Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1144: trial

  Chapter 1144 Interrogation

  Liu Mu and the others captured five Japanese pirates captives, of which two were real Japanese and three were fake Japanese.

"Brother Mu, Dao, you put them in the prison, hold them separately, and interrogate them immediately. Find out whether the three Japanese pirates, Honda Heihachi, Tie Kongang, and Jiangmen Lord, are in the same gang, and whether the three Japanese pirates have agreed to join forces in Taizhou Fucheng Siege, if there is an agreement, figure out the time."

  Zhu Ping'an told Liu Mu and Liu Dadao that they would interrogate the Japanese pirate prisoners and verify their guesses.

   "Okay, my lord." Liu Mu and Liu Dadao nodded, and escorted the Japanese pirate prisoners to the cell.

Speaking of prison cells, when the Japanese pirates invaded Jingnan the day before yesterday, when the cell bosses and jailers in the cell heard the news that more than 3,000 Japanese pirates had killed them, they scrambled to abandon the cell and flee for their lives. Hurry to the cell and calm down the scene, otherwise the prisoners in the cell will escape.

Zhu Pingan fired all the jailers who escaped, and none of them stayed. Now the jailers in the cell are all unfamiliar faces. Chosen from among the people.

  Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others pressed the five Japanese pirates to the cell and locked them in separate cells. Some time ago, Zhu Pingan risked the public opinion and released all the prisoners in the Jingnan Prison who had not paid taxes. Two-thirds of the prisoners in the cell were released, and many cells were vacated.

   "Ahem, Dao, I want to ask you something."

  After imprisoning the Japanese pirates in the cell, Liu Mu bumped Liu Dadao on the shoulder and asked with a cough.

   "What's the matter, Brother Mu?" Liu Dadao asked.

   "Do you know how to interrogate?" Liu Mu asked. The jailers who knew how to interrogate all the jailers in the cell ran away. The new guards were all promoted from the young and strong people who signed up, and they didn't know the skills of interrogating jailers.

"Uh" Liu Dadao was stunned for a moment, touched the back of his head, and said uncertainly, "Isn't interrogation just torture?! We haven't been interrogated, but we have been interrogated. Back then, the idiot magistrate imprisoned us in a cell In the prison, there is a lot of torture for us, which one of us hasn’t tasted the instruments of torture in the prison?! Let’s give these torture instruments one by one to these Japanese pirates, and I don’t believe they won’t open their mouths.”

   "Well, that makes sense."

  Liu Mu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, these Japanese pirates are people who deserve death, and there is no need to show mercy to them.

"Hmph, these burning, killing and looting animals, if the young master didn't want to catch them alive, I would have killed them a long time ago. Now, let me loosen your muscles and bones for you." Liu Dadao looked at the Japanese pirates in the cell, eager to try.

   "Da Dao, although these beasts deserve death, but you have to be careful not to miss your son's important business."

   Liu Mu reminded that he was worried that Liu Dadao's attack would not be serious, so don't kill the Japanese pirates before the result of the trial.

   "Don't worry." Liu Dadao nodded vigorously.

  Liu Mu's interrogation methods are very rough, and they are not even familiar with the torture tools. However, the Japanese pirates are not firm people, and they will soon achieve results.

"I said, I said, stop fighting, Hei Hachiro, Tie Jingang, and Jiangmen Lord are in a group, the name is Hungry Wolf League, Jiangmen Lord is the leader of the Hungry Wolf League, Heibachiro is the second leader, and Tie King Kong is the third. "

   A fake Japanese couldn't bear Liu Dadao's soldering iron, screamed in pain, and soon opened his mouth.

   I couldn’t help but to burn it too much. I only did it for a while, and you confessed before I had enough.

   Seeing Liu Dadao's unsatisfactory and stupid eyes, the fake Japanese couldn't help but tremble all over.

   "Then did you make an appointment to meet up at the city of Taizhou Prefecture and attack Taizhou Prefecture together?" Liu Dadao asked.

   "I don't know." The fake Japanese shook his head.

   "I don't know?!" Liu Dadao couldn't help grinning when he heard this, and lifted the soldering iron from the stove again, "Don't you guys like to burn, kill, and loot? Then I will let you taste the taste of barbecue."

   "Huh?! Don't, don't, don't! I really don't know, I'm just a kid, I really don't know!"

  The hairs all over the fake Japanese scare stood up.

   "Zi La!"

   Liu Dadao said he didn't know when he heard the fake wo, so he pressed the soldering iron on the fake wo again, and there was a sudden smell of burnt skin.

"Stop, stop, stop, please, I really don't know if they agreed to meet at the foot of the city of Taizhou. Wait. I remembered. I heard something said this morning that we are leaving for Taizhou at noon tomorrow. Fucheng, grab another one."

  The fake Japanese twitched all over after being burned, begging for mercy again and again, and confessed all the news he knew that was a bit sidelined.

   Hearing this, Liu Dadao was dissatisfied with the fake wo's confession, so he put the soldering iron back on the stove to heat it up, and he couldn't help but give the fake wo two more visits. The fake Japanese were burned to the point of incontinence, but the confession was still the same as before.

   It seems that he really only knows so much. Liu Dadao put down the soldering iron and left the cell.

   Liu Mu also got the result of the trial. The fake Japanese have no loyalty at all, and the torture tools have only been used a few times, and the fake Japanese recruited everything. This fake wo is also a small guy, the news he knows is worse than that of Liu Dadao's fake wo, he only knows that Hei Hachiro, Tie Jingang and Jiangmen master are all members of the Hungry Wolf League, the boss of Jiangmen master, Hei Hachiro's second son, Tie King Kong The third child, as for whether there is an agreement to meet in Taizhou Fucheng and the meeting time, he doesn't know anything, not even the news that Heibachiro and his gang of Japanese pirates are going to Taizhou Prefecture.

Liu Dachui was lucky. The fake Japanese he interrogated was a small boss, and he knew a little more about it. Besides Hei Hachiro, Tie Jingang, and Jiangmen Lord were all in the same group, this small boss also confessed that there was an order from the higher-ups to go to Taizhou after lunch tomorrow. He joined forces with Jiangmen Lord and Tie Jingang to attack Taizhou Mansion.

   As for the two real wolves, Liu Mu and the others encountered a problem during the interrogation. The real wolves were talking like birds, and they couldn't understand them.

   "The young master seems to understand the language of birds, let's invite the young master to come." Liu Dadao said.

   "That's the only way to go." Liu Mu nodded, "It's just that we will tell you the result of the interrogation."

"Very good, we have basically confirmed the speculation. But to be on the safe side, we still need to interrogate the two real wolves." After listening to Liu Mu's report, Zhu Pingan nodded in satisfaction, and passed the confessions of the three fake wolves. It can be confirmed that Hei Hachiro and his three Japanese pirates belong to the Hungry Wolf League. It is basically confirmed that the three groups of Japanese pirates agreed to join forces to attack the city under Taizhou City. Hei Hachiro will set off for Taizhou City at noon tomorrow. The time to attack Taizhou is about tomorrow evening or the day after tomorrow.

  Of course, to be on the safe side, we still have to interrogate the two real Japanese.

  Honda Heihachi is a real wo, and he will definitely take special care of him, so the status of these two real wo captives in Heihachiro's group is definitely not low, at least they are at the level of small bosses. If you have a high status, you will know more, and interrogating them will definitely gain you.

  (end of this chapter)

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