Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1240: gloat

  Chapter 1240 Gloating

  I just like to see you guys look at me unhappy, but have to pay for food with a smile.

  Thai shopkeeper sat in front of the counter, while supervising the work and collecting money from selling food in the account room, while watching the people in front of the counter waving money bags to buy food, not to mention how beautiful it was in his heart. When he announced the price increase of 10 cents per stone of grain just now, everyone complained endlessly. However, what does it matter, no matter how upset you complain, why don't you obediently take out your money bag for me.

  The limited amount of 600 catties of grain sold in the morning was sold out in just one meal.

   There were quite a few people who didn't buy food, and shouted excitedly, asking the shopkeeper Tai to sell them food.

   "It's gone, it's really gone, the food can only be delivered at noon. Please come early in the afternoon."

  Thai shopkeeper is used to this kind of scene, he got up and waved his hands, and explained with a smile.

  After dismissing the reluctant people, the shopkeeper Tai counted the money with his eyes shining, and confirmed that it was correct with the account, and there was not a lot of copper, so he couldn't help smiling with satisfaction. After enjoying the count again, he counted ten of them, and rewarded the two workers with a face full of pain, and counted ten more to the accountant, picked out the broken silver and put them all in the sleeve purse , and the rest of the copper coins were locked in a special iron box.

"After I left, the three of you closed the door and guarded in this store. When Laifu brought the grain at noon, you put it in the cellar and locked it after you weighed it! You will open the door again when the master comes in the afternoon. .I don’t know how much food Laifu can bring this time! If it’s less than three thousand catties, I don’t care if he’s a brother-in-law or not.

  Thai shopkeeper closed his cuffs, gave instructions to the clerk and accountant, and went out on his own.

   Laifu is his brother-in-law, the second brother of his original wife. He can read a few words but is articulate. On his wife's recommendation, he went to do errands in his grain store. Because of his articulate speech and rough knowledge of a few words, he quickly made his mark and became a steward in charge of grain purchases.

  However, due to the great flood, the granary in the south of the Yangtze River also suffered a food shortage, and it became more and more difficult to buy food. Laifu went out to buy grain several times, and each time he traveled farther and cost more each time, but the grain he bought back was less and less each time.

  The bottom line that the shopkeeper can accept this time is three thousand catties, which can sell at least two days' worth of grain.

  Of course he still has some food in the cellar, but it is very limited and can only last for a few days. It seems that after Laifu came back this time, he had to immediately let him take someone to run north again, and go to the border of Shandong to buy.

  Treasurer Tai's side had just left, when he saw shopkeeper Lu from Yongfeng Grain Shop diagonally opposite also come out.

   "Hehe, Lao Lu, your place is also sold out, it's still early, where should we go for a drink?"

Shopkeeper Tai clasped his fists and greeted Shopkeeper Lu with a smile. He wanted to find an opportunity to play against Shopkeeper Lu, and inquire about the procurement channels and purchasing conditions of his Yongfeng Grain Store. The shopkeeper partnered up and went to the border of Shandong to purchase grain together. There are many people and strength and it is safe. In the past few days, I heard from Laifu and the others that the road is not safe. When the victims saw the grain trucks, their eyes lit up like hungry wolves.

  However, after saying hello, shopkeeper Tai noticed that shopkeeper Lu's expression was a little strange, and he seemed a little flustered.

   It shouldn’t be. Since the flood, the business of our grain store has been getting better and better. It’s really like stealing money. It can be said that there is no better time than these days.

  The business of Yongfeng Grain Store is the same as that of our own Fengtai Grain Store. Shopkeeper Lu these days, is as happy as Maitreya Buddha every day, and he can't close his mouth anymore.

  When we met this morning, shopkeeper Lu still smiled like a flower, why did he become like this after a while? ! The panic on his face, a little bit out of his mind? !

  Business is booming these days, making money every day, shouldn’t shopkeeper Lu be like this? !

  Could it be that shopkeeper Lu and his Yongfeng Grain Store have ordered back, and they haven’t purchased any food today? ! Or is it that the purchased food was robbed by the victims on the road? ! There was a problem with the purchase of grain, and the grain store in Yongfeng Grain Store was estimated to be only enough to sell for a few days. These days, the grain shop is making a lot of money every day, and if it sells for less than a day, it will be a loss of a lot of money. The shopkeeper Lu, who is addicted to money like his life, can't be blamed if he doesn't feel pain. The panic on his face is understandable.

   There was a problem with the former competitor. Thinking of this, the shopkeeper Tai couldn't help but gloated a little.

   "Old Tai, Lao Tai, have you heard?"

   Seeing shopkeeper Tai, shopkeeper Lu seemed to have found something similar, and trotted all the way to shopkeeper Tai, looked at shopkeeper Tai with flustered small eyes, and said endlessly.

   "Have you heard anything?"

  Treasurer Tai's schadenfreude grew a bit stronger. Hearing what shopkeeper Lu said, he was even more certain that there was probably something wrong with shopkeeper Lu's grain shop.

   "Oh, my old Tai, it's a disaster, it's a disaster." Shopkeeper Lu grabbed the hand of shopkeeper Tai, cold sweat dripped down his fat face, and his panic was palpable.

Sure enough, there is something wrong with Yongfeng Grain Shop, but that is your problem, and the disaster is also yours, what has it to do with me... Shopkeeper Tai is very sure in his heart, the gloating on his face at this moment is the same as the panic on Shopkeeper Lu's face , are beyond words.

   "Old Tai, my old Tai, you... how can you still laugh?" Shopkeeper Lu caught a glimpse of the smile that couldn't be concealed on Shopkeeper Tai's face, and immediately hated iron for steel, and let out a long sigh.

   This is your disaster, not mine, why can't I laugh?

   "Did I laugh? Cough cough, how could it be? It must be Lao Lu, you are delusional."

  The shopkeeper Tai shook his head vigorously, not admitting that he smiled, but at this moment, the gloating smile on his face was suppressed no matter how hard it was, and it was still obvious at a glance.

   "My old Tai, a catastrophe is coming. Manager Zhang in my shop went to buy grain today. When he passed by Taizhou Prefecture, he saw the shopkeeper Mi, the owner of Mi's Grain Store in Fucheng..."

  When shopkeeper Lu spoke, his face was unstoppably pale, and sweat was visible to the naked eye streaming down from his forehead.

   "What's the matter with shopkeeper Mi? Did he make things difficult for Steward Zhang? Their Mi family is too domineering, we are not allowed to go to Fucheng to sell food, and we are not allowed to pass through Fucheng?!"

   Shopkeeper Tai said disapprovingly, Shopkeeper Mi is very domineering, but Shopkeeper Tai and Shopkeeper Mi have some oblique relatives, and he feels that Shopkeeper Mi will never embarrass him.

   "What, the shopkeeper Mi of Mi's Grain Shop and the shopkeeper Wang of Shiweitian Grain Shop were beheaded by the magistrate on charges of driving up grain prices, sabotaging disaster relief, and making disaster fortune!"

   Shopkeeper Lu shook off Shopkeeper Tai's hand angrily, stomped his feet, and said with lingering fear.

   "What... what?!"

  Thai shopkeeper heard the words, his face was as pale as the window paper, and his legs suddenly became weak. If he hadn't supported the crooked neck tree by the roadside, he would have collapsed on the ground.

   "Linhai County, which is next to Fucheng, immediately arrested three grain merchants for driving up grain prices and put them in jail! I heard that Taiping County next door has also started arresting people."

   Shopkeeper Lu was like a crow, throwing bad news to Shopkeeper Tai one by one.


  Holding the little tree was useless, and the shopkeeper Tai collapsed on the ground all of a sudden! Pale!

  (end of this chapter)

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