Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1181: Vigorous Zhu Pingan

  Chapter 1181 Vigorous Zhu Pingan

  The Holy One actually laughed! ?

  Huang Jin couldn't help getting excited. He remembered clearly that it had been a month and eight days since the last time the Holy Majesty smiled, and the Holy Majesty finally smiled again. Oh my God, you finally appeared. The old slave kowtowed over a thousand times, and my wish finally came true. The Holy One finally smiled again.

   During this period of time, there have been natural and man-made disasters, northern Hu and southern Japanese, and the Holy One has broken his heart for this empire. This morning, when the old slave tied the hair of the Holy Majesty, he found that the Holy Majesty had added eight more white hairs, but the old slave was very distressed.

  Today, the elixir refined by the "Bagong Pill Formula" that the Holy Majesty placed high hopes on, unexpectedly failed.

   Holy shit...

  My Majesty bears unimaginable weight for this empire and suffers successive blows. This old slave hurts my heart when I see it. I only hate that this old slave is incompetent and useless, and cannot help the Majesty.

  Thanks to God for showing his spirit, the old slave kowtowed more than a thousand times, but he didn't kowtow in vain. His Majesty finally laughed again.

   Smile, ten years old. The Holy Majesty's smile can make you ten years younger, more effective than any elixir.

  Thank God, the old slave will kowtow a thousand heads to fulfill his wish when he goes back.

  Oh, by the way, and thanks to Master Xiao Zhu, Master Xiao Zhu is really a lucky star, how many times he has brought smiles to the Holy Majesty. I still remember the food-style poem written by Mr. Xiao Zhu last time, which is sweet and sour fish or spicy fin, which made the Holy Spirit laugh. Oh, by the way, some time ago Master Xiao Zhu checked the Taicang bank with his naked buttocks. Afterwards, the Holy Majesty couldn't help laughing when he thought about it. And today, although I don't know what Master Xiao Zhu did to make the Holy One smile with satisfaction, but the Holy One smiled, and that was enough. From now on, if Master Xiao Zhu encounters any difficulties and troubles, as long as the miscellaneous family can help, they will definitely help Master Xiao Zhu.

  When Huang Jin was pleasantly surprised, the little **** at the gate of Yongshou Palace also vaguely heard Emperor Jiajing's laughter. He still thought that the Holy Majesty was laughed out of anger! How hot it must be to be so angry! I couldn't help being grateful again, and thanked the gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas one after another in my heart.

   "Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping'an gave me a pleasant surprise." After reading the performance, Emperor Jiajing was in a much better mood. Seeing the kneeling palace ladies and eunuchs, he waved his hand to make everyone stand up.

   "Thank you, Lord Long." Huang Jin led a group of eunuchs and maids to thank him and got up.

"Huang Ban, take a look too. Next month, you go to patrol the border and bring this battle report with you. I will embarrass the faces of those generals. They are not even as good as a small civil servant." Emperor Jiajing said in Huang Jin After getting up, he threw the memorial to Huang Jin casually.

  Huang Jin took the memorial with both hands respectfully, opened it carefully, and set his eyes on the memorial.

This is a memorial to the Taizhou Japanese invasion report submitted by the Taizhou prefect. Hiss... This time the Taizhou Japanese invasion is really menacing. More than 10,000 Japanese pirates sailed more than 700 ships and plundered Taizhou. County... No wonder the emperor was so angry at the beginning. The Japanese invasion in Taizhou Prefecture is the most serious one this year. This group of Japanese pirates who deserve to be hacked into seven counties and one prefecture boldly attacked seven counties and one prefecture. Before, the Japanese pirates attacked one or two counties at most, and there were such arrogant ones there.

   Looking further down, Huang Jin knew what the surprise brought by Zhu Pingan was that Emperor Jiajing said.

  The Japanese pirates attacked the seven counties and one prefecture of Taizhou Prefecture, and none of them were spared, and Jingnan County, where Mr. Zhu served as the county magistrate, was not spared either.

  More than 3,000 Japanese pirates attacked Jingnan County. Master Xiao Zhu fought against more than 3,000 Japanese pirates with less than 100 government servants and soldiers. Not only did he successfully defend Jingnan County, but he also captured 824 Japanese pirates.

  Master Xiao Zhu brought more surprises than that. He also recovered the neighboring county, Taiping County, which was captured by Japanese pirates.

   This plot is even more incredible than romance novels!

  After reading the memorial, Huang Jinjue didn't seem to remember the specific content of the memorial, but only remembered the impressive record of Mr. Zhu. Uh, after thinking about it, Huang Jinfu read the memorial again, and then he saw the clue.

This memorial uses the spring and autumn style of writing without any trace, and briefly describes the five counties captured by the Japanese pirates. It focuses on the defense of Jingnan by Mr. Zhu, his aid to Taiping, and the restoration of Taiping... Well, it seems that Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, is a man with a "heart" "Man, Huang Jin saw through Tan Lun's small thoughts at a glance, but he didn't intend to expose them. Firstly, Tan Lun's memorial is all factual, but he used the Spring and Autumn style of writing, so the narrative should be emphasized; secondly, the Holy One laughed, which is more important than anything else.

   "Huang Ban, how do you feel after reading it?" Emperor Jiajing saw that Huang Jin had finished reading the memorial, and asked calmly.

"Returning to the Holy Lord, the old slave was taken aback. You really can't judge by appearance. Mr. Zhu looked at a group of gentle and honest scholars, but he didn't expect to be so vigorous. With one hundred against three thousand pirates attacking the city, he not only defended the county but also defended the city. Beheading 824 heads of Japanese pirates, and recovering neighboring counties, the old slave could not make up such a plot even if he made up a story. The old slave never expected that Master Xiao Zhu not only wrote the article well, It’s still such a military strategy.” Huang Jin closed the memorial, with an unexpected expression on his face at the right time, and then looked at Emperor Jiajing with admiration, “At the beginning, the emperor ordered Mr. Zhu to be the champion, and the old slave was still a little bit dissatisfied. Xie, now that I think about it, the Holy Majesty is really wise and powerful, with unique insight, he has already seen how extraordinary Master Xiao Zhu is."

   "Hehe, you old guy can't keep up with young people in flattering skills." Emperor Jiajing laughed and cursed when he heard this.

   "Hehe, when it comes to flattering, of course the old slave can't keep up with young people. The old slave always tells the truth, but he doesn't know how to flatter." Huang Jin bowed in front of Emperor Jiajing, like a shrimp, and replied with a smile.

   "You old guy, you said you are fat and you are still out of breath." Emperor Jiajing cursed again with a smile.

  Huang Jin smiled apologetically.

"Zhu Ping'an, a mere scholar, defended a small county in Jingnan with no more than a hundred soldiers. Facing the attack of three thousand Japanese pirates, he not only successfully defended the city, but also achieved such a record. If you are a general, everyone can be like Zhu Ping'an Why do I worry about the restlessness at the border?" Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he thought of the recent bad battle situation at the border and the comparison with Zhu Ping'an.

"This time when I go to Datong to patrol the border, I will definitely take this matter to shame the faces of those arrogant soldiers. Everyone claims to be from a family of generals, familiar with the art of war, and skilled in bows and horses. In the end, even a scholar Why not," Huang Jin continued.

"Give me a good embarrassment to their faces, all of them only know how to ask me for food and horses. Every year, I spend millions of taels of silver, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses can't defend my border. , Lost cities and lands, frequent defeats, my frontiers have become the back garden of the barbarians!" Jiajing Emperor mentioned the border, and couldn't help but hate iron and steel.

   "Old slave obeys the order." Huang Jin responded repeatedly.

  (end of this chapter)

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