Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 822 The Visitor's Tragedy! (Monthly Ticket Request!)

Yes, for the Japanese North China Front Army, how could they not try their best to assassinate an army general who was famous on the Chinese battlefield?

The Japanese on the Chinese battlefield were arrogant and arrogant, and they were all based on strong self-confidence.

But in fact, in terms of national character, the Japanese are extremely cautious. The reason why they behave less Japanese on the Chinese battlefield is, in the final analysis, the fault of the Chinese themselves.

First came the Sino-Japanese War of 1898, then the September 18th Incident, and then the July 7th Incident. Japan almost did whatever it wanted on the battlefield in China. It even won three bets on national fortunes. How could the Japanese not be in trouble?

But drifting back and forth, as the saying goes, a country can change its nature but its nature cannot be changed. The gene of caution is something engraved in the bones, let alone assassinating a general with the command of more than 200,000 troops in a major town in China.

Therefore, careful preparations were inevitable. Japan's North China Front dispatched its own spy chief, Sadao Yoshikawa, to conduct deployment in Zhengzhou City for up to a month. At the same time, it also dispatched the Front Army Headquarters, which had just been established less than a month ago. The special agent team under the direct jurisdiction and the center-left captain who took the initiative to participate in the war.

Hot weapons, the center-left agent captain is one of the few in the North China Front. Cold weapons, let alone cold weapons, can be ranked among the Japanese islands.

It can be said that for this operation, Japan's North China Front army used its best troops.

But no one expected that because of the appearance of Tang Dao, the big plan to assassinate a Chinese army general commander was temporarily changed to assassinate an army colonel.






Yanjing North China Front Army Headquarters.

General Juichi Terauchi, who had begun to show age spots on his face and looked a bit tired, sat at his desk and read a message handed over by Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Naosaburo Okabe. A blush flashed across his tired old face. : "The 'Assassination of Zheng' plan modified by Fujiwara Senzuo?"

"Yes!" Naosaburo Okabe lowered his head and said.

Naosaburo Okabe raised his head, with a bit of uneasiness on his face, and looked at the contemplative General.

Although there is only one level difference between him and the general in front of him, he was an army lieutenant general who was just promoted three months ago due to the success of the North China War. His background is not even close to that of a veteran army general like Juichi Terauchi.

If the "Assassination of Zheng" operation initiated by him fails and important officials are killed, I am afraid he will not be able to live with it.

No matter who the nephew Yoshikawa Sadao or the special agent team captain Zuo loses, he, the army lieutenant general, may be relegated to the sidelines.

Especially if the general who is rumored to be resigning soon knows that he has been secretly playing a trick on him.

I'm afraid no one knows that he was the first to send the news of Fujiwaraichi's death to Kyoto!

Even the information that Fujiwara was killed mercilessly despite his begging for surrender was not concealed by Naosaburo Okabe at all. Otherwise, the Fujiwara family would not be so angry that they would send out that terrifying guy.

Naosaburo Okabe's original intention was to hug the thick legs of the Fujiwara family and quietly apply some eye drops to General Juichi Terauchi, and lay the foundation for his future promotion to the commander of the North China Front.

But the Chief of Staff was absolutely unwilling to see that an operation that had been carefully planned for a month and even involved two heavyweights at great risk ended with the assassination of a small army colonel.

Therefore, he hoped that the general commander in front of him would stop that impulse.

"There is an old Chinese saying: When the general is outside, the emperor will not accept his orders! Now that Fujiwara Senzuo has made a decision, let Yoshikawa Sadao cooperate fully. That guy named Tang Dao is also a must-kill person for the Imperial Army. .

Okay, Okabe-kun, as the commander-in-chief, you don’t have to worry. You have to believe in the strength of Yoshikawa-kun and Fujiwara-kun. How about you and I talk together here and wait for good news about them? "Terauchi Shouichi gently put down the telegram in his hand and agreed lightly.

By the way, he also helped his subordinates who were hundreds of kilometers away come up with reasons.

‘Old fox! ’ Naosaburo Okabe could only give his immediate boss such an evaluation in his heart.

Yoshikawa Sadao and Fujiwara Senio are both powerful aristocrats with backgrounds. It is normal that even military generals like Terauchi Juichi have to give them face. However, the commander Juichi Terauchi still binds him firmly. It's no longer the original 'Assassin Zheng' plan, which is too bad.

The 'Assassination of Zheng' plan was to assassinate the Chinese military general. Even if it failed, it was still a big operation and there was enough reason to explain it to the base camp.

But to kill a mere Chinese Army colonel, with such a large battle, it was not just a failure, but a success, so what?

This is an action that would be embarrassing if you lose, and it may not lead to much success if you win.

To put it bluntly, Tang Dao is the flat-headed brother on the grassland. The North China Front Army is considered a lion. If you defeat the flat-headed brother, you won’t have much meat to eat. But if you lose, you will be embarrassed and go to your grandma’s house. What do you think Okabe How could Naosaburo still be happy to be such a commander-in-chief?

If Juichi Terauchi hadn't forced him to be the commander-in-chief and all the consequences of tampering with the plan would have been the responsibility of the two people in front of him, but Juichi Terauchi didn't give him this chance at all. The title of commander is still pressed on his forehead, and he just needs a seal.

Being a senior official, Naosaburo Okabe could only suppress his displeasure and accompany Juichi Terauchi to play Go in the tea room next to the office and wait for the news ahead.

In three consecutive games, he suffered a huge defeat, leaving a dark cloud hanging over Naosaburo Okabe's face.

Damn it, isn't this a bad omen?







"Yoshikawa really talks a lot." A tall man standing at the window with his hands behind his back and looking at the sky outside snorted coldly after hearing his subordinate's report. "However, he is wise! To assassinate Zheng is to assassinate Tang. This is the purpose of my coming to China! My dear brother, I will avenge you."

The tall man looked up to the sky, with a trace of tears in his eyes, as if he had returned to the afternoon when he heard the bad news.

The martial arts heart that had been tempered for thousands of times was broken into two halves that afternoon.

No wonder the Chinese have a word called sad. It turns out that there is really a kind of sadness in the world, which can hurt the heart just by relying on emotion.

Late autumn of 1937!


Akina Yamashita!

In a small courtyard with an ordinary appearance, a martial arts contest was being staged on a straw mat woven with hemp.

However, this is obviously an unfair contest. There is only one person on one side, while the other side has as many as eighteen people.

The party with the larger number of people wears a uniform red and white belt, while the men belonging to one party wear linen clothes and have bare feet, which is slightly different from the others.

Based on the color of the belt, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that the party with more people is a master of judo.

According to the Japanese Judo grading system, black belts are awarded to 1st to 5th dans, and red and white belts can be worn from 6th to 8th dans. In other words, these 18 people, who are large in number, are all high-level masters of judo 6th and above.

Although judo is Japan's national martial art, high-level judo masters above the eighth level are rare.

But now, eighteen high-level judo masters only have to deal with one person.

There was only one spectator in this judo contest with a huge disparity in numbers, an old man with a solemn expression and a somewhat withered face who was sitting on a futon.

The man in linen clothes alone is extremely tall, with a height of over 1.90 meters. This is extremely rare in Japan. It is not only rare, it can even be said to be unique. You must know that the average adult male in Japan at this time He is only about 1.6 meters tall.

The man in linen turned around and looked at the old man sitting on the futon with a questioning look.

The old man Ku Gao nodded slightly, and the tall man in linen immediately turned around and faced the other eighteen people. A cold look suddenly appeared on his face as sharp as a knife and an axe, and then he bowed deeply and said : "Please enlighten me."

Faced with this person's provocation, none of the eighteen high-level judo masters showed dissatisfaction. On the contrary, they all showed a trace of caution on their faces. They also bowed deeply and said in unison: "Brother, please enlighten me."

After bowing and standing up, the eighteen judo masters with red and white belts immediately spread out, surrounded the tall man in linen clothes, and began to circle around like a revolving lantern.

The man in linen, who was much taller than the others, narrowed his eyes and stood still with his feet unsteady.

After the eighteen judo masters circled around the tall man in sackcloth for several times, one of the masters took the lead in attacking. He rushed forward with a single step, hugged the man in sackcloth's thick waist, and then exhaled. , the muscles of both arms suddenly bulged, the tendons and veins were clearly visible, and the strength was more than 200 kilograms, if not 300 kilograms. It was definitely more than enough to hold and throw a man in sackcloth who weighed only 200 kilograms.

But the fact is that no matter how horribly the master's muscles swelled, the body of the man in linen clothes was like nails nailed to the ground and did not move at all.

It wasn't until three seconds passed that the man in sackcloth suddenly twisted his body, giving the master a chance to exert force. His hands and feet were useless. The master who was holding his waist and still exerting force was thrown out and continued to fall backwards. It took more than ten steps to stabilize his figure.

Simply relying on the strength of his waist, he was able to throw away an adult man weighing 150 pounds.

Perhaps what was even more frightening was not just the apparent strength. The judo master was thrown seven to eight meters away. In embarrassment, he wanted to continue to move forward, but he couldn't even lift his arms. The look on his face was astonishing. Painful and horrifying.

Obviously, the force of the twist just now was far beyond imagination, and it actually bruised the muscles of both arms that he used with all his strength. Not to mention that he would be unable to attack with full force now, and it might not be possible in ten days and a half months.

What kind of strength is it to defeat a seventh-level master without even using a single move or kick?

This mark made the other seventeen people's expressions tighten involuntarily.

They already have a very high regard for this young genius who is famous in the Japanese martial arts world. Otherwise, with their current status, it would never be possible for eighteen people to attack one person together.

But he didn't expect that his opponent was stronger than he thought.

So powerful that it's almost despairing.

Feeling timid suddenly emerged in my heart.

Then, the man in linen moved.

He stepped out with one foot and pounced on the four people in front of him.

The four people facing the man in linen clothes reacted immediately like frightened animals, but the man withdrew his moving feet with a calm expression and looked at the frightened four people with clear eyes.

The four of them all turned red. As masters, they knew that this was a blow to their souls from the man in sackcloth, which had made them involuntarily establish the mentality that they were no match for him. If they were afraid of fighting, their lives would be ruined. No one can even think of taking another step forward in the martial arts. The shadow of defeat before even a single move is made will remain in the soul forever.

Even if they are defeated, they still have to attack!

Looking at each other, they had a tacit understanding as they were from the same sect. The two men on the left and right suddenly accelerated. One of them stretched out his arms to hold the waist of the man in hemp clothes, and held his hands behind his back, while the other man used almost the same action on the other side, and used two pairs of iron arms to hold the man in hemp clothes tightly.

The faces of the two 8th-degree judo masters were a little red. They put all their strength on their arms, and their purpose was just to hold the arms of the man in hemp clothes so that he could not attack.

It can be seen how much psychological pressure the man in hemp clothes caused to these masters between his advance and retreat. In fact, at the moment of attack, they no longer considered winning or losing, but simply wanted to attack and drive away the shadow of the man in hemp clothes' invincibility.

What is a real master? This is that, without using any words, just relying on slight movements and expressions, several opponents have been suppressed at the spiritual level.

But all of this must first be based on extremely strong strength, otherwise, this style can only become a synonym for pretending to be cool.

Especially now, the hemp-clothed man is motionless and allows two opponents to lock his arms.

The other two seem to be a step slower, but when the two companions' arms are about to lock their opponents, they suddenly accelerate and arrive first.

One of them kicked his feet and the whole person suddenly pulled up, then turned half a turn in the air, and kicked down the left temple of the hemp-clothed man with a whip kick. The other disciple lowered his body, almost touching the ground, and then made a sharp turn, sweeping the right leg of the hemp-clothed man with a sweeping kick.

The cooperation of these two judo masters is also very tacit, attacking the upper and lower roads of the hemp-clothed man at the same time.

If the hemp-clothed man who is still standing with his hands behind his back is not so pretentious and allows the two to lock him on the left and right, the only way to deal with it is to retreat. Although it will leak the warrior's indomitable momentum, it is better than passively taking a beating.

Moreover, his hands and waist were locked, and he could hardly move. Even if he wanted to retreat, he could not. The only outcome was to be beaten passively. Being able to lower his head to avoid the fiercest attack from above was the best outcome.

If nothing unexpected happened, the man in hemp clothes would pay the price for his pretentious behavior.

But as the saying goes: if nothing unexpected happened, something unexpected would happen.

The man in hemp clothes, who was already in a dilemma, actually flashed a grim smile on his face, but he did not block or dodge, and stood still.

With two muffled sounds of "Bang, Bang", a whip kick and a sweeping kick from two judo masters hit the target almost at the same time.

If a 6th-dan judo master who could break three-inch hardwood with one kick hit an ordinary person like this, the average person would die immediately. Even an 8th-level master who was proficient in judo would be dizzy and unable to resist if he was kicked like this.

Even the old man with his eyelids drooped had a gleam in his eyes. Obviously, this situation was somewhat beyond his expectations.

He didn't expect the hemp-clothed man to use such a self-mutilation method to deal with the attacks of the two eighth-level masters.

But what was even more unexpected was that the fierce attacks of the two eighth-level masters did not have the desired effect.

The hemp-clothed man who took the two blows was like a stone man. Not only did his strong right leg not move at all, but even his head was only slightly swayed by the whip kick weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Then, the hemp-clothed man seemed to twist his neck casually, and a chilling "crackling" sound came to everyone's ears.

If it were in China, the masters of national martial arts would also be dumbfounded. This is already the peak of Ming Jin that countless people dream of. It can already control the tendons and bones. It is an absolute top master.

According to the current situation, it is only half a step away from the few grandmaster-level masters.

On the other hand, the two who succeeded in the attack let out a miserable howl and rolled on the ground holding their legs, as if they had not kicked a human body just now, but a piece of iron plate.

Someone nearby quickly caught up and dragged the two men out of the range of five meters from the hemp-clothed man. When they unzipped their trouser legs, their ankles were twisted in a strange way. Their fierce kicks were not only in vain, but also broke their legs.

What kind of monster is this! Including the two judo masters who were still holding the hemp-clothed man, they were all stunned.

"You two, have you hugged enough?" A trace of cruelty flashed in the hemp-clothed man's eyes.

Before the two men could react, their arms shook violently, and the two judo masters screamed miserably. Not only did their arms loosen, but their arms also hung straight down involuntarily.

From the beads of sweat that suddenly appeared on their faces and the soft arms hanging, their arms with a strength of two or three hundred kilograms were broken in this shake.

The power of one person was so terrifying.

There was silence in the field.

Five people were severely injured without a single move. How can they fight?

The remaining thirteen people cast their eyes on the old man, and a gleam of light flashed in the old man's eyes.

The hemp-clothed man looked sinister, and said in a hoarse voice full of coldness and disdain: "Why, as the true disciples of the Ushijima Dojo, this is all you can do? Come on together! Don't bring shame to your master Ushijima Tatsukuma!"

Ushijima Tatsukuma, known as the 'Ghost Ushijima', is the number one fighting master in Japan at this time. He has rarely been named by such a young man.

The remaining thirteen judo masters flashed with anger in their eyes, and the hemp-clothed man smiled.

Obviously, he did this on purpose, just to arouse the fighting spirit of the remaining thirteen people, instead of being frightened by his power, and their strength was far less than usual.

The old man on the mat also showed satisfaction on his face, and was extremely satisfied with the performance of the man in hemp clothes.

Only the lion that fights with the hyena pack is qualified to be the king of lions, and the lion that is arrogant among the sheep is just a sheep in the skin of a lion.

The thirteen people roared suddenly and attacked collectively.

This time, the man in hemp clothes did not stand there arrogantly and let the attack. After all, he was alone, and being surrounded and attacked by thirteen high-level judo masters of the sixth degree was no joke.

Just like the iron shirt in Chinese Kung Fu, even if the whole body is trained to be steel and iron, but a vital point is attacked, it will eventually become a dead dog.

No matter how powerful the defense is, it is not as good as a more rapid attack.

The attack of the man in hemp clothes is more terrible than his powerful defense.

When the thirteen people rushed over, the hemp-clothed man moved. If he didn't move, it would be fine. But once he moved, he moved as fast as lightning.

With one step, he rushed out of the encirclement before the thirteen people had completely closed up. His long arms, full of power, suddenly clamped the neck of a judo master who was caught off guard. Before he could struggle, he shook his arms again, and the judo master flew straight out until he hit the earthen wall of the courtyard. With a muffled "bang", the judo master fell to the ground without even a sound.

Without waiting for the other twelve people to react and look back to chase him, the hemp-clothed man stretched out his hands and directly grabbed the necks and spines of the two people in front of him. A fierce look flashed across his face, and his ten fingers suddenly exerted force. With a tooth-grinding "kacha", the two fell to the ground limply. The terrifying ten fingers actually dislocated their joints. If they were not treated as soon as possible, they would be disabled for life.

Seeing the ruthless attack of the man in hemp clothes, the remaining ten people who reacted also flashed fierceness in their eyes. They shouted together and surrounded him again. The two people in the front and back didn't care. They rushed forward again with their arms together, not seeking to hold and throw him in the judo technique, but only to lock the man in hemp clothes so that others could attack.

However, the horror of the man who entered the attacking state was far from what they thought. He bent his waist slightly, pulled his hands forward, and actually exerted force with his hands and waist, and threw him from behind. The judo master who flew out from his head directly hit the master behind the man in hemp clothes.

The superposition of strength and gravity is undoubtedly terrifying. With a muffled "bang", the two people who collided didn't even have time to scream, and they fainted.

The ferocious man in hemp clothes was like a lion that broke into a group of hyenas. No matter how sharp the hyenas' teeth were, they would be defeated in one move under their huge palms and sharp teeth.

In just one cigarette, none of the remaining thirteen judo masters were still standing, and at least five were seriously injured and unconscious.

But there were not many painful groans in the courtyard. The awake judo masters could only watch in silence as the man who looked like a god of war knocked down his companions one by one.

But he was sweating on his face, and there was no scar except for a little blood at the corner of his mouth from the whip kick he had received earlier.

1VS18, it was a complete victory.

This is completely comparable to Tang Tuanzuo's single challenge against an infantry company, and even better.

You know, every master above the 6th level has been obtained after more than ten years of hard training and has enough talent. In terms of fighting skills alone, it is not comparable to those ordinary soldiers of the 20th Corps.

Of course, if there are 150 masters fighting in a round-robin battle, no matter how strong this man in hemp clothes is, he will probably be beaten into a pig's head.

But this is already extremely terrifying.

The old man clapped his hands, and a group of servants came in from outside the courtyard and carried away the judo masters who were beaten to the ground.

In a flash, only the old man and the man in hemp clothes who won but was not happy at all were left in the courtyard.

His warrior heart instinctively reminded him that something would happen.

Otherwise, his grandfather, who was once a noble official, would not have issued a family summons at night to ask him to return from his master's martial arts field.

This small courtyard at the foot of Akina Mountain was where his grandfather practiced after handing over power. Even his father, who was a general of the army, was not allowed to set foot here without a summons.

The old and the young just looked at each other.

Finally, a trace of sadness flashed in the old man's eyes, and he handed a telegram to the man in hemp clothes.

"His Excellency Fujiwarahara Ichi, died in battle on November 6, 1945!" The first line of the telegram had already shocked the man in hemp clothes.

Since that man abandoned his mother and married that woman, and his mother died of illness, he refused to have any contact with that man. Has the person who is closest to him in this world also left?

Even though he has been practicing martial arts for fifteen years and few people can beat him, the man in hemp clothes still felt heartbroken at that moment.

Two lines of hot tears fell.

For fifteen years, since his mother died of illness, he has never tasted the taste of tears again.

The tears were a little leisurely, but his heart hurt as if it was cut by a knife.

It turned out that martial arts practice never made him forget the love of his family. Perhaps due to the accumulation of time, it has become stronger.

But what's the use?

The cute boy who often went to the kitchen to steal sushi for him who couldn't eat because of punishment would never appear in front of him again.






PS: Some book friends may say that this book occasionally contains some plots from the old book. In fact, old book friends can fully see that this book is, in a sense, a sequel to the old book. When Feng Yue was making the outline, the old book was still sealed. Now it has been released, and it has also been modified by Qidian, which makes me sad.

For some classic characters in it, Feng Yue hopes to revive them in this book. Of course, the story is still a new story. If there are occasional repetitions, it is also Feng Yue’s hope that the classics will reappear. Please forgive the old book friends. New book friends will certainly not affect the reading.

By the way, I ask for monthly tickets. Today is a 6,800-word chapter!

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