Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1111: Golden Juice

  Chapter 1111 Golden juice show power

  Although they were wearing cloth breastplates, condescending, and covered by wall stacks, as the Japanese pirates counterattacked with their bows, the government servants and soldiers defending the city walls soon began to suffer casualties. After a round of arrow rain, six people were killed by arrows and five were injured.

  Although the Japanese pirates killed and injured more, more than 50 people were lost, but the Japanese pirates have a large number of people, and this loss is only a drop in the bucket.

  It’s just that for the defenders with only one hundred people, the loss of these eleven people can be said to be traumatic.

   "Pay attention to the position, be careful of the arrows, and release the arrows behind the crenel!"

  Zhu Pingan loudly reminded everyone to pay attention to their positions, try to stand behind the battlements of the city walls, and shoot arrows through the crenels to avoid being shot by Japanese pirates.

  The outer female wall of the city wall is built into concave and convex wall stacks, and there is a square hole in the wall stack. The role of the wall stacks is to provide a place for the defenders on the city wall to avoid arrows when defending the city. The defenders can observe the military situation outside the city through the small holes in the female wall, and they can also shoot arrows through the small holes to kill the enemy.

  Under Zhu Ping'an's reminder, the government soldiers paid attention to their positions and hid in the crenels of the wall to shoot arrows. The casualties dropped sharply.

   However, this is just the beginning.

  After several rounds of arrow rain, the Japanese pirates began to attack the city aggressively. The elite Japanese pirates jumped to the front row of the soldiers, and threw flying claws and ropes one by one onto the city wall. Like monkeys, they began to climb up the city wall along the rope.

  The flying claws and ropes used by the Japanese pirates were soaked in paint, etc., and the yamen servants and soldiers kept chopping with knives. The Japanese pirates climbing directly below cannot be shot from the crenel, and leaning forward to release arrows is easy to become the target of the Japanese pirates below.

   "Smashing stones, pouring gold juice..."

  Seeing this, Zhu Pingan loudly ordered everyone to throw stones down, pouring hot golden juice down the rope.

  The yamen servants and soldiers listened to the order to pick up stones and smash them down, pouring down the boiling hot gold juice that had been boiled in advance.


   "Smash your grandson to death!"

   "I will give you an extra meal, feed you a big grandson! No need to thank grandpa!"

  The shouts of killing on the city were loud, the stones were like hail, and the hot and smelly golden juice was like pouring rain.

   No matter how good your martial arts are, you will still be afraid of kitchen knives; Although those who used claws and ropes to climb the city walls are all elite Japanese pirates, but during the climbing period, they can only use 20% of their martial arts at most. If they dodge one stone, they cannot dodge two. Even if they dodge the stone, facing the city wall The hot gold juice poured up and down can only be dumbfounded.

  In an instant, there were screams in the city.

  The climbing Japanese pirates were like dumplings. They were thrown down by stones, scalded by golden juice and fell down the city. The seven orifices bleed from the fall, and there were screams.

The Japanese pirates who did not climb under the city were also stoned to death. In fact, the stones are not bad. One stone can kill at most one person. The golden juice is like rain, how can this thing hide, the hot golden juice scalds a piece of Japanese pirates all at once.

   "Hot, I'm so hot..."

   "My scalp was burned off, it hurts, it hurts me to death."

   "It hurts, my skin has been scalded. Damn, what is this, why is it so smelly, can it be feces?!"

The hairstyle of Japanese pirates is also a half-bald Tsukidai head, and they wear very little. The upper body is unlined, with open arms, and the lower body is only crotch pants. Touching it, the lethality of the golden juice was magnified several times. The Japanese pirates were burned to pieces and rolled all over the ground, screaming like ghosts.

  Hearing the screams from the bottom of the city, the morale of the city was greatly boosted, and the yamen servants and soldiers worked harder to throw stones and pour gold juice down.

  The screams under the city became more and more horrific.

  The falling rocks and golden juice were ferocious, and the Japanese pirates had already retreated under the casualties. No matter how much the bounty is, you have to be ordered to do it. The Japanese pirates thought that Jingnan County, like other counties, could be easily captured in one attack. The defenders are as weak as chickens. , it was easy to get the bounty. Who would have thought that the city of Jingnan County would be so tenacious, especially what was splashed on the city, it was smelly and hot, and the skin would be ripped apart if touched, and the wounds were painful and itchy, it was a nightmare.

   Soon, life-saving Japanese pirates put their ideas into practice and retreated. Like a chain reaction, many Japanese pirates retreated.

  "Baga! Those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy"

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates stepped on the ground, and jumped out suddenly. A white light flashed across the Japanese sword in his hand, and cut across the neck of the first retreating Japanese pirate. Blood spurted out, and a head rolled to the ground.

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, was also sprayed with a lot of blood on his face, but Heihachiro didn't care at all. He stuck out his tongue and licked the blood, with a smile of enjoyment on his face, which was as hideous as death.

   "You backed up too, didn't you?"

  Heihachiro appeared in front of the second Japanese pirate who retreated after the first Japanese pirate who retreated. He narrowed his eyes slightly, his lips curled up, and looked at the Japanese pirate who retreated gently and asked.

  Although Heihachiro has a gentle voice, the more gentle he is with the steaming blood on his face and the Japanese sword dripping with blood in his hand, the more terrifying he looks to outsiders.

   "I'm uh." The Japanese pirate trembled, just said the word "I", and before he could say the following words, he groaned, his eyes widened in pain, and he looked down like a puppet.

   There is a Japanese sword stuck in the heart, and the owner of the Japanese sword is Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates.

The blood spattered on Heihachiro's face again, Heihachiro didn't even blink his eyelids, he used force again, and the Japanese sword instantly penetrated the back of the retreating Japanese pirate, and after piercing the retreating Japanese pirate's heart, Heihachiro flexibly rotated the handle of the knife in a circle with his wrist , When he pulled out the Japanese sword, he picked out the heart of the retreating Japanese pirate.

   Backing away, the Japanese pirate watched as his heart was picked out by Heihachiro, and fell to the ground with a desperate **** ho.

   "The heart of a coward, like a weak chicken, is tender and fresh"

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, put the heart on the tip of the knife into his mouth, chewed it, and the corners of his lips were dripping with blood.

   "Who else of you wants to back off?"

  Heihachiro, the leader of the Japanese pirates, was chewing on the heart while scanning the pirates with cold eyes.

   "Dare not!"

   "No refund!"

  All the Japanese pirates lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at Heihachiro, let alone say anything else.

   "Then don't attack the city for me, and if there are any retreaters, kill them without mercy! I want to have lunch at the Jingnan County Government!"

  The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, with a grim face, waved the **** Japanese sword towards the county seat, and said in a murderous voice.

   "Breaking the city!"


  Under the urging of the leader Heihachiro, the Japanese pirates screamed again, and desperately rushed towards the city wall of Jingnan County.

  (end of this chapter)

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