Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1276: No comparison, no harm (Part 1)

  Chapter 1276 No comparison, no harm (Part 1)

  After coming out of Fujialiang, Xu Hai and others looked a little serious, especially Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, with a dignified expression.

   Accompanied by Tan Lun, Xu Hai and others went to several food stores. Sure enough, as the clerk of the Fujia Grain Shop said, although the price of these grain shops is 500 yuan per shi, they basically have no grain to sell. Walking around in Chengxifang, I only saw two grain stores still selling grain, but they were also selling grain in limited quantities. Only 100 catties of grain could be sold every day, and each person could only buy 1 catty of grain. Waiting for Xu Hai When they arrived at the store, today's share had already been sold out, and the store clerk asked them to order early tomorrow.

  Xu Hai and others asked them why they limited the sale of grain, and the clerk replied that there was no grain in the store and it was difficult to transport grain, that was the only way to go. If the sale of grain is forcibly released, their grain shop will have to close down if they cannot sell a stick of incense.

   "It seems that the flood situation in the south of the Yangtze River is still very serious."

  After walking out of Chengxifang, Xu Hai couldn't help sighing with compassion, and said in a heavy tone.

Although the price of grain has been stabilized in Taizhou Prefecture, there is no market for grain, and most of the grain stores have no food to sell. The only few grain stores are also selling in limited quantities. What is the limit of selling 100 catties of grain per day? However, for Taizhou Fucheng, which has a population of hundreds of thousands, this amount of food is not even enough to fit between the teeth.

   "Fortunately, the Taizhou government has stabilized the price of grain, otherwise the situation would be even more serious." Wang Meng helped Tan Lun with a word.

  After listening to Wang Meng's words, Taizhou prefect Tan Lun's embarrassing application eased slightly.

   "My lord, I have found out the address of the nearest black market for grain." At this moment, a plainclothes Dongchang fan came over and reported to Zhang Gu, a hundred households in charge of Dongchang Dongchang, in a low voice.

   The voice was not loud, but Xu Hai and others heard it all.

Zhang Guyi smiled slightly, and said to Xu Hai and the others, "The miscellaneous family heard a few guys from grain shops mention the black market, and they were curious, so they asked their subordinate Erlang to inquire about it. Although it was a bit slow, they did not let me Disappointed. I intend to go to the black market for a while, I wonder if you adults want to go with me?"

   So fast, still too slow? ! Just got the news of the black market on the front foot, and found out the address on the back foot!

  When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look sideways.

  East Factory is worthy of being the East Factory. Although it is overwhelmed by Jin Yiwei, its energy and power of arrest and spying are still shocking.

   "Please lead the way, let's take a walk together. It seems that the black market is already an inseparable part of the food supply. If we don't go to the black market to take a look, we will lose sight of Mount Tai."

  Xu Hai nodded.

  So, under the leadership of Dongchang Fanzi, a group of people walked into a semi-closed old alley in a strange way, and the black market arrived.

  There are a lot of people in the black market. Carriages form small stalls in the black market. People who sell grain cover their faces. There is not much grain in the black market. Many carriages selling grain are already empty and are driving out. There were only six or seven carriages still selling grain in the black market, and many people surrounded the carriages, vying for grain.

   "Shopkeeper, how do you sell this grain?" Xu Hai and others managed to squeeze in front of a carriage that was selling grain and asked for the price.

   "3,500 Wen per stone of grain, no bargaining." The masked seller replied in a dragged manner without raising his head.

   "What?! 3500 Wen per stone?! Are you selling food or robbing?!"

  Xu Hai and others gasped in shock when they heard the words. They couldn't believe their ears. The price of grain per stone was 3,500 Wen! The price of food has gone up! Can't help shouting at the seller.

   "Oh! I think it's too expensive, go out and turn left, no one begging you to buy it." The seller raised his head and glanced at Xu Hai and others, and sneered.

   "What's your attitude!" Zuo Zhen glared, furious, "Do you know who we are?!"

   "Shut up." Taizhou prefect Tan Lun pulled Zuo Zhen's arm and gave him a look, lest he spoil the overall situation of the unannounced visit.

"Heh, whoever you love, I sell grain at this price. I love to buy and buy, but don't sell it! Let me tell you, there are only two bags of grain left in the store. They are sold out today, and it will be at least ten days before I come back next time. "

  The seller's attitude was much more aggressive than Zuo Zhen's, and he retorted at Zuo Zhen.

  After Zuo Zhen was held back by Tan Lun, he also knew that this was not the time to reveal his identity. If the overall situation of the unannounced visit was ruined, the unlucky one would be the Fu Zun, so he tried his best to restrain his anger.

"Don't buy it. The shopkeeper, he won't buy it. I'll buy it. I'll buy it. I'll take it all." The people behind were getting impatient. They squeezed away Zuo Zhen and the others, and took out a The money bags were thrown on the carriage without counting.

   "I, I buy."

   Many people squeezed forward with their heads sharpened, waving money bags in their hands, and shouting to buy food.

  So, the shopkeeper gave Zuo Zhen a proud look, lifted the face towel, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and cursed "poor".

   I am also angry! When did he suffer this kind of humiliation, Zuo Zhen couldn't help being furious again, but he finally remembered not to cause trouble for the Fu Zun, so he held back abruptly, glared at the seller vigorously, and remembered it in his heart. You made a fortune, boy, I remember your face, just wait for me!

"Young students, don't be like him. Let me tell you, if you buy it now, you will make money. If you come to buy food tomorrow, it's hard to say whether there is any food in the black market. Even if there is food, the price will not be today's price. If If it doesn’t increase by one or two hundred cash, the sun will come out from the west. The price of food today is 150 cash per stone higher than yesterday. Alas, in this world, food is the most important thing. Forget the rest. .”

  An old man kindly patted Zuo Zhen on the shoulder, shook his head at him, and said something to him in a bleak tone.

  After the old man taught Zuo Zhen, he also joined the army of grabbing food.

  Xu Hai and the others could not help but look stern. Soon, it was only tea time, and the six or seven carriages that were still selling grain just now had sold out of grain, and drove the carriage away. Many people waved their money bags, unable to buy food.


  The situation is so serious.

Although the Taizhou government has stabilized the price of grain, there is almost no grain to sell on the market, and the price of grain on the black market has risen to 3,500 yuan per stone of grain. Even if the price is so expensive, the grain on the black market is still There is a serious shortage, and there are often prices but no market, and you can't buy food with money bags.

  As for cracking down on the black market and strictly controlling the price of food in the black market? ! This is unrealistic and impossible. This grain black market is like carriages. If you seal this place, they will go to other places and harvest endlessly like leeks. The reason why the black market is called a black market is because the sun does not shine and it is not controlled by the government.

   After Xu Hai and others came out of the black market, the expressions on their faces were a bit more serious than when they came out of Chengxifang.

  (end of this chapter)

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