Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 945: A genius?

Tang Dao had already drunk three or four catties of liquor, and except for the sweat on his forehead, there was no abnormality.

The officers present knew that the drinking contest was basically over. Even if the seven of them worked together to get Tang Dao drunk, at least half of them would be drunk, which would delay the toast to the grassroots officers and soldiers of each regiment and battalion.

This battle was brilliantly commanded by the commander, but the real decisive and brilliant fight to achieve the tactical goals depended on the front-line officers and soldiers fighting for their lives.

All the people present were veterans and would never make such a low-level mistake.

Looking at the dumbfounded look of Brigade Commander Cheng, Tan Tai Ming Yue looked at Tang Dao, who drank five bowls of wine in a row, with a stern look. She felt sorry for him for not taking care of his body, and blamed him for being too sharp. Now that his foundation was exposed, he would have to send a lot of people to entertain the guests when he went to the various units of the 921st Division in the future!

Then, she smiled and said, "Don't blame me, leaders. My future husband's family is from the wine-making family. Tang Dao has been drinking wine since he was a child, but he is definitely not a greedy drinker!"

"I thought so!" Brigade Commander Cheng patted his thigh and sighed. "At first, I thought it was a tactical arrangement error, which resulted in a battle between a division and a regiment. Now, after hearing what Tan Tai reporter said, I realized that it was a strategic error. With this wine-jar-level drinking capacity, we can't win, we can't win!"


A hearty laugh flashed under the night sky.

Undoubtedly, this is a night of celebration and a happy night, a night for all the soldiers on the front line of eastern Shanxi.

No matter how much wine you taste, it will never be wrong to sing loudly.

"Come on, Commander Tang, continue, we are still waiting for you to talk about the reorganization!" Compared with Commander Cheng who was still entangled in the gains and losses of the wine field, the young commander was more concerned about the "three-four" system that Tang Dao had mentioned earlier.

"I know that your army has newly established a cavalry regiment, but the whole regiment has only four cavalry companies, which is too few. Cavalry should be selected from the whole army. Even if there are no war horses, the personnel should be fully equipped first, and the war horses should be trained while waiting. By autumn, sufficient combat effectiveness should be formed.

It is best for the cavalry regiment to have 9 cavalry companies under its jurisdiction, and the total cavalry strength should be around 1,000 people, so as to become a mobile combat force that can at least compete with the Japanese army with more than half of the infantry battalion." Tang Dao did not talk about the core of the "three-four" organization first, but talked about the cavalry instead.

That's because he knew the great role of cavalry in mountain warfare!

If it follows the historical trajectory in the past time and space, the 921st Division will still fight the Japanese army in this mountain for at least one and a half years.

The roads in the mountainous area are narrow and steep, and the infantry marches extremely slowly. If there is a cavalry unit with sufficient mobility and combat effectiveness, it will form an extremely effective support for the battlefield of thousands of people.

After the Japanese army was constantly ambushed by the 921st Division in the mountainous area, they immediately equipped themselves with cavalry on a large scale. Their cavalry could arrive in two or three hours on dozens of miles of mountain roads, thus supporting their colleagues who were trapped in the encirclement and still fighting hard.

Although the 921st Division, which had been well prepared, was also vigorously developing cavalry, it was ultimately financially and started late, and hundreds of cavalry were completely at a disadvantage in the battle against thousands of Japanese cavalry.

Of course, the cavalry of the two countries in this era had basically turned into "dragoons". War horses were basically small carts with four legs, which could transport personnel and equipment to the battlefield. Most of the cavalry fought on foot. Perhaps only when the cavalry was needed to attack the enemy's small infantry defense line at speed, or when the cavalry encountered a battle, would regular cavalry high-speed charge be implemented.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of developing cavalry earlier and more for future mountain warfare are obvious.

"Cavalry, it's too expensive!" Brigade Commander Cheng sighed to the sky. "One cavalryman can feed five infantrymen!"

"Didn't we seize tens of thousands of kilograms of corn in Lucheng this time? The grain production in our Taihang Mountain area is slightly weaker, but the corn and soybean production is not low! Moreover, there is no shortage of grass and hay in the mountainous area, so it is not difficult to feed more than a thousand war horses!" Tang Dao was slightly stunned.

"The grain seized in Lucheng was agreed to be shared by our two armies in half. Our army has already taken advantage of your Four-Line Regiment with the spoils of the Battle of Beiganling. I, Old Cheng, will never take advantage of your Four-Line Regiment again!" Brigade Commander Cheng shook his head slightly in a firm tone. "Moreover, each of these war horses costs hundreds of silver dollars, and a few hundred more will cost tens of thousands, which is enough for my entire division's monthly military pay."

Tang Dao's heart was slightly warmed, and he felt the intention of Brigade Commander Cheng.

As the saying goes, 'A real man has something to do and something not to do! ', although Brigade Commander Cheng is always ruthless in beating a local tyrant in terms of equipment, that's because he knows that the Four-line Regiment already has its own standard weapons, and Japanese weapons are basically useless to them.

But food is different. The Four-line Regiment also has a population of more than 10,000. Staying in the Taihang Mountains without authorization has already caused dissatisfaction there. Military pay and supplies are obviously impossible to arrive in the short term. Food is also precious to the Four-line Regiment, and he will never take advantage of Tang Dao in this regard!

Moreover, he expressed his attitude in front of the two divisional commanders, and even the two commanders had to give him, the number one general of the 921st Division, face.

For these hundreds of thousands of kilograms of food, no one will lack a penny of the Four-line Regiment!

"Haha! Brigade Commander Cheng misunderstood what I meant. If you want to feed horses, you must have horses first! It's not too late to worry about the feed problem after you have horses!" Tang Dao laughed.

These words made the regimental officers of the 921st Division all look gloomy, and even the two divisional commanders frowned quietly.

Tang Dao said it very practically. You have to have horses first to feed them, but the money to buy war horses is a headache for them.

Although Lucheng seized no less than 100,000 silver dollars in cash this time, half of it must be divided first. The remaining 50,000 is not all left. Not to mention paying 20,000 to the headquarters, the more than 700 officers and soldiers who died must be compensated! The seriously injured soldiers must purchase medicines for treatment! The meritorious officials must be rewarded!

Thirty thousand silver dollars may not be enough, and the division headquarters must pay it back!

The military pay mentioned by Brigade Commander Cheng is tens of thousands. In fact, this is already the whole division saving to the bone before it is distributed, but that is only less than two French currency per person on average. For example, division-level cadres like them only get five, which is not as much as a private in other armies.

"I don't know if the two leaders and Brigade Commander Cheng believe me. I guarantee that within a month, your department will have enough funds to buy horses!" Tang Dao said mysteriously. "But I have to state in advance that this money is not from Tang Dao. I still have to pay the Germans for arms!"

"This..." The officers of the 921st Division looked at each other in bewilderment.

At this time, Tang Dao looked like a quack doctor. If he had a few strands of beard on his chin!

"Brother, you can comfort me as much as you want! Can pie fall from the sky?" Brigade Commander Cheng shook his head in disbelief.

"If you don't believe it, let's make a bet! If your department can't get the funds within a month, I lose. If my arsenal goes into production, I will provide 500 guns of various types to the 683rd Brigade free of charge!" Tang Dao said confidently. "Of course, if I win, let me think about it..."

"Then I will take a big head in your Sihang Regiment Headquarters, Deputy Commander Wang will break a big stone with his chest, and Commander Xu will beat the gong on the side!" Brigade Commander Cheng immediately took over Tang Dao's words. "The two division leaders can testify!"

How cruel!

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang was stunned, staring at his own brigade commander in amazement.

The thought that kept roaring in his mind was: Why did Lao Xu just hit the gong, but I have to do something like breaking a stone on my chest? Aren't you afraid that you will hit me and make me seriously injured? That will cost money to treat!

Unfortunately, under the tyranny of a certain brigade commander, the usually arrogant deputy commander Wang could only weakly reply: "Then who will hit the sledgehammer?"

"Don't worry, let Commander Tang come in person. Given the relationship between you two, he will never be ruthless. I know this!" Brigade Commander Cheng laughed.

"Puff!" Tan Tai Mingyue couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Haha!" Tang Dao and the two divisional commanders also laughed collectively.

500 guns in exchange for a brigade commander and two regiment commanders to play a circus, this is the only one who can think of it. Tang Dao even thought about it. After this person gets the top, he must let him sign.

In the future, if he dares not to ask this person to help him with some backdoor or something, Tang Dao will dare to take the signature of a certain "runner" to various major institutions to publicize his "heroic deeds" of the year!

Tang Dao remembered that this person had been the president of a famous engineering university in the north. This was a way out for his comrades-in-arms, those naughty kids. If you don't want to be good at fighting, then learn technology. With a skill in hand, you can have any food.

As for why Tang Dao was so sure, it was because he heard the division commander talk about the huge transport team of the 14th Division, which brought back his memories.

That transport team was not just for one trip!

In the past time and space, it was still this transport team, but they were targeted by the 683rd Brigade for less than a month and were directly wiped out.

Aren't the transport teams transporting supplies? This huge transport team composed of 180 trucks, beer, cigarettes, melon seeds, eight-treasure porridge, no, it was white wine, cigarettes, rice, meat, canned food, and the military pay of the 14th Division in the past few months!

The Japanese naturally did not use silver dollars to pay their soldiers, but yen, which was several hundred kilograms of yen banknotes, a total of 2 million yen.

Don't look at the yen at this time with a future perspective. The purchasing power of the yen at this time is still very strong. If compared with the future, the purchasing power of 1 yen at this time is about the same as 5,000 yen in the future 90 years later.

The monthly salary of a Japanese private is 6 yen, and that of a sergeant is about 15 yen. The higher the salary, the greater the increase. The overall salary level is slightly higher than that of Chinese soldiers.

2 million yen can be regarded as a huge fortune.

There is no detailed account of this batch of seized yen in historical records, but Tang Dao dares to guarantee that with the wisdom of these generals, they will never say that this batch of wealth will be put aside. It is certain that they will go to the Japanese-occupied areas to secretly purchase some important materials.

Even if there will be some deviations in this time and space because of his unexpected arrival, Tang Dao is not a fool. He will find a way to promote this matter if he just sits and waits.

You know, in addition to Japanese yen, those trucks also contain scarce materials such as sugar, refined salt, and tobacco leaves, which are in short supply and cannot be bought with money in the war zone.

Not robbing is a crime!

"Okay, let's assume that your prediction can come true, and my division can solve the cavalry problem. What about the others?" The division commander smiled and motioned Tang Dao to continue.

"I won't talk about the other troops directly under the division headquarters, but just talk about the configuration of this infantry regiment.

Each infantry regiment has a regiment headquarters, with about 60 personnel including the staff of the regiment headquarters and the communications and security special agent platoon;

It also has 3 infantry battalions, which are organized according to the three-four system, with 4 infantry companies, each with 154 people;

A battalion-affiliated machine gun company, equipped with 3 82 mortars, 6 flying thunder guns, 12 heavy machine guns, and about 150 personnel;

An infantry company is composed of three infantry platoons, each infantry platoon is composed of four infantry squads, each infantry squad is composed of 12 people, equipped with 10 Type 38 rifles, one Czech light machine gun or Type 96 light machine gun or Type 11 light machine gun, and one 50mm grenade launcher. "Tang Dao continued.

This three-four system is not his own idea. In the next decade or so, the infantry regiment of the Chinese army will be organized in this way. The only difference is that he did not organize the machine gun battalion directly under the regiment into it. That would require a sufficient number of infantry guns and 37mm rapid-fire guns, which is obviously not possible for the current 921st Division.

"Flying Thunder Cannon, is it the earth cannon that you told me about using oil barrels to throw explosive packs?" Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang asked.

"Yes, this cannon is simple and easy to operate. The only disadvantage is that the range is not enough and the accuracy is lacking, but it is very suitable for narrow area operations. I will let professionals guide the installation at that time!" Tang Dao nodded.

"That would be great! Don't worry, brother. When the brigade commander takes the lead, I promise to cheer for him!" Wang Xiaoqiang laughed so hard that his teeth popped out.

I didn't realize that a certain brigade commander was looking at me with murderous eyes!

I guess he is really going to be the battalion commander.

"I understand your three-four organization to some extent. It is based on the infantry battalion. The three infantry companies are divided into three sides, left, middle and right, in defense operations. In attack, the infantry company is also the spearhead. The other two infantry companies are similar to the tactics of the Japanese devils, flanking the left and right wings, that is, dispersing the enemy's frontal firepower and protecting the two wings of the main attack point.

The remaining infantry company is held in the hands of the battalion commander as a reserve. However, why do I think this is not about concentrating troops to fight the Japanese devils, but about using an infantry battalion as an independent combat unit? "After being teased by his own subordinates, Brigade Commander Cheng lowered his head and pondered for a while, and raised his own questions.

Amazing, no wonder after the war, the 683rd Brigade led by him could be called "the best brigade in China". He just talked about the organization, and this person actually saw the deep meaning contained in his organization. The three heroes of Huangpu really did not get the reputation in vain! Tang Dao could only admire.

Don't look at him now, talking about the three-three system and the three-four system like a tactical master, but that is based on the fact that he has almost a hundred years more experience than the people in front of him.

But, he was still cheated by God after all.

As a little butterfly from the future, I know that the 921st Division has mainly focused on guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines since 1938.

Since it is guerrilla warfare, then where Large-scale warfare in the future? Tang Dao knew very well that even the Hundred Regiments Campaign three years later was not a large-scale battle against the Japanese invaders as people imagined, but a battle of 300,000 troops on a front of thousands of kilometers to attack the Japanese and puppet troops.

The future 921st Division will fight behind enemy lines and grow stronger with infantry battalions as units.

His infantry battalion organized in this three-four system can at least fight against a Japanese infantry battalion without losing in terms of both number and firepower.

Even in terms of light weapons equipment for squads and platoons, it is even better. A Japanese infantry squad equivalent to an infantry platoon only has 2 light machine guns and 2 grenade launchers, while Tang Dao has 4 light machine guns and 4 grenade launchers, more than twice as many as the Japanese.

Even if the weapons and equipment are not up to standard for the time being, then go ahead. Equip one or two regiments, and when the Sihang Regiment Arsenal can run at full capacity to make guns and cannons, then by then, not to mention nine regiments, dozens of regiments may be enough.

Or he can get the weapons of the two German-equipped divisions as soon as possible, and in addition to the weapons used by the Sihang Regiment, at least five regiments can be equipped for the 921st Division.

Six or seven infantry regiments fully equipped with German weapons, and at the same time, there are a lot of heavy firepower such as artillery. That scene is beautiful just to think about.

Tang Dao is looking forward to seeing that after the Japanese army occupied the northern lands such as Shanxi and Hebei, they sent troops with infantry squadrons or infantry battalions as the backbone to sweep the mountains, but encountered the 921st Division infantry company or infantry battalion whose firepower was superior to theirs. That would definitely hurt!

According to Tang Dao's estimation, if the 921st Division, which is still expanding its troops, accepts his advice , such a reorganized infantry regiment can at least hold back two Japanese divisions in North China.

However, compared to the surprise expressed by Brigade Commander Cheng and several regiment commanders, no one noticed that the two division commanders who looked at each other and made a mistake each lowered their eyelids to hide their horror.

Because Tang Dao's design of an infantry battalion that can fight independently just coincides with the ideas of several general managers of the headquarters for future operations against Japan.

In the future, the 921st Division will spread its troops like a spark, and then grow with the momentum of a prairie fire. The headquarters does not just want to be trapped in eastern Shanxi, southern Shanxi, and northern Shanxi, but to go to a wider world, so that all the Japanese invaders in North China can't sleep at night!

Did someone leak the secret? This is absolutely impossible. There are less than ten people who know these ideas, and they are all senior officials of the 80th Army Group, who have all gone through various tests.

If it is not a secret leak, it can only be an unintentional coincidence caused by Tang Dao's own observation and judgment of the battle situation and his keen battlefield sense.

Perhaps, there is really a creature called "genius" in this world?

The two looked at each other and nodded slightly, and they already understood the old partner's intention.

If before coming here, they regarded Tang Dao as a friendly force that could be united and absorbed, then now, it is no longer a possibility, but a must.

Such a young military genius, who also has a sincere patriotic heart, would be a waste of talent if missed!

The importance the two division commanders attach to Tang Dao is no longer the same as before they came!

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