Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1082: Preparation for departure

  Chapter 1082 Preparation for Departure

  Plans cannot keep up with changes.

  As Liu Yanzhi said, the crime of violating the emergency official documents of the Ministry of Officials is not small, and Zhu Pingan really cannot afford it.

  The so-called overwhelmed water is hard to recover, the Ministry of Officials has issued an urgent official document, and it is too late to visit Master Xu to clear up the relationship.

  The Tao is one foot tall, but the devil is already one foot tall. This is a conspiracy, Zhu Pingan can't crack it even if he sees through it.

   Now I can only pack my bags and prepare to leave.

  There is only one hour, and the time is very tight. I can no longer prepare as planned last night. It is impossible to go out to buy cloth, medicinal materials, etc. This time is only enough to pack the existing things in Jingxiangyuan.

  Not long after I started packing my luggage, a girl from the second door came to report that Doctor Zhang came to see Li Shu for a follow-up visit. Zhu Pingan put down the books he was sorting out, and went to the second gate with Li Shu to meet Dr. Zhang.

   "Hey, kid Zhu is out of jail, it's amazing, it's amazing"

  Physician Zhang, who had a childlike face, came in and was quite surprised when he saw Zhu Ping'an. He stroked his beard and nodded repeatedly. Zhu Xiaozi proposed amendments to Yang Jisheng’s impeachment of Yan Song, which not only offended the Yan Party, but also angered the Holy Majesty. You must know that Yang Jisheng’s impeachment of Yan Song can be interpreted many allusions to the Holy Majesty. To be able to come out so quickly, such luck and ability should not be underestimated.

"Well, it's no wonder that the fifth girl's face has turned ruddy a lot. The root cause of the disease has gone after Zhu boy came back." Doctor Zhang stroked his beard and looked at Zhu Ping'an, then looked at Li Shu. Seeing Li Shu's ruddy face, he couldn't help but laughed and joked.

  "Uncle Zhang" Li Shu blushed with embarrassment, stamped her feet and said angrily.

  Zhu Ping'an came forward to meet with Imperial Physician Zhang, thanked him for treating Li Shu, and also thanked him for treating his injury from the imperial staff some time ago.

   Entering the Jingxiang Garden, Dr. Zhang saw that the maids and mothers in the yard were busy packing up, and asked curiously, "Why are you packing up all of a sudden? Boy Zhu, fifth girl, are you going to move?"

"Ping'an was released from prison last night by Saint Long En, but at the same time he was also demoted to be the county magistrate of Jingnan. This morning, the Ministry of Officials sent an urgent official document, ordering me to leave for Jingnan immediately to take up my post. I will sign at Qihuamen in an hour. formalities."

  Zhu Ping'an shrugged his shoulders, said slowly, and briefly explained the whole story to Doctor Zhang.

"I was relegated last night, and this morning the Ministry of Officials issued an urgent official document urging me to take up my post?! Oh, I have lived for such a long time, and I have never seen anything, but such a bizarre and unreasonable decree from the Ministry of Officials, the old man I really haven’t seen it before, hey, I’m old, I’m getting old, I’m getting more and more incomprehensible about this world.”

  After listening to Zhu Ping'an's narration, the old doctor Zhang couldn't help shaking his head, sighed, and mocked the officials.

Back indoors, Doctor Zhang stroked his beard with one hand, put one hand on Li Shu's wrist, and felt Li Shu's pulse with his eyes closed. After a few seconds, Doctor Zhang withdrew his hand and said to Li Shu with a smile, "Yes , Zhu boy’s return is indeed like a panacea, fifth girl, your heart disease is gone, you are recovering very well, and your fetal image has stabilized a lot.”

   "Great, thank you, Uncle Zhang." Li Shu was overjoyed when she heard the results of doctor Zhang's consoling diagnosis and treatment.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Zhu Ping'an also bowed his hands to Doctor Zhang to thank him.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet." Doctor Zhang stroked his beard and shook his head, glanced at the old lady who was packing up outside, then looked at Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu, and said slowly, "Fifth girl, you Although the heart disease has gone, the disease comes like a mountain, and the disease goes like a silk thread. Although the root cause of the disease has gone, it will take time to fully recover, especially fifth girl, you are still pregnant, so you must pay special attention. In addition, Fifth girl, you are still young, and your body is also small. It is not the best time to conceive, and you must pay special attention to this first child. During this trip to Jingnan, you, fifth girl, cannot go with Zhu Xiaozi for the time being, otherwise it is very likely There will be a risk of miscarriage, and it will take another four to five months of recuperation before she can endure the hardships of traveling and traveling."

When Dr. Zhang said that Li Shu's young age was not the best time to conceive, he gave Zhu Pingan a special look, just like the eyes of an elder looking at an ignorant junior, which made Zhu Pingan very ashamed. guilt. Although in the feudal era, boys and girls were generally precocious, and the age at which I married Li Shu was normal, but in modern times, Li Shu is still an underage girl.

   Moreover, even in a feudal society, it is more reasonable for girls to conceive after the age of eighteen. Li Shu's pregnancy was indeed earlier.

  Zhu Ping'an felt guilty.

  Li Shu quietly reached out and shook Zhu Ping'an's hand under the table, feeling the warmth of the palm, a smile appeared on Zhu Ping'an's face, and the guilt in his heart grew stronger.

   "Uncle Zhang, I'm going to Jingnan with Brother Zhu. You are a genius doctor, so you must be able to do something, right?" Li Shu shook the doctor Zhang's arm, complimenting and acting coquettishly.

   "Fifth girl, even if you knocked the old man out today, I can't help it. A good woman can't cook without rice. No matter how good the medical skills are, it can't be divorced from the reality of the patient. If you don't want this child, then it's another matter."

  Physician Zhang shook his head, not accepting Li Shu's tricks.

   "Uncle Zhang, I have given you the altar of good wine that my father treasured, so you should think of a way."

   Li Shu then shook the imperial physician's arm, shaking the imperial physician Zhang's head like a willow in the wind, almost dizzy.

   Zhu Pingan saw it from the side, and felt dizzy for old doctor Zhang.

"Stop, stop, fifth girl, the old man is getting old, but he can't stand you shaking like this. Three months, the old man will help you recuperate for three months, and you can go to Jingnan to find your brother Zhu. No matter how short , I really have no other choice." Doctor Zhang was dizzy from the shaking, and couldn't bear it anymore, shaking his arms and admitting defeat.

  Three months, this is the limit of Imperial Physician Zhang. No matter how fast it is, Imperial Physician Zhang really has no guarantee of pregnancy protection.

Whether to go to Jingnan with Zhu Pingan now but risk a miscarriage, or go to Jingnan to see Zhu Pingan after three months of recuperation, this multiple-choice question is not difficult. I chose the latter, and spent three months recuperating in the capital. After the fetal image was stabilized, I went to Jingnan to reunite with Zhu Ping'an.

  Since she couldn't go to Jingnan with Zhu Ping'an, Li Shu was worried about Zhu Ping'an, worried that Zhu Ping'an could not take good care of herself. So Li Shu called Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, into the room to explain for a while, and asked Hua'er to go to Jingnan with Zhu Ping'an, and on the way to Jingnan, take care of Zhu Ping's daily necessities.

  Jingnan is a cave of dragons and tigers. Zhu Pingan didn't want Hua'er to take risks with him, but he refused, so he could only accept Li Shu's kindness.

  In addition, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, Liu Dagang, Liu Dahammer, Liu Dafu, and Liu Daqiang received the news that Zhu Ping'an was relegated to Jingnan county magistrate, and they all came to find them. They wanted to follow Zhu Pingan to Jingnan to take up his post.

  Zhu Pingan declined them on the grounds that Uncle Liu had no one to take care of them. Liu Mu and the others said that they came because of Uncle Liu's intention. As for Old Man Liu, they have already written letters to the villagers, and there will be people from the village to take care of Old Man Liu. In addition, Uncle Liu has also taken in two apprentices, who can not only help cook in Zhuji, but also take care of Uncle Liu.

  (end of this chapter)

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