Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1205: Zhu Ping'an is very busy (7)

  Chapter 1205 Zhu Ping'an is very busy (7)

   "My official ordered someone to put an emetic in the longevity noodles. Now that the truth is revealed, what do you have to say, Mrs. Li?"

  Zhu Ping'an slapped the gavel vigorously in the courtroom, and said loudly to the old lady in the hall.

In fact, Zhu Ping'an was suspicious from the very beginning. The old woman was dressed in new clothes, with a fat body, ruddy complexion, and vigorous skills. She didn't look like she had been harshly abused; What's more, He Wang's clothes are plain, and there is a patch on the skirt, and his face looks hard.

  Because Mrs. He Wang just cried and refused to say anything, and the case could not go down to trial, Zhu Pingan thought of the method of putting emetics on longevity noodles. Since you refuse to speak, let your stomachs open.

   "Master Zhizhi County, I, I"

  Facing the undeniable truth, Zhu Pingan's interrogation, and the critics outside the courtroom, the old woman in the courtroom blushed and stammered, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in.

   "It turned out that the magistrate put emetics in the longevity noodles. No wonder they vomited after eating it. If they hadn't met the magistrate, the truth of this case would never have come to light."

   "Master Zhixian deserves to be the No. 1 scholar of our Ming Dynasty. It's amazing that he can come up with such a method. Baogong is still alive."

   "I really owe it to you, just now I doubted the magistrate, and it is absurd to criticize the magistrate."

  The melon-eating crowd outside the courtroom cast their eyes on Zhu Ping'an's admiration at this moment, and worshiped him.

   "It's true that you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart. I saw this old lady aggrieved and pitiful before with snot and tears, and how pitiful she was, but who would have thought that she was a false accuser?!"

"Hehe, this old lady is really capable. She celebrates her birthday, her daughter-in-law feeds her fish, and she eats her own vegetables and radishes. What is there to be dissatisfied with these days? She is still a moth, turning black and white, and falsely accusing her. Is the daughter-in-law disobedient?!"

"This is turning black and white. This aunt can really act. Looking at it now, I noticed that the clothes on this aunt's body are much better than her daughter-in-law's, and this aunt's food is much fatter than her daughter-in-law. The first is the appearance of being abused."

   "I thought it was an evil daughter-in-law, but who knew the truth turned out to be an evil mother-in-law, thanks to the magistrate's decision"

  The melon-eaters outside the courtroom pointed and pointed at the old woman, and there were many discussions.

"Mr. Li, you fabricated a lie and falsely accused your daughter-in-law of disobedience and disobedience. The truth has been revealed and cannot be denied. According to the laws of our Ming Dynasty, those who make false accusations will sit back and face additional punishment. If you falsely accuse your daughter-in-law of disobedience and disobedience, then you will be charged with The crime of disobedience and unfilial piety shall be dealt with, and the punishment shall be increased. Disobedience and unfilial piety are the most heinous crimes, second only to treason and rebellion. Based on the circumstances of this case, disobedience and unfilial piety may be punished with a heavy beating of 50 boards and parading in the streets. You will be punished for false accusation , was punished with a severe 60-year-old board, and was paraded through the streets with a label."

  Zhu Ping'an patted the gavel heavily, and pronounced the verdict to the old lady in the courtroom expressionlessly, and stretched out his hand to draw a warrant lot from the lottery holder.

What? !

  Major sixty board? ! Do you want to parade through the streets with a sign? !

  I’m already at such an age. Even if I survive at sixty, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of bed.

When the old woman Li heard the words, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning, her face turned pale, her legs went limp, and she slumped down on the ground, frightened and kowtowed, begging for mercy, "Please forgive me, please, please forgive me! Ah, old lady, I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare anymore, please forgive me from the magistrate.”

"Now I'm scared, what did you do?! When you celebrate your birthday, your daughter-in-law gives you a lot of fish and meat, and you eat vegetables and radishes yourself. You still falsely accuse them of disobedience and let the county magistrate judge your son to divorce them. You are so heartless." Why is it so dark? It's a good day, but it's a moth!"

  The crowd watching the melons taunted the old woman.

"Master magistrate, please, my mother-in-law is too old to stand sixty; Forgive me, please forgive my mother-in-law this time, the woman will give the tablet of longevity to the county magistrate at home."

  Hearing that Zhu Ping'an was going to punish her mother-in-law, He Wang was not only worried about her mother-in-law, but kowtowed repeatedly, begging Zhu Ping'an for her mother-in-law.

   "Your mother-in-law falsely accused you of disobedience and disobedience, and asked the judge to order your husband to divorce you. After treating you like this, you still want to intercede for your mother-in-law?"

  Zhu Ping'an stopped throwing the lottery in his hand, and asked He Wang with great interest.

   "Yes. The magistrate of Qiuzhi County is kind enough to spare my mother-in-law this time."

  He Wang nodded vigorously, and then kowtowed to plead for mercy. Under the force, his forehead was broken.

   "Hey, my mother-in-law made a false accusation, and she pleaded for her mother-in-law. Such a good daughter-in-law can't be found even with a lantern. This old godmother really lost her heart after eating lard. Such a good daughter-in-law doesn't know how to cherish it"

  When the onlookers saw this, they were full of praise for Mr. He Wang, who repaid his grievances with virtue, and sneered at the old woman who made a false accusation.

   "He Wang, I feel your filial piety, but the family has family rules, the state owns the state law, and those who make false accusations will sit back and face additional punishment. This is the express regulation of my Ming Dynasty law."

  Zhu Ping'an shook his head, and then picked up the warrant again.

   "The county magistrate, the women are willing to be punished for their mother-in-law, and I ask the county magistrate to make it happen." Seeing that her mother-in-law's crimes could not be forgiven, He Wang asked to be punished instead of her mother-in-law, kowtowing and pleading.

  The surrogate mother-in-law was punished!

  He Wang’s actions moved the onlookers to eat melons. This scene was all in the drama, but they didn’t expect to see it in reality.

   "Hey, daughter-in-law, I. I was blinded by lard, dog eyes don't recognize good people, I was wrong"

  The old woman couldn't help feeling ashamed and remorseful when she saw that He Wang's head had been smashed in order to plead for her and be punished for her, and she shed tears all at once.

"Mr. Li, you falsely accused your daughter-in-law. Your daughter-in-law not only pleaded for you, but also took the punishment for you. What do you say?" said the man.

"Master magistrate, old lady, I was wrong, woo woo woo, I see that my son treats his daughter-in-law well, but my wife, I think my daughter-in-law is not pleasing to the eye, woo woo, let's live a good life, but I'm not human." The old woman Speaking of giving herself two mouthfuls, He Wang hurriedly stepped forward and took her mother-in-law's hand, crying to stop it.

   "Do you know you're wrong?!" Zhu Ping'an asked.

"Old lady, I know I was wrong, and I don't dare anymore. My daughter-in-law is so good to me. If I don't cherish it, then I will be a beast. I will live a good life in the future and treat my daughter-in-law as my own daughter. If my son treats my daughter-in-law badly Alright, I’m going to fight this old life, and I have to teach him a lesson.”

  The old woman knelt on the ground, holding Mrs. He tightly, her tears of remorse were like a river breaking its embankment.

"Family and everything prosper, father is kind and son is filial. Mrs. Li, I think you can correct your mistakes. You are old, and today is your birthday. The most important thing is the victim, that is, your daughter-in-law. I beg you, I will record this on the board for the time being, and if you commit the crime again in the future, you will be punished together and severely punished!"

  Zhu Ping'an put the lottery in his hand back into the holder, and sternly resigned to Mrs. Li.

"Thank you to the magistrate, thank you to the magistrate, the old woman will never do it again, I will cherish this good daughter-in-law and live a good life." The old woman burst into tears with gratitude, kowtowed to thank her, and swore she would not Repeat.

"Hundred good filial piety comes first. Mrs. He, you have more filial piety. You can be a model for the contemporary daughter-in-law. You will be rewarded with ten taels of silver as a reward. Documents, remember to make a commendation order, and then send it to Mrs. He together with the silver reward." At home, as a token of appreciation."

  Zhu Ping'an commended He Wang's filial piety in public in the court, and ordered the document to issue a commendation order as a reward.

   "Thank you, magistrate, thank you magistrate." He Wang and the old lady kowtowed happily.

  The crowd who watched and ate melons were also greatly moved and applauded one after another, praising Zhu Pingan, Baogong is still alive, and the case of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is judged by God, and He Wang’s filial piety, you told the old woman to cherish blessings and cherish good daughter-in-law.

  (end of this chapter)

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