Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1086: Take office smoothly

  Chapter 1086 Take office smoothly

  Jingnan County Town God’s Temple is small in scale. A plaque of “City God’s Temple” is hung on the main entrance of the main hall, and peach wood couplets are hung on the left and right sides: “Be a good person, upright body, peace of mind, dream and stability, and do some good deeds.

  Zhu Ping'an, led by Zhang Xiancheng and others, entered the Chenghuang Temple from the corridor in the middle of the Yi Gate of the Chenghuang Temple.

  After entering the main hall of the Town God's Temple, Zhu Ping'an discovered that the deity enshrined in the Town God's Temple in Jingnan County was Wen Tianxiang, a famous patriotic and loyal minister in the Southern Song Dynasty. This is also a historical figure that Zhu Ping'an has always admired very much.

   Probably Wen Tianxiang once resisted the Yuan Dynasty on the land of Jingnan County, so Jingnan County enshrined him as the God of the Town God Temple.

  In the hall, the rituals of the three animals and all kinds of utensils have been displayed, and they are waiting for themselves to worship the city god.

After everything was ready, Zhu Pingan led Zhang Xiancheng and others to kneel down and kowtow three times to the city god, burn incense to worship, and make an oath to the ground, "My subordinate Zhu Ping'an, by the emperor's order, was appointed as the county magistrate of Jingnan County, and I made an oath to God, But the gods are wise and upright, the gods are dark, the yin and yang are outside and inside, and I have government affairs that are not prepared. I hope that God will bless me, so that my government affairs will be prosperous, and I will be at peace; It will bring calamity. The subordinate Zhu Ping'an, I respect this oath of alliance, to show my heart, to use up my duties, and the gods have shown me that I honor his character and dare to sue."

  This is called an oath of alliance with the gods, and it is the most important thing in worshiping the city god. It is an oath to be loyal to the gods and duties, to use yin and yang as the exterior and interior, and to realize the co-governance of man and god. The City God will inspect and picket the performance of the county magistrate after taking office, and will reward and punish them.

   After worshiping the City God, Zhu Pingan went to the Jingnan County Government Office under the leadership of Zhang Xiancheng and others to worship and receive the seal.

  Accept the seal, which is a sign of taking office.

  Zhu Ping’an only carried the official appointment document issued by the Ministry of Officials and his own seal. At this stage, he could only accept the magistrate’s seal of Jingnan County after his identity was verified with the official appointment document and seal of the Ministry of Officials.

  If this is the case, he can be regarded as the magistrate of Jingnan County.

When they arrived at the county government office, Zhu Ping'an's troops divided into two groups, letting Liu Dadao drive the carriage, carrying the paintings, and go to the back house from the side door to clean up and settle down. Enter the county government.

   "Meet the county lord."

  The third class of the county government officials had already lined up and waited in line. After Zhu Pingan and others entered the county government office, they knelt down and saluted.

   "Excuse me, please stand up."

  Zhu Pingan nodded to the Yamen servants, raised his hands in a gesture of invitation, and signaled the Yamen servants to stand up.

   "Xie Xianzun." All the yamen servants stood up in response.

"This way please, the county lord, the Yimen is here. After passing the Yimen, you will be the lobby of the county government. Our Jingnan county government was built in the eighth year of Dade in the Yuan Dynasty, and it has been more than 200 years ago. History has passed, and then it was overturned and expanded three times in the 12th year of Hongwu, 20th year of Yongle, and 6th year of Zhengde, and it was repaired many times by successive county officials. The back mansion and the prison are in the south."

   Zhang Xiancheng led Zhu Pingan to continue walking, while walking, he acted as a commentary at the side, and briefly introduced the history and layout of the county government with Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Ping'an nodded and observed as he walked. After arriving at Yimen, Zhang Xiancheng stopped and asked Zhu Pingan to enter Yimen first to show that the county respected the head of the county. He followed Zhu Pingan and walked in.

  As Zhang Xiancheng said, after passing the Yimen Gate, Zhu Ping'an's eyes came into the county government lobby.

  The lobby seems to have just been renovated, tidy and new, and the layout is similar to those old county government sites that Zhu Pingan visited in modern times. On the two pillars in front of the lobby, there are couplets written in big characters on a red background and black paint, "Laws have no relatives, orders have no reason; doubts are only rewarded, and doubts are only lightly punished." Above the lobby hangs a plaque with the inscription "Mirror hanging high". The middle of the wall is framed with a wooden frame, with a white background inside the frame, and a huge "sea tide day" picture is painted on it.

  A bright mirror hangs high above the head, with the sea facing the sun behind it, implying that officials should be as bright as the sun and the moon, and as clear as the sea.

  Here will be the main place for his future work. Zhu Pingan stepped forward to step on the warm pavilion, stretching his hand across the koan.

   "Xianzun, do you accept the seal now?" The county magistrate Zhang Changru stepped forward and asked softly.

   "Yes." Zhu Ping'an nodded.

   "Master Yao, get the seal of the county magistrate soon." Zhang Changru, the county magistrate, looked at Yao Wenyuan, the master, and reminded.

   "Please excuse the offense from the humble position, it is due to the procedure, and please ask the county lord to show the three treasures."

  Bo Yao Wenyuan took the magistrate's seal with the seal on it, held the seal in both hands, bowed and said to Zhu Ping'an.

  The so-called three treasures are seals, official documents and swords. These three are the certificates to verify the identity of the previous magistrate.

   "Master Yao's words are serious." Zhu Pingan nodded with a smile, turned his gaze to Liu Mu, and said softly, "Brother Mu, please three treasures."

   "Yes, son." Liu Mu responded, and respectfully handed over the three treasures he carried with him to Zhu Pingan.

   "Please." Zhu Pingan put the three treasures on the public case, and stretched out his hand to Yao Zhubo and others as a gesture of invitation.

   Li Da, the history of the classics, was the first to come up to check, and he read it several times, and then Zhang Xiancheng, Yao Zhubo and others also stepped forward to check one by one.

  Checked and confirmed that it was correct, Yao Zhubo handed over the magistrate's seal to Zhu Ping'an with both hands, and Zhu Pingan, under the witness of everyone, took off the seal, took out the magistrate's seal with both hands, and put it on the public case.

   "Meet the county lord."

   Zhang Xiancheng and Yao Zhubo led the officials of the Jingnan County Yamen to come forward, stand under the hall, pay two salutes, and formally meet Zhu Ping'an.

"Everyone, please raise yourselves. I was transferred to Jingnan magistrate by the emperor's order. It is a heavy responsibility to govern the people. However, Ping An has just arrived, young and inexperienced. I will rely on you in the future. I also hope that you will work together with me. , work hard, be loyal to state affairs, and jointly benefit the people of Jingnan." Zhu Pingan stood up and bowed in reply.

   "The county lord is humble, and we must obey the orders. In the future, the county lord will follow the lead, be loyal to state affairs, and benefit the people of Jingnan." Zhang Xiancheng led everyone to reply in unison.

Then, yamen servants, Zaoli, Dianli, Jingsun, lobbyists, monk officials, Taoist officials, yin and yang students, medical officials, academic officials, etc. from bottom to top, went forward to pay two respects to Zhu Pingan, and Zhu Pingan stood up. Reception.

  Promoted the hall, rowed the yamen, painted the mausoleum, and sent the servants to the county town and the countryside to post notices, telling the people in the jurisdiction that Xinzhi County had taken office.

   After the event was over, Zhu Pingan participated in the reception banquet prepared by Zhang Xiancheng and others as usual, and the guests and hosts had a good time at the banquet.

   So at night, Zhu Ping'an had finished all the procedures for his appointment, and he was almost exhausted.

   "Uncle, is the handover going well?"

  Baozi's little maid, Hua'er, had already prepared footwashing water for Zhu Ping'an, brought it under his feet, and let Zhu Ping'an soak his feet. She massaged Zhu Ping's shoulders behind her, and asked in a low voice while massaging.

   "Since it went well, why is my uncle still frowning?" Hua'er asked in puzzlement.

   "It's because it went so smoothly." Zhu Ping'an narrowed his eyes comfortably and said slowly.

  (end of this chapter)

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