then said to everyone, "Now that the truth has come out, I don't need to hide my identity anymore, so I will go to the Jingnan County Government to meet this great sage who was almost wronged by us."

  Therefore, Xu Hai, Tan Lun and his party went to the Jingnan County Yamen, and revealed their identities and intentions to the porter.

It turned out that it was the adults from the capital, and the porter hurriedly kowtowed to salute. When he heard that they wanted to see Zhu Ping'an, he replied with a look of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, my lords, the county lord is not in the county government at the moment. The work-for-relief project area spends most of the time in the East Lake project area, or inspects other work-for-relief projects, and only comes back at night. All adults, please wait at the county government office, and the younger ones will report to the county magistrate. "

  Hearing that Zhu Ping'an was in the East Lake Work-for-Relief project area, Xu Hai waved his hand, saying that they don't need to bother, they can go directly to East Lake.

  So, accompanied by the left-behind subordinates and servants of the county government, Xu Hai and others went directly to East Lake.

   Arriving at the East Lake Project Area, Xu Hai and others found Zhu Pingan with the help of the servants of the Jingnan County Yamen.

  After seeing Zhu Ping'an's deity, Xu Hai and others couldn't help opening their mouths, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

In their sight, on a dusty construction site, Zhu Ping'an's official uniform was tucked into his waist, his sleeves were rolled up halfway, and he was holding a shovel, digging with a group of people. He stepped on the shovel and waved his arm. As soon as the soil was shoveled, it fell into the basket next to it, not to mention how skillful the movement was.

  With a simple and honest face, dirty all over, like a young man with mud legs, if it weren't for the county magistrate on him, Xu Hai and others would never believe that the person in front of them is Zhu Ping'an they are looking for so hard!

   "The county lord, the county lord, the imperial envoy from the capital is here." Liu Dianshi hurriedly trotted forward to remind Zhu Pingan.

   "Ah?! Why did the imperial envoy from the capital come?! The Holy One sent someone to help the disaster?!" Zhu Pingan couldn't help being surprised. Wasn't the imperial court temporarily unable to provide disaster relief? Why did the imperial envoy come to Jingnan?

   "I don't know the county honor, even the humble one."

  Liu Dianli shook his head, he was only in charge of leading the way, Xu Hai and the others kept their identities, and did not talk to each other along the way.

   "It's okay, I'll go see you." Zhu Pingan waved his hand, and handed over the shovel in his hand to the people beside him.

"I've seen all of you on mission, I've seen the lords of the magistrate, and the magistrates of Wangzhi County are here. I hope you will be forgiven if you are safe." Zhu Pingan trotted forward, and joined Xu Hai, Tan Lun, Taiping County Magistrate and others together. At first sight.

   "Your Majesty Zhu is very polite." Xu Hai, Tan Lun and the others returned the greeting with a smile. What they think of Zhu Ping'an at the moment is pleasing to the eye.

   "It's a pleasure to meet you." Wang Meng and the others replied flatly, as if they owed eight million.

   "The lower official has met Mr. Zhu."

  The magistrate of Taiping County had a mournful face, and bowed his hands in return, which made Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but take a second look.

   What's wrong with this guy? ! Why does he look constipated? Is it possible that an adult has three urgencies and can't hold it back? !

  Zhu Pingan couldn't help but slander.

   "Hey, Zhang Baihu, you are here too. When we inspected Taicang, thanks to Zhang Baihu's great help, Ping An was proud of his fate. We have never had the chance to thank you. Zhang Baihu must give Ping An a chance this time."

  When Zhu Pingan was attending the ceremony, he found an old acquaintance, Zhang Guyi, the famous blood-dripping sword in the capital. It was thanks to Zhang Guyi's great help when he inspected Taicang, so he couldn't help smiling and exchanging greetings.

   "Hehe, Master Xiao Zhu is serious. At the beginning, the miscellaneous family also followed orders, so how could they deserve Master Xiao Zhu's thanks. I haven't seen you in half a year, and Master Xiao Zhu is fine." Zhang Gu replied with a smile and cupped his fists.

   "I have met Master Zhu. The last general, Tan Lun, the chief of the new military camp in Taizhou Prefecture. The last general has admired Master Zhu's name for a long time."

  Zuo Zhen took the initiative to salute Zhu Pingan, and he was very respectful to Zhu Pingan. At this moment, his admiration for Zhu Pingan was even deeper.

  In his eyes, Zhu Ping'an's rolled-up sleeves, clothes tucked around his waist, and dust all over his body seemed to be covered with medals of glory!

  Lead by example, take the lead, take the lead, Mr. Zhu is worthy of being Mr. Zhu, he is really a role model for our generation.

  At this moment, Zuo Zhen’s eyes are shining, and the entire ancient version of fans saw the idol’s large-scale scene

   "General Zuo is serious." The corner of Zhu Ping's mouth twitched, and he distanced himself from Zuo Zhen indiscriminately.

  Damn it, why did this guy's eyes shine when he saw me? ! Could it be that there are some abnormal hobbies and abnormal orientation? !

  In this era, the wind direction is not right, there is a bit more southerly wind

  The heroic deeds of Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen and others who know men and go up to the top are no secrets in the capital.

There is also Xu Chong's "Warm Shu Yubi": In the early Ming Dynasty, the courtiers were the most favored and courtiers, and they all chose young and handsome courtiers as the "old children". All of them are masculine.

  Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an quietly distanced himself from Zuo Zhen, keeping him at a respectful distance.

   "Hehe, Mr. Zhu, it's not that I'm out of touch, but I'm out of style."

  This trip failed, and the impeachment failed, but Zhu Pingan was fulfilled. Wang Meng was not angry, and took the opportunity to play, insinuating that Zhu Pingan's image of rolling up his sleeves, heming his clothes, and covered in dust was unseemly and embarrassing for scholar-bureaucrats.

  Although Zhang Wenbo and Peng Cheng did not agree, they twitched the corners of their mouths, showing a hint of disdain.

what happened? I owe you money? ! Seeing the sarcastic expressions of Wang Meng and others, Zhu Pingan couldn't help being taken aback.

   "Yes, yes, the one who went to see the teacher. Ping An is rude."

Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a simple and honest smile, straightening up his appearance in front of Wang Meng, Peng Cheng and the others, flattening his rolled up sleeves, and putting down the hem tucked around his waist. I don't know whether it was intentional or intentional to brush off the dust on my body, and the movement range is quite large.

As a result, after Zhu Ping's arrangement, the dust flew straight at Wang Meng, Peng Cheng and the others, and nearly turned them over, causing them to roll their eyes, cough, cover their mouths and noses, and spread their hands to fan them. dust

  (end of this chapter)

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