Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1060: breeder

  Chapter 1060 Breeder

  The days of recuperation feel like raising pigs.


  I am the adopted one.

Zhu Ping'an was lying on the soft bed under the gazebo in the Jingxiang Garden, eating the lychee handed over by Li Shu, enjoying the painting and fanning himself, making a summary of his recuperating life, and couldn't help but twitched his lips .

   "What are you smirking at?" Li Shu noticed the curvature of Zhu Ping'an's mouth and asked softly.

   "Do you feel that you look like a breeder?" Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Li Shu with a smile.

   "Huh? Giggle" Li Shu was cute for a moment, then she was as smart as she was, and immediately understood what Zhu Pingan was implying.

  Li Shu was already unattractively beautiful, but this smile directly made Zhu Pingan understand what it means to be overwhelmed by a country and a city.

   "Are you being stupid again?" Li Shu pouted her small mouth in a coquettish manner.

   "It's not that I'm stupid, it's that I'm confused." Zhu Ping'an shook his head, playing tricks and making a fool of himself.

   "What confusion?"

   Li Shu was successfully aroused by Zhu Ping'an.

   "What I'm confused about is why the season is abnormal? Isn't spring already gone? Why do you smile, and spring is back." Zhu Pingan borrowed an old stalk from the 21st century and picked up Li Shu.

  When you smile, it is spring. This meme is old in the 21st century, but in Daming, this meme is new and cannot be new.

   Sure enough

With Zhu Ping's teasing, Li Shu's smile was even more overwhelming. A pair of big watery eyes glared at Zhu Ping'an charmingly, and her small cherry mouth was slightly raised, pretending to be angry and coquettish: "Slick tongue, You can fool people."

   The little **** the side of Baozi felt that she was really a lump of elm, why she couldn't keep up with the chat rhythm of the uncle and the lady. The previous breeder took a lot of effort to figure it out. It was my uncle who laughed at himself and said that he was raising his wounds like raising pigs. Why is there another abnormal season?

  However, fortunately, my uncle said that the seasons are abnormal and spring is coming, which is not difficult to understand.

   When Huaer saw the smile on the young lady's face, she reacted a little too late. The uncle said that the season was abnormal and spring was here, so he praised the young lady for her beauty in a different way. Uncle is worthy of being the number one scholar, so it turns out that boasting people can do this.

   Just blowing the breeze, eating fruits, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, Zhu Ping'an's days of recuperation are not to mention how nourishing it is.

  The medicine was changed once a day, and after the fifth medicine change, Zhu Ping'an was able to get out of bed with a cane.

   This made Zhu Pingan's days of recuperation more nourishing.

  King Yu often sent people to send some supplements and rewards these days, and even granted Zhu Pingan a month's leave so that Zhu Pingan could recover from his injuries with peace of mind. Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei also came to visit Zhu Pingan every now and then, and told Zhu Pingan about the current affairs in the government and the opposition. Of course, the two of them envied Zhu Pingan's nourishing days of healing.

  Through Wang Shizhen and Zhang Siwei, Zhu Pingan also knows a lot about what happened in the ruling and opposition parties.

  Recently, Yan Song has been fighting fiercely with Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

  Although Yan Song was persuaded by Xu Jie and did not wantonly ferment the Yang Jisheng case, he still took advantage of this opportunity to cut off several of Li Mo's followers.

  After several days of fighting openly and secretly, Li Mo's party is clearly in a weak position.

However, although Li Mo's party is at a disadvantage, Li Mo, a stubborn old man, is not a vegetarian. He has been able to break the wrist with Yan Song for so long, which is naturally superior. Li Mo used him as the official secretary , and the relative control of the Ministry of Officials, concentrated efforts to fight back against the appointment of the strict party, and successively thwarted the attempts of the strict party, Zhao Wenhua, to serve as the chief minister, and Gao Jin to be transferred to the post of minister of the Ministry of rites.

   Li Mo's counterattack naturally caused a strong blow from the strict party, especially Li Mo received a lot of attention. Someone persuaded Li Mo to take a step back, let alone make you bow to Yan Song, you can always protect yourself wisely, you are so old, you should think about the future.

   "I am prepared to be a public minister. What more can I ask for in my 60s." Li Mo, an old man, refused without giving up a single step.

  In short, during this period of time, most of the news from the ruling and opposition parties revolved around the dispute between Yan and Li.

  After Zhu Pingan heard about this situation, he was very grateful to Li Mo in his heart. Li Mo helped him share most of the pressure.

   Presumably with Li Mo fighting outside, Yan Dang should not have much leisure time to pay attention to his small role.

  After getting out of bed with crutches on the fifth day, Zhu Ping'an didn't run out, even though he felt uncomfortable in the Hou Mansion. At this time, it's better to keep a low profile, the less noticeable the better. How to say that famous saying: Wretched development, don't waste time.

  So, after being able to get out of bed with crutches, Zhu Ping'an didn't go out, and just wandered around the Linhuaihou Mansion.

  There is a pond in Linhuaihou Mansion. There are not only lotus in the pond, but also many koi, not only ornamental koi, but also edible carp, crucian carp, grass carp and other edible fish.

  After Zhu Ping'an was able to get out of bed with crutches, the koi in this pond suffered disaster.

  Because since the first day he was able to get out of bed, Zhu Ping'an has carried a fishing rod, carried a fish basket, and ran to the pond with a cane to meet a pond of koi.

  Seeing Zhu Pingan fishing, Li Shu also asked someone to take a fishing rod, and accompanied Zhu Pingan fishing by the pond.

  Li Shu never wronged herself, and asked someone to temporarily build a bamboo pavilion by the pond to avoid the wind and sun. Although it is a temporary bamboo pavilion, it is arranged like a small palace. There are all kinds of supporting facilities inside. There are two reclining chairs for fishing. You can sit while fishing and lie down when you are tired; there is a bronze ice mirror. One, which can not only cool down, but also chill fruits and drinks; there is a set of tableware and cooking utensils, which can be made on the spot when you catch fish, whether it is sashimi or fish soup; one beauty couch, you can have a better rest; As for the incense to repel mosquitoes, the attendant maids, etc. needless to say.

  Zhu Pingan followed Li Shu to enjoy noble fishing.

The two sat side by side under the bamboo pavilion, chatting while fishing, enjoying the service of the maids, catching ornamental koi and putting them back in the pond, catching plump edible koi, and the cook made fish fillets on the spot, etc. Delicious food, live a leisurely life.

  Summer is scorching, and years are quiet. After four days of leisure, Zhu Ping'an's body will be healed.

  (end of this chapter)

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