Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1237: Doumien, Shengmichou

  Chapter 1237 Doumi En, Sheng Mi Qiu

  Dou Mien, Sheng Michou! Reality is what it is!

  It was time for dinner in the evening, and there was a long queue early in the kitchen area of ​​the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs, and more than 20,000 victims of the disaster queued up to wait for the meal. The long queue was full of laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere was harmonious. During these days in the flood refuge area, they had eaten and slept well, not to mention how moist they were.

However, this harmonious atmosphere of laughter and laughter was broken in a short while. When the people in the back row heard the noise and curses coming from the front, they couldn't help but leaned curiously, stretched their necks and looked forward, and saw The few people in the front row started to quarrel with the cook, as if they were still agitated.

   "What's going on? The people in front of the line are sick, why are you making a fuss? Hurry up and grab a meal, and there are still a lot of people waiting behind."

  The people behind couldn't help cursing loudly, very dissatisfied with the people in front.

   "That is, people control your food and drink. If you don't know how to be grateful, you don't have the face to quarrel with others. Hurry up and grab a meal, so it's our turn."

  The people next to him followed suit.

   "Oh, no, are you listening? Something is wrong."

  A person in front of them moved their ears, and his face changed suddenly. He turned his head and said to the two of them.

"What's wrong, are you listening? San Gouzi, what are you listening to, tell us quickly, don't be tricky. You have the sharpest ears in our village. If someone has a quarrel or something, you The dog said that once you hear it, you will be sure!"

  The two people behind couldn't help pushing San Gouzi, and urged them repeatedly.

"I heard the guy in front scolding the cook for being a maggot, and deducting our food! Didn't we get two corn buns, one pickled wild vegetable dumpling, and enough porridge?! This time, we only gave one corn bun, A bowl of porridge and a thin strip of pickled vegetables! The man in front has started a fight with the cook."

  San Gouzi's ears are really sharp. He listened to the scolding before, and learned from the two of them.

"What?! One cornbread and one bowl of porridge! Damn it, it's too dark!" The two people behind couldn't help cursing excitedly when they heard this, they couldn't accept that the food changed from two cornbread porridge to one A bowl of porridge and a cornbread, I have long forgotten that they scolded the people in front of them for not being grateful.

   Soon, the entire flood refuge area was full of curses.

  The team was also in disarray, and the excited victims jumped out of the team, surrounded the place where they were cooking, and cursed.

"Fart your mother! Let me tell you again, this is the meaning of the above, not that I am greedy for your corn bread! Besides, in the current disaster, thank God if you can have a bite to eat, let alone a corn bread A bowl of porridge! I don’t charge you money, so why don’t you feel satisfied.”

  The cooking cooks scolded each other red-faced, but they were quickly drowned out by the curses of the disaster victims.

   "Damn! The government has so much food, if you give us one more wotou and let us drink one more bowl, we will die!"

   "My heart is dark! Even our buns are black!"

   The disaster victims were full of curses, and the saliva almost drowned out several cooks.

  Liu Dianli, the subordinate official in charge of the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs, came forward to explain, but was also scolded as a **** sprinkler.

   At the critical moment, Zhu Ping'an appeared and took control of the situation. Zhu Pingan was dressed in an official uniform, followed by guards such as Liu Mu and Liu Dadao. Seeing Zhu Ping'an's arrival, the screaming victims instantly fell silent. In feudal society, an era of strict hierarchy, common people were naturally afraid of being an official.

"Fathers and folks, this is a last resort. It's not that they are greedy. The current flood has lasted for a long time and the damage is extensive. It will take time for the court to rescue, and my county government has limited food. For a long-term solution, I have to temporarily reduce your food. Our county government is also trying to solve the food problem, and when the food problem is solved, not only will you be full, but you will also be able to eat well, and please be patient for a few days." Zhu Pingan stood in the middle of the crowd and cupped his hands towards them. explained to everyone.

  Zhu Ping'an has a high status in the minds of Jingnan people, and his image is also very good. After Zhu Ping'an explained, the local people in Jingnan basically died down, but those who fled from other places did not buy it very much.

   "Of course, if you can't accept it, you can leave at any time. I open the gate of Jingnan to welcome you, and I will not close the door to imprison you." Zhu Pingan glanced at those people and said lightly.

leave? ! Doesn't that mean you don't even have to eat! The refugees who fled suddenly dared not speak up.

  As a result, the situation in the flood shelter area in the northern suburbs stabilized, and everyone lined up again to eat.

   Once the order was stabilized, Zhu Pingan led Liu Dadao and others to leave to the next flood shelter.

"Bah! These officials are talking about high-sounding, limited food and long-term solutions. Bah! We pay for food every year. In the county government, those who have a lot of food are fed to mice, and those who have a lot of money are rusted. Can you send us a cornbread and a bowl of porridge? It’s not because of the black heart of the officials, all the food they saved went into their own pockets!”

  A disaster victim who fled from the country was given a cornbread and a bowl of porridge, cursing while eating.

   "What are you talking about, our county magistrate is not that kind of person." The local victims said to him after hearing it.

"Why, what I said is wrong. Heh, we just came here, tell us how good your county magistrate is, how you love the people like a son, how you have a clean sleeve, and you talk about the hype, just like Bao Qingtian is alive, Now, with so much food in the county government, he even blacked out half of the buns and rice porridge! What else is there to say!" The victims who fled from the disaster sneered and choked.

"Uh, didn't you listen to what our county magistrate said, let us endure for a few days, and when the food problem is solved, we will not only be full, but also eat well." It's true, they can't deny it.

"Put it down, just listen to these official promises, don't take them seriously. How many days can solve the food problem? Let us have enough to eat?! Eat well?! All the crows in the world are as black!" The victims who fled the disaster sneered. , I don't believe it at all.

   There are many such voices in the flood shelter area, most of them are victims from other places, and there are fewer victims in Jingnan.

   Until the evening, the five major flood shelters continued to scold.

On the second day, when the victims found that not only the standard of food had been lowered, but also that meals had been changed from three meals a day to two meals a day, there were more scolding in the flood shelter area, not only the refugees from other places, but even the Some local disaster victims also joined in.

  If the flood shelters hadn’t learned yesterday’s lesson and organized officials to maintain order in advance, the order in the flood shelters would have been out of control.

  (end of this chapter)

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