Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1227: Those who know me call me worried, those who don't know me call me a fool

  Chapter 1227 Those who know me call me worried, those who don't know me call me a fool

   Rain in Jingnan, rain in Taizhou, rain everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River.

   This continuous rain that stretched over half of the south of the Yangtze River lasted for 12 days before the rain stopped. The dark clouds over the south of the Yangtze River slowly dissipated, the sky gradually showed signs of clearing up, and the hazy sun was looming.

"Oh, the rain has stopped. What about the floods? Where did the floods go?!" The new magistrate of Taiping County stood in the courtyard of the county government office, turned around with his hands outstretched, looked up at the sun that was trying to hide his shame, and sneered at the people around him. said the aide.

   "What Dong Weng said is very true. It's only light rain for more than ten days, how can it cause floods. That person in the neighboring county is worrying unnecessarily."

  The staff smiled approvingly, and stepped on Zhu Ping'an in the neighboring county very well.

  This staff member was brought by the magistrate of Taiping County when he took office. In fact, he is commonly known as Shiye, but there is no title of Shiye in the Ming Dynasty, so he is used to calling him a staff member. Although the magistrate of Taiping said nothing, but as his confidants, he knew that he was talking about the letter sent by Zhu Pingan, the magistrate of the neighboring county, to remind him of flood control.

"I've said long ago that Zhu Ping'an's reputation is hard to live up to. He's far from being praised for his 'achievements', but it's just that the meeting happened at the right time. It's just that the common people were deceived by him. The former magistrate was incompetent and had many soldiers. The food is sufficient, but like the treacherous official Qiu Luan, he tried to bribe the Japanese in vain, and misfortune was diverted to the east, but he lifted a stone and shot himself in the foot, and was taken advantage of by the Japanese pirates, which only made Zhuzi famous. Jiangnan has always been rainy, and Zhuzi sees many strange things, how ridiculous."

  The magistrate of Taiping sneered.

   "The reason why the neighboring county did this is probably to add to the icing on the cake. Before leaving office, let's make more achievements in flood control." The staff guessed maliciously.

   "Huh? Not bad. This official has long seen through this man who is trying to catch fame. How can he do what he wants!"

  The magistrate of Taiping County was taken aback when he heard the words. After thinking about it, he felt that it was very possible that he had a bigger opinion of Zhu Pingan.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhu Ping'an was about to be appointed as the fifth-rank official, he was his quasi-superior official, and the magistrate of Taiping even wanted to come here without being indecent, so he sent a letter to Zhu Pingan to ridicule Zhu Pingan. .

  At this time, Zhu Pingan, who was despised and spurned by the magistrate of Taiping County, was taking Liu Dadao and others to inspect the flood control situation. The continuous rain that lasted for twelve days stopped, but the flood control cannot stop.

  When it rained continuously, people were very cooperative and active in flood control. But now that the rain has stopped, and if they are asked to prevent floods, people's enthusiasm will not be so high, and some discordant words will spread.

   Basically, the county magistrate talks about flood control every day, but now that the rain has stopped, is it a slap in the face? !

   When Zhu Pingan was inspecting and guiding flood control, it was no surprise that he also heard these disharmonious remarks.

   Lizheng, Lilao and others at the scene couldn't help becoming nervous. They glared at the young people in the village vigorously, trying to find out who was the troublemaker who was afraid of chaos in the world. Isn't this causing trouble for the village?

   "Hehe, as long as everyone is safe and sound, I even hope to have this kind of slap in the face a few more times."

  Zhu Pingan didn't care about these disharmonious remarks at all. He smiled slightly, looked at the crowd, and said self-deprecatingly, and waved his hands to stop Liu Dadao, Li Zheng, Li Lao and others from trying to catch the voicer.

  Everyone laughed immediately, Li Zheng and Li Lao, who were extremely nervous and uneasy, were obviously relieved, and the tense atmosphere on the scene disappeared immediately. Zhu Ping'an's figure is even more stalwart in the eyes of ordinary people.

   "Our magistrate will definitely be the prime minister in the future." Someone at the bottom whispered to the people next to him and vowed.

   "Why?" The people beside him were puzzled.

   "Because the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, our county magistrate can hold a big belly, so he will definitely be a prime minister in the future."

  The man below said with great confidence.

  The person next to him couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, but after a smile, he thought about it carefully and nodded again. How old is the county magistrate now, and he is already a five-rank official. It is very possible that he will enter the cabinet and become a prime minister in the future.

Zhu Pingan saw that the people's awareness of flood control and flood control was lax because the rain stopped, so he said to everyone, "Life is only once, and life is more important than Mount Tai. Flood control is the top priority for the lives of the people in the county. Be sure to pay more attention. The rain stopped today, but what about tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and next year? Flood disasters cannot be predicted, and we can only prepare for them in advance. Flood control and flood control projects are a century-old plan related to the national economy and people's livelihood. When it happens, we can be prepared.”

   "Don't worry, the county magistrate. This is all for us big guys. We know the seriousness. Now that the rain has stopped, it's time to work. The little old man must urge the young and old to work harder and repair this dam."

   Li Lao and Li Zheng said one after another.

  Zhu Pingan bowed his long hand to them, and everyone returned the salute one after another, declaring loudly that they must work hard to build the dam.

  Zhu Pingan patrolled from morning to night, reminding and encouraging everyone wherever he went. Under the inspection guidance of Zhu Ping'an, the flood control and flood control project in Jingnan County was built quickly and well.

  No rain overnight.

   On the second day, the weather was better than yesterday. In the morning, the morning sun, which had not been seen for more than ten days, rose from the east.

  After Taiping county magistrate woke up in the morning, seeing this scene, he sneered at Zhu Pingan in the neighboring county even more, and complained about Zhu Pingan with his staff even more sharply.

   On this day, the sky cleared up, and the haze of more than ten days was swept away. The sky was blue, and the long-lost bright sunshine returned to the sky above Jiangnan.

  In the middle of the afternoon, when the sun was about to set, pieces of thin, white, fish-scale clouds slowly appeared in the blue sky, and gradually most of the sky seemed to be covered by these fish-scale clouds.

"Wow, my lord, look quickly, look quickly, the clouds in the sky are so beautiful." Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, noticed the fish-scale clouds in the sky, and the girl's heart couldn't help but jump, and she couldn't help but tugged at the writing desk. Zhu Ping'an's sleeve.

After Zhu Pingan was reminded by Hua'er, he looked up through the window and looked out of the window. He didn't care at first, but when he noticed the fish-scale cloud in the sky, he was shocked, got up instantly, put down the brush in his hand, and walked outside go.

   "Uncle, wait for me."

   Baozi's little maid, Hua'er, was surprised that her uncle liked the clouds in the sky so much, so she couldn't help but go out to see them.

  However, after going out, Hua'er felt that something was wrong. My uncle had a serious face, as if he didn't like the clouds in the sky.

   "There are fish scale clouds in the sky, and rain on the ground. I'm afraid it's going to rain heavily." Zhu Pingan looked up at the sky, frowned uncontrollably, and said to himself.

  This is not a good sign!

  (end of this chapter)

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