Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1108: slapstick

  Chapter 1108 Hitting East and West

   "The Japanese pirates are coming!"

Not long after Zhu Ping'an finished explaining, he heard a voice crying for his father and mother from the street, and then people saw a frightened and distraught man running in panic on the street, his face was pale and his legs were trembling badly .

   Soon, a lot of people came running behind, all of them panicked, shouting that the Japanese pirates were coming.

   Fear, like the plague, quickly infected everyone, and the atmosphere of fear once again swept Jingnan County.

   "Where are the Japanese pirates? How many have come?"

  When the people gathered in Xicheng heard the news that the Japanese pirates had killed them, they were frightened and asked anxiously.

   "Dongcheng Gate, a lot of Japanese pirates came from the east, shouting to kill us all"

   "There are a lot of people. When I came here, there were hundreds of Japanese pirates clamoring to kill the East Gate."

  The man who fled from the East City replied in panic.

  After hearing that the Japanese pirates were attacking the east city, everyone excitedly looked up at Zhu Pingan on the city wall.

   "Master Zhixian, did you hear that the Japanese pirates are attacking the east city, it is the east city, not the west city as you said!"

   "Didn't you say that Japanese pirates attacked the city from the west? How did they attack the east city?!"

   "One general is incompetent, and the whole army is exhausted. We are all going to be killed by you. You focus on defending the west city, while the Japanese pirates are attacking the east city!"

   "While the Japanese pirates are attacking the east city gate and the west city has not yet fallen, open the city gate quickly and let us escape from the city."

"You think you are Zhuge Liang, but you don't know that you are only one-third of Zhuge Liang. You are a Zhu (pig). You are stupid. Don't implicate us. Quickly open the west gate and let us escape from the city. We don't want to be buried with you .”

  People accused Zhu Pingan emotionally, with angry flames in their eyes, and asked Zhu Pingan to open the west gate and let them escape from the city. In their view, Zhu Ping'an was both self-righteous and stupid. He said that the Japanese pirates attacked the west city, but the Japanese pirates attacked the east gate, just like a pig.

  They were extremely disappointed in Zhu Ping'an, and they didn't have any hope of defending the city. With such a county magistrate who didn't know anything about military affairs guarding the city, how could the county be able to defend it, so they made a noise again and demanded to open the city gate to escape.

   "Send 10 people to the south gate and 10 people from the north gate to the east gate to help defend. The Japanese pirates retreat and immediately return to their original positions to stand by."

  There was a lot of cursing under the city, but Zhu Ping'an on the city was calm, and ordered the south gate and north gate to reinforce the east gate.

  After listening to Zhu Ping'an's order, the people in the city became more accusatory and scolding. They felt that Zhu Ping'an was stubborn, never corrected his mistakes, and was selfish. The Japanese pirates began to attack the East Gate, and they insisted that the Japanese pirates would mainly attack the West Gate! Obviously the West Gate has the most soldiers, but Xiaozhi County, in order to protect itself, did not send a single soldier to rescue, but only sent ten people from the South Gate and North Gate to help defend the East Gate. What can such a small number of troops do?


  Why is our life so hard? With such a stubborn and stupid magistrate, it’s no wonder that Jingnan County is not broken. Just pity us, the Japanese pirates are here, what should we do, God, the earth, who can come and save us, we don't want to be buried with such a stupid magistrate.

  Aihong Katano under the west city.

  The woods outside the west city gate.

A short, bare-footed Japanese pirate cat strode like flying in the bushes, flew to the depths of the woods, knelt at the foot of the Japanese pirate leader Hei Hachiro, and respectfully reported in Japanese, "Speak to the leader, Gangcun has been ordered to lead the One hundred and twenty men under his command feinted to attack the east gate of Jingnan County."

   "Yaoxi, is there any reinforcements at the east gate?" the leader of the Japanese pirates, Heihachiro, nodded in satisfaction and asked.

   "Dozens of officers and soldiers have reinforced the Dongcheng Gate." The Japanese pirate sentinel replied.

"Yaoxi, as the leader of Jiangmen said, the magistrate of Jingnan County is a brat with no hair. He is so stupid that he was easily fooled. It was just a feigned attack, so he sent troops to reinforce Dongchengmen. Little do we know that there is a saying in the art of war: Zuo Shi They thought I was attacking the city from the east, but they didn't know that I was attacking the west gate by surprise. There were not many soldiers in Jingnan County, but now dozens of soldiers were transferred to the east gate, so the west city must be empty. If we attack the west gate by surprise, we will win in a single battle." The leader of the Japanese pirates, Heibachiro, smiled contemptuously, then pulled out the Japanese sword at his waist, swung it vigorously at the west gate of Jingnan, and said with a ferocious face, " Jingnan, tremble in blood and death! I, Sanada Heihachi, have come! The name of Sanada Heihachi will be widely spread in Shenzhou! My sons and daughters, this is the time to break the city! Kill!"


   "kill す, kill す."

   "Gold, silver, woman, your grandpa is here, hahahaha, you can grab it and kill it."

   "Kill it, you boys in Jingnan, grandpa is here!"

   A group of Japanese pirates rushed out of the woods eagerly screaming like chicken blood, and rushed towards the west gate of Jingnan County with a murderous look.

"what sound?"

   "Where is the sound of killing?"

  The woods where the Japanese pirates were hiding was not far from Jingnan County. When the Japanese pirates moved, they could hear movement in Jingnan County.

   "Oh my God, look quickly, there are a lot of pirates rushing out of the woods in the west, my mother, there are too many pirates, densely packed, there are pirates everywhere, there must be tens of thousands of pirates."

   "Oh my god, the Japanese pirates are here."

   "Oh, the Japanese pirates are so insidious, they even hid in the woods over there, and they really went to the west gate. It's really like what the magistrate said, the Japanese pirates are really attacking the west, and this side is the main force of the pirates."

   "Oh my god, it's terrible, his second uncle, hurry up, help me, my legs are weak and I can't stand up."

   Soon, people noticed the Japanese pirates rushing out of the woods and shouting to kill Ximen all the way.

  There are Japanese pirates all over the mountains, thousands of them, howling ghosts and wolves, and the sound of killing is deafening. The people in front of the west city gate suddenly cried out in fright, the timid people collapsed to the ground with frightened legs, and some even peed their pants in fright.

  There are so many Japanese pirates, this is the main force of the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates are really attacking the east and attacking the west, pretending to attack the east gate, and mainly attacking the west gate!

  The prefect magistrate knows things like a god.

  The magistrate is really Zhuge Liang alive.

  While people were panicked, they were amazed and admired by Zhu Ping'an's foresight and foresight.

The people who have been accusing and insulting Zhu Pingan for being self-righteous and stupid as a pig, all of them were stunned when they saw this, speechless, and their faces flushed like a pig's liver. People like pigs are them, and at the same time they are all terrified.

  The Japanese pirates are hiding in the woods not far from the west gate. They were planning to go out from the west gate and escape into the mountains through the woods. If the magistrate had really listened to them just now and opened the west city gate to let them flee the city, then they would have bumped their heads into the Japanese pirates' knives.

  (end of this chapter)

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