Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 917 Tragic

There is no specific number of casualties!

Because the battle has not yet ended, the Chinese and Japanese sides who have fallen into madness only have the opponent who is close at hand in their eyes. Killing the opponent is the only thought. How can they have time to count their own casualties?

The first battalion, the first company, and the first platoon lost up to half of their personnel during the third Japanese charge. All the seriously injured soldiers did not have time to retreat to the second line of defense, and up to 200 Japanese soldiers rushed to the position.

At the request of the old soldier named Yang, whose leg had been broken by a heavy machine gun, the few grenades were all left to the wounded!

The seven consecutive smokes blew up the dozen Japanese soldiers who jumped into the trenches and rolled all over the ground, and also blew away the last bit of courage that the Japanese soldiers mustered. The Chinese soldiers on the position were all covered in blood, and they could hardly tell who was alive and who was dead.

And in this fierce battle, rushing to shoot a "corpse" is definitely an act of sending oneself to the gates of hell. If you don't shoot again, the "corpse" may become a bomb that kills people at any time!

It's really too difficult.

In the end, less than one-third of the three infantry platoons on the front line were able to retreat to the second line of defense. Comrade Lao Kong's eyes were so red that they almost bled!

That was his sharp knife company. After fighting the Japanese army for half a year, the total loss was less than one-fifth. As a result, this battle only left him one-third, and almost all his capital was used up.

However, the crazy Japanese army did not give this future warrior, one of the iron triangles in northwest Shanxi, time to continue to feel heartbroken. Relying on the offensive of conquering the front-line trenches, they continuously attacked the second line of defense.

The two heavy machine guns of the first battalion were blown into pieces by the two infantry guns of the Japanese army during the third charge!

In order to deal with the two most threatening firepower points of the Chinese side, the two infantry guns of the Japanese army not only fired nearly 100 shells without stopping, but also the grenade launchers approached the front line of the battlefield more than 100 meters away, and more than 6 grenade launchers madly bombarded the heavy machine gun firepower points more than 500 meters away.

The destruction of the two heavy machine guns was also the main reason why the Japanese infantry rushed into the front-line trenches!

However, the Chinese seriously injured soldiers who did not have time to evacuate turned their bodies into bombs and positions into one, which blocked the Japanese offensive!

According to post-war statistics, there were as many as 16 wounded soldiers who chose to die with the Japanese in the entire front-line trenches. After being reported to the 921st Division Headquarters, it caused a shock to the division headquarters.

Because of this alone, these 16 martyrs are eligible to apply for first-class merit, and a company reported 16 first-class merits, and it does not include those who performed outstandingly in the battle, such as the second lieutenant platoon leader who refused to evacuate and fought on the front line with three gunshot wounds, such as the second-class soldier who stabbed two Japanese soldiers to death with a bayonet and successfully evacuated with the injured platoon leader on his back. This is really beyond everyone's understanding.

Therefore, the 921st Division Headquarters even sent a working group to verify the battlefield statistics of the 1st Battalion of the 769th Regiment in this battle!

The results of the inspection shocked the entire 921st Division. It is said that after listening to the heavy-hearted report of the inspection team leader, the two chief officers and several deputy chief officers of the 921st Division took off their hats, paid silent tribute to the martyrs who had died, and saluted the commander of the 769th Regiment, whose face was already covered with tears. They also said the famous saying that should have been upgraded to the Wansui Army more than a decade later, and the general saluted the unit: "The martyrs will live forever! The Chinese people will not forget you! Long live all the officers and soldiers of the 769th Division who fought on the front line!"

The Wansui Army enjoyed their glory more than a decade in advance!

But this was all earned by sacrifice, and perhaps this was not the glory they wanted!

But when the war came, what could they do? They were not social elites, and they had never seen the world in their lives. If it were not for the dream of wanting to make themselves and their families have enough food, most of them might only go to a town dozens of miles away from the village at most.

Burning themselves is the only thing that these ordinary soldiers can do when the crisis comes.

It's no wonder that these elders who are used to seeing the tragedy are so shocked!

The evidence shown to the inspection team is very simple, it is the remains of soldiers! The huge power of the long-handled grenade almost tore the human body apart. There were dozens of wounds on each person's body. The blood had long been drained, and the body was pale and shocking. If it was not close, it would not have achieved such an effect!

The long wooden handle grenade is only equipped by the Chinese army. The Japanese melon grenade may cause a lot of shrapnel injuries, but the explosive power is far less.

In the end, after the entire Jindong War, although the 683 Brigade had made great achievements, and the battle of Shentouling alone destroyed 1,500 Japanese troops, not to mention the battle of Beiganling, but the number of first-class merits was less than that of a battalion of the 769th Regiment!

It's not that the battalion fought too badly, but that it should be the first time in the past six months that the entire 80th Army has a unit that has tied with the Japanese army sequence with artillery in the field with roughly equal forces. This is a situation that rarely occurs in those direct troops with better equipment!

This gave the entire 80th Army greater confidence. The Japanese army was not invincible!

The five rounds of desperate charges organized by Komura Hiroshi were not without results. The third time they captured the first line of defense. Although they were blocked again in the fifth time, if they did it again, he was sure that they would break through the already shaky Chinese defense line, and the final victory would definitely belong to them.


In fact, the Japanese Army Shao Zuo's premonition was correct, because the Japanese army had five consecutive waves of charge, and the first battalion was forced to consume a lot of ammunition. Basically, it had reached the point of running out of ammunition and food. After calculating the last bullets stored and distributing them all, there were only three bullets for every two soldiers on average!

That means that after two rounds of shooting, you can go to bayonet hand-to-hand combat. Even Comrade Lao Kong picked up a rifle, and his beloved Mauser pistol became a decoration in the third round of the Japanese charge!

Unfortunately, time did not give Xiaocunhong this opportunity!

Just when the Japanese army organized the last 200 people, even the light machine gunners and grenade launchers joined the infantry sequence and advanced to the charge distance of nearly 60 meters from the second-line position, a loud charge horn suddenly came from the hills behind!

Thunder from the ground! That's roughly what it means.

At the moment when the charge horn of 'beep, beep, beep!' sounded, both Chinese and Japanese soldiers were stunned, and both sides made the same expression for the first time-looking at the distant hills in disbelief.

Hundreds of meters away, countless gray uniforms poured out, and then, like a tide, they rushed straight to the position. The shouts had already suppressed the gunshots and explosions on the position.

"Retreat!" Xiaocun Hong bit his back teeth and made the most wise decision of his life.

The Japanese army retreated like a tide, and they didn't even have time to carry away the bodies left on the battlefield. The whole army ran away, retreating extremely resolutely.

This is also a manifestation of the loss of courage.

The previous one-hour battle with the 1st Battalion of the 769th Regiment had already brought their former pride to dust.

The Chinese troops were even less than them, without any artillery, and the only two heavy machine guns had been destroyed long ago. They were almost a pure infantry, but they still blocked them outside the position.

In fact, even Xiaocun Hong, with red eyes, had doubts. Even if he could finally capture the position or even annihilate the Chinese army, how many of his men could survive?

Perhaps, he would become the most tragic young captain of the 108th Division, who won the final victory but was still the most tragic!

He even suspected that he would be slapped in the face regardless of victory or defeat, but that might be the best result.

But no matter what, this young Japanese Army commander, who was almost losing confidence after being hit by the first battalion, made the most wise decision at this moment.

If it was two minutes later, he and the last 200 or so Japanese soldiers would not be able to leave.

Because it was a whole infantry regiment, the main force regiment under the 683rd Brigade--the 772nd Regiment!

Not only was it fully equipped and fully staffed, but also because of the arrival of the Four-line Regiment, there were three more full-Japanese infantry companies, and even a 37mm anti-tank gun, which was obtained by Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang after staying at the brigade headquarters for three days and asking Brigade Commander Cheng for help.

However, the anti-tank gun and the artillery platoon responsible for the gun did not belong to the 772nd Regiment, but were temporarily transferred to the 772nd Regiment, but that was enough to satisfy the two main officers of the 772nd Regiment who returned from the division headquarters.

The two of them didn't expect that after just one month of absence, the 772nd Regiment had changed its guns and guns. Not only did it have three more infantry companies with new equipment, but it also had a cannon that could hit tanks!

The four anti-tank guns sent by the Four-line Regiment were very popular. Not to mention the regimental-level unit of the 772nd Regiment, even the 683rd Brigade might not be able to keep them. It was originally a foregone conclusion that it would be transferred by the division headquarters, but because the 683rd Brigade was about to fight the Shentouling battle, the two elders of the division headquarters decided to temporarily keep the four guns in the 683rd Brigade.

The chief officer of the 683rd Brigade was not an ordinary person either. He immediately formed a brigade artillery company. All the personnel were carefully selected, and all the instructors were provided by the Four-line Regiment. Because there were enough artillery shells, it was like selling oil: nothing else, only practice!

In half a month, each gun fired nearly 200 rounds of live ammunition, which fed the gunners who already had some basic skills.

You said, with the current strength of the 772nd Regiment, not to mention that Komura Hiroshi now has a total strength of no more than 300 soldiers with two infantry guns and a heavy machine gun squad, even when he was at his peak, he would probably be crushed to the ground by the first regiment of the "Tuba" with a strength of more than 2,000 soldiers.

Until this moment, the Banbishan blocking battle, which will be named in the future, ended!

According to the statistics of casualties after the war, the first battalion of the 769th Regiment: 196 officers and soldiers were killed in the battle, 148 were seriously injured, and 162 were slightly injured.

The total strength of the first battalion participating in this battle was just over 500 people, which means that everyone was injured, even the battalion commander of the first battalion, Comrade Lao Kong, had blood on his arms, and he couldn't even salute when he saw the three chief officers of the 772nd Regiment.

The reason is that the three chief officers of the 772nd Regiment, including Comrade "Wang Xiaoqiang", who always stared at him with big eyes and competed with him, took the initiative to salute him as a "subordinate" after seeing the battlefield full of corpses.

This battlefield was too tragic.

A glance at the fairly vast battlefield revealed blood and corpses everywhere, with gray and feces yellow overlapping, becoming the only two main colors of the entire battlefield.

Afterwards, the Japanese army left more than 200 bodies on the battlefield, not counting those taken away by the Japanese army. That means that in terms of casualties, the Chinese and Japanese sides had a 1:1 casualty ratio in this narrow field battle.

This was not an ambush or a surprise attack, but a pure head-on confrontation, with death for death!

The results were brilliant, but the blood was depressing!

Comrade Lao Kong was such a strong man, but when the three chief officers of the 772nd Regiment saluted him, he tried for a long time but couldn't raise his arm to return the salute, and tears directly washed out two white lines of black smoke on his face.

His first battalion was crippled!

The main battalion of the 769th Regiment is not as strong as a battalion of the supplementary regiment at this time. At least in half a year, it will not be able to recover to the previous level.

How can he explain this to the regiment commander!

What's more painful is that there is still a cooking squad and a propaganda team left in the garrison. When they set out, they beat gongs and drums, expecting their brothers to win the battle and return victoriously.

Now, the victory has been won, but half of the people are gone, and nearly 200 familiar faces are gone.

When he thought of this, this strong soldier who had experienced the snow-capped mountains and grasslands, watched his comrades being swallowed by the swamp, was knocked down by hunger and cold but could not do anything, and thought he could accept all the sufferings, squatted in front of his old comrades and cried like a child.

Victory is sweet, but it is also bitter and hard to swallow!

"Lao Kong! I will definitely help your brothers to get revenge, believe me!" Wang Xiaoqiang hugged his old comrade's shoulders tightly.

The 772nd Regiment left an infantry battalion to assist the 1st Battalion of the 769th Regiment in cleaning up the battlefield, and the remaining 1,500 soldiers rushed to their battlefield at high speed!

On the other side, Hiroshi Komura was no less sad than the Chinese soldiers.

There were more than 200 remains of imperial infantry left on the battlefield, and nearly 60 remains could be carried away, nearly 100 seriously injured, and the remaining 200 infantry were all injured!

In order to carry more wounded and remains, they were even forced to throw away a lot of baggage. The carts and pack horses were all carrying human bodies. No matter how far or near, they looked like a defeated army!

This is indeed the case. Judging from the outcome of the battlefield, the 1st Battalion and Hiroshi Komura's battalion were tied, with a nearly 1:1 loss. The Chinese army showed extraordinary courage and technical and tactical level, but the Japanese army was not bad either. They also withstood the terrible casualties and maintained enough morale to attack until the arrival of Chinese reinforcements.

But they failed to cross the defense line of the 1st Battalion of the 769th Regiment, nor could they prevent the 772nd Regiment, which was marching quickly, from reaching the battle position preset by the Chinese commander, which resulted in the main force of the Japanese army, which had already marched to the Beiganling area, losing the opportunity to occupy the flank high ground.

Tactically speaking, this was a complete failure. At the high-level military meeting of the 108th Division after the war, Komura Hiroshi was pulled out to "whip the corpse" and became one of the culprits of the Japanese army's defeat in this battle.

In the end, this unlucky guy who had the opportunity to become a major general of the army was stripped of all his military positions and returned home in disgrace.

But obviously, the defeat of this battle involved a wide range of people, and it was not something that he, a mere army major left, could take the blame for.

Fortunately, there were even bigger unlucky guys ahead of him.

For example, the Japanese army major left who ordered him to attack but did not provide any substantial help.

When the 772nd Regiment arrived, the main force of the Japanese army also began to officially enter the Beiganling area. The main force of the 769th Regiment abandoned all the baggage and only carried guns and ammunition. They ran at the highest level of light infantry on the mountain road and arrived at the preset front position of Beiganling at this time.

25 minutes later, with the arrival of the Japanese vanguard troops, the battle began.

The vanguard company of the 772nd Regiment also climbed the flank heights!

The main force of the Japanese army, which had already started to shoot at the front position of Beiganling, had lost the initiative on the battlefield. Going home was their most correct choice at present.

But that meant that all the Japanese troops in Licheng and Shentouling were abandoned. Obviously, that result was unacceptable to Xiong Yuan, and the commander of the 108th Infantry Regiment, who was the highest commander of the Japanese reinforcements at the time, was also unacceptable.

Not only was the Sixth Infantry Battalion stationed in Licheng under his command, but the Japanese Army General Zuo knew better than anyone that there was a huge amount of gold and jewelry in Licheng that he used to bribe General Hujin. It took him half a year to collect it. I heard that General Hujin was about to return to his country for promotion, and there was no time to give him another half a year.

So, the main force of the Japanese army, with more than 1,500 troops, started their crazy attack mode regardless of everything.

10 armored Type 94 light tanks and up to 10 artillery pieces of various types accompanying the army were the confidence of the Japanese Army General Zuo.

The "Tuba" still used the standard rifles from fifteen years ago, and the largest caliber artillery was just a mortar. In addition to the geographical advantage, what else did they have?

Not to mention an infantry regiment, even an infantry division, with more than 1,500 Japanese troops with pride and firepower advantages, also had the confidence to defeat them.

What's more, the mountains in the Beiganling area are not steep, and some slopes are even gentle enough for Type 94 light tanks to climb up.

In the first 20 minutes of the battle, it was almost all the Japanese army that showed off their power. Their artillery fire made the Taihang Mountains, which already had little vegetation, even more barren.

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