Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1254: scheduled

  Chapter 1254 Schedule

"The head of the house, we all figured it out. The puppy officer went out early in the morning and went out to mess around. I heard that it was like this for several days in a row, and he didn't come back until late at night. Now there is only one woman in the back house of the county government office. of."

  Several bandits who stepped on the spot returned to the flood shelter from the outside, and whispered to the young master and the old master.

   "Have you found out where the puppy officer is messing around? Let's catch up and give him a vote!"

   Hu Laosan is an impatient person. He asked hurriedly after hearing this, and couldn't wait to rob the fat sheep.

"I don't know where the puppy officer went to fool around, and the people nearby don't know. I just know that I go out every day before dawn and come back at night. However, the puppy officer cherishes his life. Every time he goes out, he takes six A guard followed closely. I heard that these six people have a very strong idea. It is not a problem to have copper skin and iron bones, and a hundred steps to penetrate Yang. The last time the Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan, the dog officer was defending Jingnan with these six talents. Listen to people He said, these six people seem to have become military officers because of their meritorious deeds. Hey, what can you do with good skills, but the eagle dog who is a puppy officer will work for the puppy officer! With these six eagle dogs, we are afraid that it will be difficult for a while. Take down the puppy officer. If we alarm the people nearby again, we may find it difficult to escape."

  The bandit who stepped on the spot replied, reminding the bandits that the guards around the puppy officer are tough and difficult to deal with.

   "You are a beautiful woman, but why are you a thief." The Shaodong family said quietly.

   All the bandits looked at her.

   "It's not about you guys!" The young master rolled his eyes, "It's the eagle dog who sighs why they are dog officials!"


  A group of bandits are not aware of it.

   "Since the whereabouts of the dog officer are uncertain, it is difficult to ambush in advance, it seems that we can only do it in the backyard of the county government."

   A group of bandits said in a low voice.

"It's also difficult to do it in the back house of the county government office. We have found out. First, the puppy officer spared his life and placed all the six eagle dogs in the back house of the county government office. Second, apart from the guards on duty nearby, there is also a team of guards patrolling the back house of the county yamen every half an hour. If you do something in the back house, unless you take it down with one blow, it will definitely alarm the guards. "

  The bandit who stepped on the spot said solemnly, they stepped on the spot very clearly and knew how difficult it was.

   "Bah! Don't do bad things, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. This little dog official is so cherishing his life, he must have done too many bad things!"

   A group of bandits cursed angrily.

   "Go out to be protected by eagles and dogs, and come back to hide in the tortoise shell, what should I do?" All the bandits felt that it was difficult.

   "This doesn't work, and that doesn't work. How can such a fat and oily sheep be let go?!"

   Hu Laosan and the others rubbed their hands anxiously.

   "Don't worry, this matter is important, and we have to think about it in the long run." The old club was also at a loss, and said to the bandits.

   "Giggle. Daddy, this matter is easy, why bother to think about it long term." The young master chuckled like a fox.

   "Simple?!" The old club was surprised when he heard this.

   "That's right, the Young Master's family is the female Zhuge from our cottage. With the Young Master's family, it's easy to catch a puppy officer." A group of bandits booed and flattered the Shaodong Family.

   "But it's okay, this little dog official will be punished by me in the end. I will kill or cut me, and my father can't stop me."

  Shao Dongjia said slowly, smiling sweetly, but there was a chilling murderous look in his eyes.

"Ruo Nan, you are too murderous. After all, the puppy officer is an official of the court. If we only ask for money, it is not difficult to retreat afterwards. But if we kill the official of the court, even if we escape to the mountains, the court will not let it go. us."

  The old boss looked at the murderous look in the young boss's eyes, and couldn't help but said worriedly.

   "Father, do you think that the dog official and the court will let us go if you rob the imperial court?"

  The Young Master sneered.

   "Old boss, we support the young boss. We robbed the dog official and fat sheep, so we shouldn't be hated by him. If we are hated by a dog official, wouldn't we have endless troubles, and it would be better to cut the grass and clean it up."

   "This kind of dog official who doesn't care about the life and death of the people kills a stupa that is better than a seven-level pagoda. We are killing harm for the people! Do justice for the sky!"

   "Killing the sheep and silencing the mouth, and dealt with it cleanly, who would know that we did it. Besides, even if the crime happened, the world is so big, we got so much money, and we hid in the ends of the world, hiding our names, no one can find us."

  Many thieves have expressed their support for the young master.

   "Hey, Ruonan, the past is over, don't let hatred blind your eyes." The old boss sighed, his thoughts seemed to return to the past, and a deep sadness appeared on his face.


  Shao Dongjia snorted and turned his head angrily.

   "Okay." The old boss was at a loss, so he smiled wryly and rubbed the young boss's hair, and compromised: "It's up to you, it's up to you."

   "It's more or less the same." Only then did the young master turn around.

   "Shaodong's family, the little dog official's whereabouts are uncertain, and there are six powerful eagle dogs to protect him when he goes out. When he returns, he shrinks into a tortoise shell. It's very tricky. I wonder what the young master's plan is?" The bandits asked curiously.

   "Hmph, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture the thief, you first capture the king. As long as you meet him face to face, you can capture the puppy officer, and keep his hawks and dogs." The young master said with confidence, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

   "Shaodong's puppy officials are protected by hawks and dogs when they go in and out, how can they be captured just by meeting them?!"

   A group of bandits looked at each other, embarrassed.

   "The little dog officer is protected by the eagle dog when he comes in and out. Could it be possible that the eagle dog can protect him in the bed with him when he sleeps?!"

  Shao Dongjia sneered.

   "Could it be that the young boss is going to play a beauty trick?!" Hu Laosan clicked his tongue.


   Cold light flashed!

  A dagger was stuck in his crotch, and a little bit higher, his second brother was about to become a dead soul under the knife!

   Hu Laosan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and broke out in cold sweat, almost peeing in fear.

   "The little dog official is also matched with his aunt to play a beauty trick! If you talk nonsense again, I will send you to the palace to enjoy the blessing!"

  Shao Dongjia sneered, and the whole body was filled with cold air.

   "Yes, yes, it's all small nonsense. Thank you, Young Master, for your mercy, thank you, Young Master, for your mercy."

   Hu Laosan nodded hurriedly, sweat dripping down his back.

  Hahahaha All the bandits laughed at Hu Laosan.

"Shaodong's house, as soon as the puppy officer returns, the eagle dog will be on duty outside the room on shift, and there will be guards patrolling from time to time. We want to sneak into his room and capture him without anyone noticing, I'm afraid it will not be easy?!" The crowd The bandit raised another question.

   "If you don't wait for him to come back, just sneak in earlier." The young master raised the corners of his lips, "Didn't you say that there is only one woman in the back house now? Wouldn't it be easy to sneak in."

  (end of this chapter)

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