Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1114: Outnumbered? No, I am outnumbered!

  Chapter 1114 Outnumbered? No, I am outnumbered!

   "Cut down trees and build ladders. Ten siege ladders must be completed within half an hour. I want to make Jingnan's blood flow like a river!"

  The raid failed, and the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, became furious. Holding a Japanese sword, he urged the Japanese pirates to rush to build a siege ladder.


  The Japanese pirates responded coquettishly, axes, machetes, and Japanese swords all went into battle, speeding up the logging speed, and rushing to build siege ladders.

Seeing the Japanese pirates outside the city rushing to build the siege ladder, the despair of the people in the city is getting deeper and deeper, some desperately hug their heads and cry, some desperately knelt on the ground and kowtowed their heads, chanting words, praying to all gods to save them …

  There are only so few defenders left on the city, and there are no guards within a radius of 30 miles around Jingnan County, so it is impossible to have reinforcements in a short time.

   With more than 30 people, there is no chance of winning against 3,000 Japanese pirates!

  How to defend this city?

  Fuck you, we are dead! The common people cried desperately, and the whole Jingnan was covered by crying.

   "Xianzun, can this city still be guarded?"

  Amidst the desperate cries of the people, the government servants and soldiers on the city wall also fell into despair.


  Zhu Ping'an replied loudly.

   Must be able to defend!

   Either defend the city or die. This seemingly two-choice question actually only has one option to defend the city!

   If you can't keep it, you have to create conditions! Must be able to defend! Must keep! Moreover, you can only succeed, not fail!

"County honor... It's not that the lowly position hurts morale, it's just... It's just that we only have a few dozen brothers now, and there are two or three thousand Japanese pirates outside. The enemy is outnumbered, how can more than thirty of us keep two or three thousand Japanese pirates the siege?"

  A soldier with an arm injury sighed after hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, and said dejectedly.

   "Who said that only our thirty or so brothers are defending the city?" Zhu Pingan shook his head and said meaningfully.

   "Isn't it? One, two, three, four... thirty-nine people, that's right." The soldier asked suspiciously.

  The soldiers stretched out their hands and counted, there were thirty-nine people on the city wall, that's right. Even if the people from the other three gates were transferred, it would only increase by more than 30 people. Besides, the people from the other gates could not be transferred at all. If no one was guarding the gates, wouldn't it be easy for Japanese pirates to attack from other gates? The county seat.

   "It's not more than 30 brothers, but more than 30,000 brothers. We have more than 30,000 brothers guarding the city. It's not that we are outnumbered, but we are outnumbered!" Zhu Pingan said softly.

   "More than 30,000 brothers? I am outnumbered?" Hearing this, the soldier opened his mouth in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

   County honor... stupid? ! How can you talk nonsense with your eyes open? There are only so many people on the city wall. I have counted them several times. It is impossible to make a mistake. How could there be more than 30,000 brothers? It is obvious that we are outnumbered and outnumbered, so how can we be outnumbered in the number of enemies? !

   "County respect..."

  The soldier opened his mouth and was about to defend himself, but when he looked up, he found that Zhu Ping'an turned around and walked slowly towards the inner battlements of the city wall.

   "Fathers and folks!"

  Zhu Pingan walked slowly to the battlements inside the city wall, put his hands on the city wall, and shouted loudly to the desperate and crying people under the city wall.

  The desperate people under the city heard the voice of the county magistrate, and couldn't help but temporarily stopped their desperate tears and prayers, and looked up.

"Fathers, folks, everyone has seen it. Three thousand Japanese pirates attacked the city. Our yamen servants and soldiers are very good. They are very brave and fought the enemy bravely. No one flinched. They did it and defended the first wave of Japanese pirates. Let the Japanese pirates leave more than a hundred corpses. However, we also suffered heavy casualties. Thirty-two people were killed and 29 were injured. At present, only 39 people are left to fight again, and there are still Japanese pirates outside the city. More than three thousand. Now, the Japanese pirates outside the city are cutting down trees and building siege ladders, and when the siege ladders are built, the Japanese pirates will attack the city again. Now is the critical moment of Jingnan’s life and death.”

  Zhu Ping'an put his hands on the city wall and said loudly to everyone, without concealing the current life-and-death crisis at all.


   "Oh, I'm doomed!"


   "With such a small number of people, how can we keep Jingnan, if we want to keep Jingnan, we can only do it with the help of the gods and Buddhas in the sky."

  Hearing Zhu Ping'an's frank confession of life and death, the common people in the city became even more desperate.

"There are more than 30 defenders and more than 3,000 Japanese pirates. How can this city be defended?" Zhu Ping'an looked at the crowd and twitched his lips. "I heard someone pray to God and worship Buddha, saying that Jingnan will be guarded unless the gods and Buddhas in the sky help us." Just do it."

   "That's right, with so few defenders and so many Japanese pirates, unless the gods help, how can we defend the city."

   "Unless there is a miracle, I will die."

   "Master Zhixian, let's ascend the altar and burn incense, pray to the gods and worship Buddha, maybe there will be gods willing to help."

   "Hey, miracles, illusory, how can you ask for it."

  The city is in chaos, and someone proposes to pray to God and worship Buddha, just like grabbing the last straw after drowning.

"Pray for gods and worship Buddha?" Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth. "Once upon a time, there was a devout Buddhist. Once he encountered difficulties, he went to the temple to ask the great compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva to help him resolve his difficulties. When he walked into the When I knelt down to pray for Guanyin Bodhisattva in the temple, I found that there was a person on the futon next to him praying for Guanyin Bodhisattva. He found that this person looked very similar to Guanyin Bodhisattva, as if the Buddha statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva was alive, so he asked curiously, "Are you Guanyin Bodhisattva?" Guanyin Bodhisattva replied, "Yes". Buddhists asked puzzledly, "Since you are Guanyin Bodhisattva, why do you worship yourself?" Guanyin Bodhisattva replied, "Because I also met When something is difficult, I know that it is better to ask God than to ask myself!'”

   “It is better to ask God than to ask oneself!”

  Zhu Ping'an's words were like a thunderbolt, which exploded above everyone's heads, making everyone excited instantly.

"Fathers and folks, it is better to ask for God than to ask for oneself, and it is better to ask for oneself than to ask for others! This is the life and death of Jingnan County! The ones who can save Jingnan now are the fathers and folks themselves, and the ones who can save you are the fathers and folks themselves .Although there are more than 3,000 Japanese pirates, there are 30,000 in Jingnan County. Rise up! Fathers and folks! Stand up and defend the city together! We have 30,000, and the Japanese pirates only have 3,000; There is no reason why people cannot keep it! As long as you keep it, you will be able to keep it!" Zhu Pingan shouted impassionedly, and shouted hoarsely, "But if, if we don't defend the city, the Japanese pirates will use Japanese swords to kill We! Killed our parents, wives and children! Pointing to our bones and saying: 'Look, this is a coward without balls!'”

   "Defend the city!"

   "Defend the city!"

   "Master Zhixian, we are not cowards, we want to defend the city!"

   "If you don't defend the city, you will surely die! If you defend the city, you can still gain a way to survive. Let's fight the Japanese pirates!"

  Zhu Ping'an's words were like a match thrown into a barrel of explosives, and the city seemed to explode in an instant! Please fight loudly!

  (end of this chapter)

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