Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1176: accept the truth

  Chapter 1176 Accept the facts

"I really don't know what ecstasy drug Zhu Pingan gave them to protect Zhu Pingan like this. A small county town can capture 795 heads of Japanese pirates. Is it abnormal at first glance, but they are fine. One by one swears, we can't even question it."

  Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, and his party walked out of the teahouse, when an accompanying soldier said indignantly.

"that is."

   Another soldier also echoed.

"Rewards and punishments must be clearly stated. Zhuzhi County has guarded Jingnan and protected the 50,000 Li people in Jingnan County. It is a meritorious minister. Before it is confirmed that Zhuzhi County has killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, you must not offend Zhuzhi County, and you must not directly call The name of Zhuzhi County is taboo."

  Tan Lun, the prefect of Taizhou, walked in front. After hearing the indignation of his subordinates, he turned his head and preached softly.

   "Yes, yes, Fu Zun is not no, what the master taught is yes."

  The two soldiers nodded and admitted their mistake hastily upon hearing the words. Of course, they still thought that Zhu Ping'an must have killed the good and pretended to be credited.

"Boss, Zhuzhi County guarded Jingnan and saved Jingnan County from Japanese pirates. The people in the county are grateful to him, and it is understandable to defend him in words. However, the villages outside the county are different. Outside the county Many villages were caught off guard by Japanese pirates, and they must have a more objective evaluation of Zhu Pingan. In addition, the subordinates felt that if they killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, they should not do it in the county. , should choose a remote village outside the city to do it."

  Zuo Zhen thought for a while, then clasped his fists and said to Tan Lun, suggesting to go to the village outside the city to make an unannounced investigation.

   "Well, it makes sense. Let's go out of the city and go to the village below." Tan Lun nodded.

   A group of people turned west and left the city through the west gate. After leaving the city, I asked a few passers-by and went to the villages that suffered most from the Japanese infestation.

   Zhangqiu Village.

   This is Tan Lun's first stop.

  Before entering the village, I saw the destroyed rice fields in front of the village. The rice fields that were about to mature had been burned to the ground. As soon as you enter the village, the goal is the boundless white banners, which are hung at the door of almost every household. Dilapidated walls, burnt houses. Traces of destruction by Japanese pirates can be seen everywhere in the village.

  The village was sparsely populated and felt very deserted. Tan Lun and his party walked into the village very deep, only to hear a dog barking, and then saw a trembling old man walking out of the door with a stick to check for movement.

   "Hello old man, we are tea merchants from Fucheng, Taizhou, passing by Guicun, can we ask for some water?"

   Tan Lun stepped forward and clasped his fists and said.

"Oh, I'm from Dafucheng. If you don't dislike the mess of the little old man's house, come in and drink some water. There is no wine or meat at home, and there is enough water." The old man is getting old, and his legs and feet are a little inconvenient, but he still He had good ears and eyes, and after hearing Tan Lun's words, he invited them into the house to drink water.

"Thank you, old man." Tan Lun clasped his fists in thanks, walked into the yard first, then took out two bags of tea leaves from the soldier's load, and handed them to the old man, "Hehe, old man, these two bags of tea were not well preserved and were watered by the rain. , the quality is not good, it can’t be sold, but it doesn’t affect the drinking, I hope the old man won’t dislike it.”

  As for the tea leaves being watered by the rain, of course it does not exist. This is a deliberately made up wording by Tan Lun, the purpose is to let the old man accept the tea without any burden.

   "Look at you, why not be polite if you drink some water."

  The old man waved his hand and refused to accept the tea. Tan Lun insisted again and again, and the old man took the tea after pushing several times.

  Although tea is not expensive, the elderly are usually reluctant to drink tea, and only buy some tea during Chinese New Year. Now, Tan Lun said that the tea leaves were watered by the rain and could not be sold, so he insisted on it and accepted it. Cherish it and put it in the cabinet, ready to wait until the Chinese New Year or when someone visits to entertain relatives and guests. The elderly don't care whether to soak in the rain or not. The tea leaves have to be soaked in water sooner or later.

   "There are only these two bowls at home, take turns to drink."

  After receiving the tea leaves, the old man took a greasy clay pot, found two notched bowls, and prepared to pour water.

   "Old man, we can do it ourselves." Tan Lun stepped forward to take the clay pot from the old man.

"Boss, wait a minute, I'll scrub the bowl again." Zuo Zhen noticed that the kettle was dirty and the bowl was chipped and black, as if it hadn't been cleaned, so he couldn't help getting up and picking up the bowl, ready to wash it again One wash.

   "Oh, it's strange to be so particular. Yesterday, the county magistrate came to our house and directly drank water from this bowl."

  When the old man saw this, he put his hands behind his back and let out a sigh. Yesterday, the magistrate came to my house, and he didn't pay much attention to you.

"No, that's fine." Tan Lun waved his hand, stopped Zuo Zhen, poured himself a bowl of water, handed it to the old man with both hands, then poured himself another bowl of water, and said to the old man with a smile, " Old man, are you related to the magistrate, the magistrate has been to your house, so we can enjoy the nobility."

  When Zuo Zhen heard that Zhu Ping'an had been to this village, he couldn't help but conceived many pictures in his mind

   "How can the little old man be blessed to be a relative with the magistrate?"

  The old man shook his head. When he talked about rice flour oil, the wrinkles on the old man's face seemed to be stretched.

After talking about this topic, Tan Lun, Zuo Zhen and others started chatting with the old man, talking about Zhu Ping'an, talking about the Japanese invasion, talking about the time when the village encountered the Japanese invasion, talking about the casualties in the village, and talking about the county's gains of seven hundred and ninety-nine Fifteen Japanese pirate heads, chatting about whether the dead in the village had their heads cut off

  From the insinuations at the beginning to the gradual clarification of the topic, the investigation found out whether Zhu Ping'an had killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, or even though he didn't kill the good, he used the good to pretend to be meritorious.

   "Go away! You are not welcome in my house! Even if I feed this water to the dogs, I won't let you drink it!"

After hearing Zuo Zhen raise the topic, the old man suddenly flew into a rage, snatched the bowl from Tan Lun and the others, poured all the water, and then tremblingly opened his hands to hold Tan Lun, Zuo Zhen Wait for someone to push out the door.

   "Hey, hey, old man, why are you so angry?" Zuo Zhen shouted with a puzzled expression on his face.

   He responded with two packs of tea leaves.

   "Repay you!"

  The tea leaves that the old man cherished just now in the cabinet were thrown into the arms of Zuo Zhen and the others just like throwing away trash.

   "Old man, why are you so angry?!" Zuo Zhen couldn't help shouting again.

"You still ask me why I am so angry?! I was deceived by pork and asked you to enter the house to drink water! You actually slandered the county magistrate like this. I have lived a long time, little old man, and I hate people like you the most! If I don’t do good deeds myself, I don’t see others doing good deeds, and even pour dirty water on them. Do you know what the magistrate came to our village yesterday? The magistrate came to us to help rebuild our village and repair our house. He helped us cut rice again, and brought rice, flour and oil to the little old man, enough for the little old man to eat for half a year. Beheading?! Bah! Thank you for making it up! The more than 700 Japanese pirate heads captured in the county, in the The Heroes Cemetery and the public fundraiser were held for two days, offering sacrifices to all the murdered folks, commemorating the souls of the folks in heaven, and everyone was watching. If any folks had their heads cut off and pretended to be meritorious, they would have been recognized by the surviving folks. Waiting for your choreography! Those Japanese pirate heads were brought by the county magistrate and the folks with their lives. Our county has finally come to a good magistrate, so we can’t be thrown away by you villains.”

  The old man knocked his walking stick on the ground emotionally, and looked at Tan Lun and the others with anger in his eyes.

  After leaving Zhangqiu Village in embarrassment, Tan Lun and his team visited several more villages. With the lessons learned from Zhangqiu Village, when they conducted investigations and inquiries, their tone was much more tactful, and they all conducted it by insinuating.

After walking down several villages, Tan Lun and the others did not find any clues about Zhu Pingan's killing of the good and the false credit of the good, so they had to accept the fact that the head of the 795 Japanese pirates in Jingnan County had been captured. It is real, and there is no act of killing good people and pretending to be meritorious.

  (end of this chapter)

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