Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1119: Difficult defense

  Chapter 1119 Difficult to defend the city

  The scorching sun hangs high, overlooking the catastrophe of life and death in a corner of the world, broken scales, blood flowing into rivers, corpses lying across fields...


   "Rip them apart!"

  More than 3,000 ferocious Japanese pirates set up the siege ladder, shouted ferociously, and rushed towards the city wall like evil spirits.

  There is a shortage of bows and arrows in Jingnan City. The young and strong people who have never touched bows and arrows before can imagine their archery skills. After the Japanese pirates paid a few lives, they easily put the siege ladder on the city wall. Regardless of the hasty construction of the Japanese pirates' siege ladders, hook claws are installed on the top of the ladders. As a cover, the defenders on the city have nothing to do with these siege ladders.

   Sure enough, they are a group of scared cowards and two-legged sheep!

   A group of chicken tile dogs!

  Seeing that the feathered arrows shot from the city were weak and inaccurate, which was even worse than in the first wave of attacking the city, the Japanese pirates despised and ridiculed extremely in their hearts, and were extremely optimistic about the capture of Jingnan County. The siege ladders are all built on the city wall, and the next step is to climb up the city wall and slaughter these frightened two-legged sheep like chickens and dogs.


   "Come on! Kill all the men, and steal all the women!"

   "Hahaha, the two-legged sheep in the city were all frightened, and they went up to pick up the first prize."

  The Japanese pirates, who are extremely optimistic about the siege, scrambled to climb the siege ladder to gain merit, and swarmed up the siege ladder like ants.

  Call the West, the military spirit is available!

  Seeing that his Japanese pirates fought bravely to be the first, and did not waste his good intentions of sacrificing the flag, the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, smiled with satisfaction. Daming ancient cloud: all at once. The small town of Jingnan will definitely be worthy of this great effort, and it will fall in one fell swoop!

   "Beware of arrows! Hit rocks! Splash gold juice! There are also rolling logs, don't be stingy, hit them down the ladder!"

   Seeing Japanese pirates swarming up the siege ladder like ants, Zhu Ping ran back and forth on the city wall, shouting loudly.

"go to hell!"

   "Little Japanese pirate, I am your 18th generation ancestor. If you want to kill all the men and steal all the women, first crawl over my body!"

The young and strong people in the city have long been mobilized by Zhu Ping'an with enthusiasm and gearing up. Now after hearing Zhu Ping'an's order and hearing the arrogant remarks of the Japanese pirates in the city, their blood and anger are suddenly mixed. Rolling logs, hit the Japanese pirates rushing up the siege ladder from the bottom of the city head-on!

The Japanese pirates in the city always thought that the people in the city were terrified. They felt that the first victory in attacking the city was at their fingertips. The Japanese pirates on the siege ladder are densely packed, like ants in a bunch. How did they expect that the people in the city would attack them head-on, and to such an extent.

  The falling rocks are like a landslide, the golden juice is pouring down like a rainstorm, and the fallen logs cover the sky and the sun!



The giggling Japanese pirates who climbed the siege ladder to gain merit saw the huge boulders, gold juice, and rolling logs covering the sky above their heads, and their faces turned pale with fright. Shouting and falling into the city.



The boulder hit the Japanese pirates' heads and bodies with a loud bang. The Japanese pirates were thrown into the city, and a bunch of Japanese pirates were taken with them. With a bang, pits were made. They collapsed in the pits like dead dogs, bleeding from their mouths and noses. There is air in, there is no air out.


  The hot and boiling golden juice was poured on the Japanese pirates' heads, mountains, and bodies, and there was a sound of boiling oil frying. The Japanese pirates were burnt to pieces by the golden juice, unable to grasp the siege ladder due to the pain, and fell to the ground screaming miserably.

   Gulu Gulu, Puchi Puchi!

There are not many rolling logs in the city, but the rolling logs are extremely lethal. When they are thrown down the siege ladder, a string of rolling logs is smashed down. All the Japanese pirates who were hit by the rolling wood, none of them were in good health. The iron nails of the rolling logs were all soaked in gold juice. Even if some Japanese pirates were lucky enough not to be crushed to death by the rolling logs, as long as they were injured, they would basically be declared dead.

  The densely packed Japanese pirates on the siege ladder in order to rush to attack just made it convenient for the falling stones, gold juice, and rolling logs that covered the sky on the city. One belt two, two belt three, three belt one string, the Japanese pirates who robbed meritorious deeds, like bowling balls, slammed into the underworld within a few breaths, killing and injuring all over the place.


  Heihachiro was lamenting one second that the army has good morale and will surely capture Jingnan in one go, and the next second he watched helplessly the Japanese pirates under his command who were fighting for the lead and the military spirit was smashed to death, and couldn't help but yell.

   "You first, you first."

   "You first, you first."

   "Cao Ni, if you are asked to go first, go ahead, don't be so wordy."

  I thought that if you didn't arrive first, you would die if you didn't arrive first. A group of Japanese pirates "give way" to each other before the siege ladder.

   "Rush forward, bounty bounty silver bounty women! Cowardly, everyone is dead! Cowards have no value in living!"

  Hai Hachiro held a Japanese sword behind him, swung it hard at the "modest" Japanese pirate, and shouted ferociously.

  A team of Japanese pirates who supervised the battle came out in response, and rushed to the Japanese pirates who were "modest" to each other with their Japanese knives. Killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, the other Japanese pirates saw this, how could they dare to be "modest", one by one consciously rushed up the siege ladder one after another.


   "If you don't want to die, kill it!"

   "If you kill them, a group of two-legged sheep can throw stones! As long as you rush up, the two-legged sheep will only cry!"

  The Japanese pirates blushed, shouted fiercely, and rushed up the siege ladder.


   "Smash it hard!"

  The young and strong people in the city shouted loudly, smashed stones down the siege ladder, and poured golden juice down.


   "It hurts me!"

  He died when he was hit by a stone, and was injured when he was poured with gold juice. The siege pirates screamed and fell down the siege ladder one by one.

   "Look, the log on the city seems to be gone!"

  Some Japanese pirates noticed that only stones and gold juice were dropped on the city, and there were no logs, so they couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Hey, there are really no more rolling logs! There don't seem to be so many stones. Hahaha, the stones on the city are almost finished, rush, rush up, and kill these damned two-legged sheep who can only smash stones .”


  The Japanese pirates yelled excitedly after noticing it, with scarlet eyes, screaming and rushing up like chicken blood.

  There are indeed no more logs in the city, and the collected stones are almost finished, and there is not much gold juice left.

   A little stone and gold juice could not restrain the Japanese pirates from attacking the city. Under the cover of archers, the fierce Japanese pirates quickly showed their heads on the city wall.

  (end of this chapter)

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