Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1147: Progressing well

  Chapter 1147 is going well

  After the Jingnan Defense War, Zhu Pingan's prestige in Jingnan was in full swing, and he won the love of the people in the county.

  Thanks to Zhu Ping'an's good reputation, Liu Mu's preparations went smoothly.

Jingnan is one's own homeland, and everyone has a responsibility to protect Jingnan, but Taiping County is not. It is not in the immediate interests of the people of Jingnan County to help Taiping and rescue neighboring counties. People in Jingnan County enthusiastically signed up to participate. It was originally planned to enlist 500 people, but the number of people who signed up soon exceeded the planned quota, and more and more people came to participate in the recruitment excitedly after hearing the news.

"The magistrate guarded Jingnan and saved the lives of tens of thousands of people in Jingnan. The reason why you, me, and our whole family are still alive is thanks to the magistrate's blessing. Now the magistrate is recruiting Qingzhuang went to rescue Taiping County, Er Gouzi, if you dare not apply, I will not have your son!"

  A white-bearded old man on crutches heard the content of the notice, he couldn't help but knocked on his cane, and shouted to his son Er Gouzi.

"Father, of course I'm going. I signed up to defend the city last time. The county magistrate said that I have seniors and juniors, and he won't let me participate. There are no restrictions on the notice this time. I will participate no matter what. " Er Gouzi replied excitedly, paused at this point, and then said firmly, "It's just, Dad, if your son can't come back this time, you and my mother should take care of your health."

   "Don't worry! Your father and I are in good health, so don't worry about it, you should hurry up and sign up!"

  The white-haired old man was leaning on a cane, and impatiently waved his hand vigorously, making a gesture of chasing people away.

   "Father, my son has gone."

   Er Gouzi kowtowed to the white-haired old man on the spot, got up and squeezed in towards the direction of the crowd.

   There are many more scenes like this. Although Taiping County has nothing to do with them, just because this is the notice issued by Zhu Pingan, they actively supported it from the bottom of their hearts and signed up enthusiastically.

Of course, after all, it is to rescue neighboring counties that have nothing to do with his immediate interests. The number of applicants is much smaller than the number of applicants who signed up to defend the city when the Japanese pirates besieged Jingnan, but Liu Mu roughly counted, and there are more than 700 The number of recruits exceeded the plan, so Liu Mu quickly terminated the recruiting.

   For this reason, Liu Mu was scolded by many people who came late.

Liu Dadao's enlistment was also very smooth. After taking out the county government documents, there was no need for Liu Dadao to say anything. People with carriages actively donated their own carriages. Not only that, when people donated their own carriages, they returned the carriages. There are a lot of food, meat, eggs, fruits, etc. on the car, and no car is empty.

  Some people are happy and some are sad. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao's preparations are going smoothly. However, Liu Dagang's work is not good.

  The subordinate staff who came back to work with a cheeky face in the morning, as if nothing had happened, turned pale with fright when they heard Liu Dagang's purpose. After hearing the meaning of recruitment, it was like hearing the call of death.

"Ahem, I suddenly remembered that there is still a life-threatening emergency at my family. I have to go back and deal with it. I am here to ask for leave today. Oh, look at my brain. Really, I almost forgot. Sorry, sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." A subordinate official turned pale when he heard Liu Dagang's intention of recruiting, and was stunned for three seconds. Then, like burning his butt, he gave an excuse full of loopholes. He ran away with lightning speed.

  Originally I got the letter, and Jingnan kept it, so I boldly went back to the county government. I didn't expect that Zhu Pingan, a stunned young man, would rush to help Taiping! Just kidding, what's the difference between this and death? After Zhu Pingan defended Jingnan, he was so swollen that he didn't know what his last name was. You were able to defend Jingnan County because of the city wall. So, condescendingly smashing stones and pouring gold juice, just like this, the person who died a wall was lucky enough to defend Jingnan County, and went to fight the Japanese pirates in the field, are you crazy! Japanese pirates are demons who kill people without blinking an eye, cannibalize people without putting salt, killing people is like cutting melons and vegetables, without a city wall condescending as a barrier, your stones and gold juice are useless. What do you use to fight the Japanese pirates? Young and strong people who have never touched a few times with a sword, heh, even the regular soldiers of the guard were killed by the Japanese pirates, how many heads of those muddy legs are enough for the Japanese pirates to chop off! If you want to die, I won't stop you, but please don't drag me, I haven't lived enough, so I won't die! Want to recruit Lao Tzu? ! I bother! I will not accompany you to die!

"Ahem, me too. I also have a life-threatening emergency at home. Ah, what is the emergency? My, my mother-in-law is about to give birth. Hey, what a coincidence, today is the due date, Mrs. Wen said a long time ago Now, today I have to sacrifice to my ancestors outside the delivery room, otherwise there will be a **** disaster, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry too.” After Liu Dagang looked at him, a subordinate next to him gave a lame excuse , followed by the first subordinate, and slipped away with the same agility.

  When Liu Dagang rushed to the next public house, there were originally two subordinates who came to work in this public house, but when Liu rushed to this public house, his face turned dark, and he had already got the news and slipped away.

   It is estimated that the first subordinate staff greeted these subordinate staff before running away. When these subordinate officials heard the news that Zhu Ping'an was going to recruit them to help Taiping, they ran away just like they heard the news of the Japanese pirates attacking the city!

  Well, the sixth room of the county government office is empty again!

  The few petty officials who came back with the cheek and courage to run away again disappeared.

   After Liu Dagang visited the last public house, as expected, it was empty again. When he saw someone coming in the morning, Liu Dagang clenched his fists angrily, wishing to catch the person who sneaked away and beat him up.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I messed up my errand." Liu Dagang told Zhu Ping'an truthfully with a guilty face, "Six subordinate officials originally came here in the morning, but after hearing the news that they were recruited to help Taiping, they all found excuses and ran away." , running faster than a rabbit, no one is willing to respond to the call."

"Hehe, brother Dagang, it's all right. I expected this. I didn't include them in the plan." After hearing Liu Dagang's report, Zhu Pingan was not surprised at all, and smiled to comfort Liu Dagang, "To be honest, after hearing the news that they ran away, I was still relieved. I am still reluctant to give the credit to people like them."

  (end of this chapter)

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