Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1117: Siege again

  Chapter 1117 Siege again

  Dark clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy it!

  The Japanese pirates carried the siege ladder and pushed towards the city wall step by step, like black clouds pressing down on the city. As the Japanese pirates approached, the ferocious expressions on the Japanese pirates' faces could be seen clearly, and the pressure on the city wall was increasing.


  When the Japanese pirates were about to enter the bow and arrow range of the county seat, the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, raised his Japanese sword and shouted.

  Although it was messy and untidy, the Japanese pirates stopped immediately after hearing Heihachiro's order.

   "Why did the Japanese pirates stop?"

   "What do Japanese pirates want to do?"

   "I'm afraid the Japanese pirates are afraid. Seeing so many of us defending the city, these turtle grandsons dare not attack the city?"

  Everyone on the city wall saw that the Japanese pirates stopped suddenly, and they couldn't help being curious. They had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

   What conspiracy do Japanese pirates want to engage in?

  Zhu Ping'an squinted his eyes and thought, unable to guess the motive of the pirate leader Heihachiro, but he certainly wouldn't dare to attack the city as everyone thought, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

  In the curious eyes of everyone on the city wall, the leader of the pirates, Heihachiro, turned his head and gave an order to the pirates behind him. More than a hundred Japanese pirates nodded and bowed, took the order to go out, turned and ran towards the woods behind.

   "What did the pirate leader say?"

   "What order did the Japanese pirates give, why did the Japanese pirates run away?"

  The people on the city wall were unknown, so they looked at the movements of the Japanese pirates below the city with puzzled faces, and discussed curiously.

  Although Zhu Pingan knew lip language and understood Japanese, Zhu Pingan didn’t know what order Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, gave, because he turned his head away from the crowd and gave the order, so Zhu Pingan couldn’t see it and couldn’t read his lips.

  However, soon everyone knew what the pirates were going to do. The hundred or so Japanese pirates who ran to the woods just now came out of the woods quickly, and drove a group of common people, who were tied by ropes, about four to five hundred of them.


"Do not kill me."

   "Whoa, let me go, I'll give you money, a lot of money, as long as you let me go, I'll give you whatever you want."

  All the people were beaten and kicked by the Japanese pirates all the way, and they were driven to the forefront of the Japanese pirates, lined up in two rows, facing the city wall.

   "How did the Japanese pirate who killed a thousand swords drive so many people over?"

   "What do Japanese pirates want to do?"

   "Uh, vicious and smoking Japanese pirates, are they going to drive the people to defend them from attacking the city?"

   "I'm devastated."

  When everyone on the city wall saw the Japanese pirates driving the common people to the front, they couldn't help but changed their faces in fear, and cursed angrily.

   War! This is war! Bloody, inhumane!

  Seeing the Japanese pirates driving the people to the front, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but frowned and clenched his fists.

  The Japanese pirates are full of crimes and crimes, and a hundred deaths are not enough to forgive their crimes!

  I, Zhu Ping'an, swear that I will do my best to completely wipe out the inhumane scum like Japanese pirates from the earth!

  Zhu Pingan bit his lip, clenched his fist, and hammered the city wall hard, his fist was dripping with blood.

   What if the Japanese pirates drive out the people to attack the city?

   There is only one answer.


   You have to fight, you have to fight.

  Four to five hundred people and a city of people, which is more important, it goes without saying that Zhu Ping'an has to make this decision. Of course, this is a difficult decision to implement. It is not easy for the people defending the city to fight against the Japanese pirates. It is even more difficult for them to attack the people who were driven to attack the city. But in order to defend the city, no matter how difficult it is, you must have to do.

  Of course, Zhu Ping'an also wanted to open the city gate, lead his troops to rush to kill, and rescue the driven people from the Japanese pirates.


   Can't do it!

Make bricks without straw! With the advantages of the city wall, it would be nice for people like myself to be able to guard the county. If you open the city gate, abandon the advantage of the city wall, and go to fight the Japanese pirates in the field, it will be self-destruction.

   "Hey, isn't that rich man Liu who escaped from the city?!"

   "And that, that, that, didn't they follow Zhang San and Liu Lao Er who escaped from the city together?!"

   "Isn't that Zhang who abandoned the city and fled to arrest them?"

  Slowly, the people in the city recognized the driven people and found that they were some of the people who fled the city.

  After hearing the news that the people who escaped from the city were captured by Japanese pirates and driven to the front of the battle, the people in the city couldn't help being afraid and rejoicing. Fortunately, the magistrate closed the city gate tightly, stopped them, and didn't let them leave the city, otherwise they would be the ones who were driven to the front now. Thinking back to when the county magistrate closed the city gates and prohibited them from entering and leaving the city, they still insulted the county magistrate for this. Now thinking about it, they are ashamed.

   "He ら を kill し て flag を holding げた! He ら の blood で, Rizhao God 㧘 を sacrifice る! Victory!"

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, raised his Japanese sword murderously, pointed forward, and shouted with a ferocious face.

   "What are the pirates calling again?"

   "Is it to drive away the folks and attack the city?"

  People on the wall did not understand Japanese, and they were very nervous when they heard the Japanese pirate leader holding a Japanese sword and screaming murderously.

   "I am your ancestor!"

  People in the city did not understand Japanese, but Zhu Pingan did. After hearing the order of the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro to kill and sacrifice the flag, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but stare angrily, cursed loudly, and slammed his fist on the city wall.

  The people around Zhu Ping'an didn't understand why the magistrate was so angry, but they soon understood.

After the Japanese pirate leader Heihachiro gave an order, hundreds of Japanese pirates carried Japanese swords and walked behind the driven people murderously. They smiled ferociously at the people on the city wall, pointed at the people on the city wall, and pointed Pointing to the people who were being expelled in front of him, he raised the Japanese sword without saying a word, and swung it away with force.


  Breaks of white light flashed, streaks of blood spattered, and there were cries and screams that stopped abruptly.

  There was a lot of broken bodies and severed heads on the ground.



   "Ooooh, the two-legged sheep on the city wall, have you seen that, these two-legged sheep are your fate!"

  The Japanese pirates under the city seemed to be crazy, bloody, tearing their chests, waving weapons, shouting at the city wall, like a group of evil spirits from hell.




  The people in the city witnessed the scene of the Japanese pirates brutally killing the people and offering sacrifices to the flag.

   Seeing the unbearable performance of the people in the city, the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, smiled proudly. The reason why he didn't drive the people to attack the city, but chose to kill the people to sacrifice the flag, was because most of the defenders on the city were civilians. In front of the civilians in the city, killing the people to sacrifice the flag can not only boost the morale of one's own side, but also intimidate the people defending the city, make them frightened, and destroy the morale of the city defenders.

   "Wolf cubs, have you seen that two-legged sheep are two-legged sheep, they can't even stand up, rush up and tear them apart!"

  After the goal was achieved, the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, waved his Japanese sword at the city wall fiercely, and ordered all the Japanese pirates to attack the city.

  (end of this chapter)

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