Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1123: Japanese pirate snake array

  Chapter 1123 Japanese pirate snake array

   Soon, it was only when Zhu Ping'an commanded the young and strong people to send their fathers and villagers down the city wall, and the Japanese pirates' feather arrows flew up the city wall.

   "whoosh whoosh"

  The feathered arrows that covered the sky pierced the air, exuding the sound of death, covering the city wall like a storm. Although the city was covered by battlements, it was inevitable that there would be many casualties.

"The defensive equipment on the city has been exhausted. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't give the city a chance to breathe! This time, eight siege ladders have been built in a hurry. Everyone, press them all up. If there are no siege ladders, just stack them up." Human ladder! We must take down the small town of Jingnan! Anyone who dares to shrink back will die!"

  The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, was not reconciled to failure, and roared while holding a Japanese sword, and ordered the Japanese pirates to attack the city again. He believes that the last wave of siege failed because there were too few Japanese pirates who attacked the city wall, so that the two-legged sheep on the city wall drove down the wolf-like Japanese pirates under his command with a numerical advantage, so this time he learned his lesson, not only Hastily made eight more siege ladders, and ordered the Japanese pirates to build human ladders to attack the city.

  Under Heihachiro's roar, under the cover of the stormy feather arrows, the Japanese pirates set up siege ladders, set up human ladders, threw flying claws, ropes, and used all kinds of siege methods, densely packed, attacking the city like locusts.

   "The Japanese pirates are crazy!"

  Seeing the Japanese pirates attacking the city densely like locusts, everyone in the city took a deep breath.

   "Hehe, the Japanese pirates think that our defense equipment is exhausted, so let's give them a surprise!"

  Zhu Ping'an twitched the corners of his mouth, clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and shouted to everyone.

   "Hahahaha, what the county lord said is, give him a surprise for Gouyue! Let them remember it forever!"

   "Give him a surprise for Gouyue!"

  Zhu Pingan's teasing words adjusted the tense atmosphere on the city wall very well. People laughed and geared up, ready to surprise the Japanese pirates.


  When the Japanese pirates climbed halfway, Zhu Pingan yelled and smashed down a rock first.

   Then heavy objects such as stones, water tanks, and millstones were smashed down, and golden juice poured down.

   "Damn it, are there no defense artifacts in the city? How come there are more of them than last time?!"

   "Heihachiro, I'm **** mud!"


  The Japanese pirates did not expect that there were so many defensive artifacts in the city. They were densely packed like locusts attacking the city, and they were stunned by the heavy objects that covered their heads and covered their faces and covered the sky.

   "Quick, move everything up."

When the people below the city were fighting on the city, they would continuously transport heavy objects such as stones and door panels to the city wall. to the line.

   Therefore, the heavy objects such as boulders and logs dropped on the city were not broken, and the Japanese pirates who attacked the city seemed to be massacred, with heavy casualties.


  The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, saw this scene, gritted his teeth angrily, and his eyes were about to burst with hatred. He brandished a Japanese sword and chopped down a laggard Japanese pirate.

  Under the **** supervision of Heihachiro, the Japanese pirates gritted their teeth and climbed against heavy objects such as boulders, wooden boards, and gold juice on the city.

  There were plenty of siege equipment on the city wall, and the Japanese pirates paid a much heavier price than the last wave of siege. They climbed up the city wall after paying the price of more than 500 lives. However, since the Japanese pirates had twenty-three siege ladders, plus human ladders and flying claws, the number of Japanese pirates attacking the city wall doubled compared to last time.

  After the Japanese pirates attacked the city wall, the young and strong on the city spontaneously formed a simple mandarin duck formation one by one to surround and kill the Japanese pirates.

  Although there were many Japanese pirates, in front of the simplified version of the mandarin duck formation, they were still bruised and bloody, with many casualties.

  Damn it!

Hei Hachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, noticed the cooperation of the young and strong in the city, he couldn't help frowning, and he couldn't help but slander him. This Xiaozhi County in Jingnan is definitely not the brat who Jiangmen's master said he didn't even grow up, let alone someone who is stupid when he reads books. What a nerd! On the contrary, not only is he not stupid, but also capable. Not only can he encourage the people with mud legs to defend the city, but he even trained a group of mud legs to understand the battle formation in a short period of time!



   You are unlucky to meet me, Honda Heihachi! That's it for you! There is no chance to grow!

Ha ha!

   It should feel good to kill a genius of Daming in the cradle with his own hands! The leader of the pirates, Heihachiro, licked his tongue, waved his sword under the city, and shouted ferociously to the pirates on the city: "Snake formation! Snake formation!"

  There are two battle formations that the Japanese pirates are good at using, one is the snake formation and the other is the butterfly formation, but the butterfly formation is not suitable for fighting on the city wall, so Heihachiro ordered the Japanese pirates in the city to form a snake formation to fight against the simplified mandarin duck formation on the city.

  Using these two battle formations, the Japanese pirates used these two battle formations to cross the south of the Yangtze River. I don’t know how many regular Ming troops have been defeated, let alone these mud legs who have just learned the battle formation and are obviously unfamiliar. The leader of the Japanese pirates Hei Hachiro has this confidence.

   "Snake formation! Snake formation!" The Japanese pirates who supervised the battle shouted, passing Heihachiro's order to the city wall.

  After the Japanese pirates on the city wall heard this, according to the order of the leader Heihachiro, seven or eight Japanese pirates formed a small team, like a long snake.

  The Japanese pirates often used snake formations in melee battles, attacking mainly from the snake's head and the snake's tail, so that the Ming army could not take care of both the head and the tail.

  The Japanese pirates on the city wall were no longer familiar with the snake formations, and soon formed snake formations.

  As soon as the snake array came out, the situation on the city wall changed immediately.

  Actually, strictly speaking, the mandarin duck formation is not afraid of the snake formation, on the contrary, the mandarin duck formation is still the nemesis of the snake formation. The mandarin duck formation was originally a battle formation developed by Qi Jiguang against the Japanese pirates, and it defeated all kinds of battle formations of the Japanese pirates.

Two people in front of the mandarin duck formation hold long cards and rattan cards to advance and cover the battle formation at the same time; the other two hold wolf whisks for wolf whisks, and use four or five-meter-long wolf whisks to assassinate Japanese pirates to cover the advance of shield players and the attack of spearmen behind them , followed by four spearmen holding long spears, two on the left and two on the left and two respectively, taking care of the shield hand and wolf hand in front respectively; followed by two soldiers holding boring palladium and short blades on their waists to serve as guards and support . If the enemy attacks in a roundabout way, the short blade hand behind will rush forward with a short knife to chop and kill the enemy. The mandarin duck formation is covering each other from head to tail, and they are not afraid of the Japanese pirates' snake formation attacking from head to tail at all, and they are afraid that the Japanese pirates will not come.

However, the young and strong people on the city wall were only in contact with the mandarin duck formation, and their personal force was far inferior to the Japanese pirates. The young and strong people in the front row held shields and were not afraid of the snake-headed Japanese pirates' attacks, but the young and strong people in the back row held long knives and served as guards and support. Those who are not opponents of the snake-tailed Japanese pirates who came in surprise cannot effectively undertake the important task of protecting the back row.

  After the Japanese pirates formed a snake formation, the young and strong people on the city wall began to be at a disadvantage, and the number of casualties increased.

  (end of this chapter)

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