Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1101: Kou Fen Taizhou

  Chapter 1101 Koufen Taizhou

"Our target this time is Taizhou Prefecture. Compared with Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Jiaxing Prefectures, which have been looted many times, Taizhou Prefecture has been looted less frequently, is less defensive, and has more good things. Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit, go back and tell the boys, this time the meat is enough, the money is enough, and the women are enough, let me let go and have a good time, don't lose face to our Hungry Wolf League! "

   After Jiangmen, the leader of the Japanese pirates in the fleet, finished drinking the wine in the bowl, he smashed the bowl in his hand to the ground with all his strength, and said solemnly.

"Master Jiangmen, don't worry, the little wolf cubs under my command have long been suffering from suffocation and screaming with hunger, and this time they spread it out. It is no exaggeration to say that they can chew up the Taizhou mansion! "

  Tie King Kong grinned bloodily, revealing a mouth full of white teeth, and even the smile smelled bloody.

"Yaoxi, Jiangmen Master is at ease. Since the last looting, this day has been waiting for too long. My sons have long been hungry and thirsty, and my Japanese sword has long been too hungry and thirsty. Blood Taizhou."

   Shinwahira Hachiro smiled sinisterly, slowly pulled out the Japanese sword, and wiped it with a handkerchief as if it were a treasure.

"Very good! Then let's divide Taizhou Prefecture into one. Taizhou Prefecture has seven counties under its jurisdiction, namely Linhai County, Huangyan County, Tiantai County, Xianju County, Ninghai County, Daping County and Jingnan County. I have the most direct subordinates, Erlang, Linhai, Huangyan, and Tiantai counties belong to me; Tiejingang, Xianju, and Ninghai belong to you; Heihachiro, Taiping and Jingnan counties belong to you. Don’t say I didn’t take care of you, Xianju County is easy to attack but difficult to defend, just like the firework building. Like Sister Yao, she can be stripped naked with one hand, and she can go up casually without defense; while Jingnan County had a magistrate a month ago, and Xinxian County only took office in the past few days. Keep it safe, let alone set up defenses, this Jingnan is like a weak little girl, waiting to be trampled on."

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Jiangmen, swept all the wine and meat of the several cases to the ground with one hand, took out a hand-painted map of Taizhou Prefecture from his arms, spread it on the several cases, stretched out his fingers, and divided up the counties of Taizhou Prefecture up.

  Jiangmen is the leader of the Hungry Wolf League. It was originally the general banner of a coastal guard in Fujian. Because of the robbery of merchants, he led more than 40 people under his banner to turn into bandits, robbed the guard's arsenal, and became Japanese pirates. At present, there are more than 4,600 Japanese pirates directly under his command, accounting for nearly half of the Hungry Wolf League's tribe, and its strength is the strongest.

   "Jiangmen Master has taken good care of the Sajia, what else can the Sajia say, this time Baoding will not embarrass our Hungry Wolf League. Otherwise, there is no need for the Sajia's huge head to stay on the neck."

  Tie King Kong reached out and touched his bald forehead, shook his neck, and made a crackling sound.

Iron King Kong is not his name, but his nickname. Iron King Kong is similar to Xu Hai. He used to be a monk. He was expelled from the temple because of the fireworks site. After being expelled from the temple, Tie Jingang wandered around Fujian, cheated and abducted, committed all kinds of crimes, was later wanted by the local government and arrested, and joined the Japanese pirates himself. Because of his bravery, ferocity, vigilance and cunning, he became the leader of the pirates step by step, with more than 2,200 pirates under his command. Later, in order to avoid being annexed by Wang Zhi's subordinates, he led them into the Hungry Wolf League.

   "Thank you, Lord Jiangmen, for taking care of me. I have nothing to say about my Honda Heihachi. Today, I will lead my son to break through the two counties of Taiping and Jingnan, stain the family-heirloom sword with blood, and let the name of my Honda Heihachi be widely spread in Shenzhou!"

  Shinwa Heihachiro had no objection to the division of the big leader Jiangmen, slowly inserted the Japanese sword in his hand into the scabbard, solemnly hung it on his waist, and knelt on the deck with his lapel folded, making a **** oath.

  Heihachiro, formerly known as Honda Heihachi, was a wandering samurai from the Japanese kingdom. His ancestors were samurai canonized by the Kantohojo Clan. He also served two patriarchs successively, but they were both excluded and expelled. After hearing the stories of some wandering warriors plundering Daming, he took a knife and stepped on the canoe rushing towards Daming. It has been eight years now, and the Japanese pirates under his command There are nearly 3,000 people, including more than 1,000 real Japanese, and their strength belongs to the second existence in the Hungry Wolf League. His dream is to revive the glory of his ancestors and carry it forward.

"Okay, since that's the case, then we've made a decision. We'll split up and plunder separately. How much we can gain depends on your ability. Remember one thing, five days later, we will meet at Taizhou City. , and break through Taizhou Fucheng together. Which one is overdue, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people in Jiangmen."

  Jiangmen Master got up, pulled out the guard-style waist knife from his waist, nailed it to the table, and glanced left and right at the two people.

   "Follow the leader's order! See you in Taizhou Fucheng in five days. If the deadline is not reached, I, Tie King Kong, will take off your head and use it as a chamber pot for you." Tie King Kong stood up and clasped his fists at Jiangmen, vowing.

"Naturally. My name is Honda Heihachi, and I am not a person who does not keep his word. I swear in the name of my ancestors, and I will keep my promise. Five days later, I, Sanada Heihachi, will go to the city of Taizhou Prefecture! If I do not believe my words, I, Sanada Heihachi, will commit seppuku. Bloodbath for disgrace."

  Heihachiro also stood up, also swearing.

   "Okay!" Jiangmen nodded in satisfaction, "Go back and tidy up yourselves, how much money you can rob, how many women you can rob, and how many heads you can pull, it depends on your ability. See you in Taizhou in five days!"

   "See you in Taizhou!"

   "See you in Taizhou!"

  Tie Jingang and Heihachiro nodded vigorously, and responded in unison.

  After the arrangement and oath of the three people in Jiangmen were completed, Tie Jingang and He Hachiro returned to their respective armed ships to rectify their respective Japanese bandits.

   "Kill, kill, Taizhou, grandpas are here!!! Kill, kill, kill, grab, grab, last."

   "kill す, kill す. 入れる, 入れる, もうじきだよ"


   Soon, all the Japanese pirates in the fleet were screaming for killing and grabbing, full of murderous intent. The Japanese pirates couldn't wait to look at the direction of the coast, licking their lips, **** smiles bloomed on their faces.

   Then, the Japanese pirates in the fleet, after advancing for a few miles, slowly divided into three, divided into three fleets and headed in three directions. The ships and the Japanese pirates with the largest number of pirates headed towards the three counties of Linhai, Huangyan, and Tiantai in a murderous spirit; Xianju and Ninghai left.

  (end of this chapter)

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