Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 808 New Year's Parade (Part 2)

The shock brought to the people was not just one time, but a series of times.

With the thunderous slogans, Li Jiujin led his 3rd Battalion and 1st Company across the rostrum!

Qian Dazhu led his 2nd Battalion and 1st Company across the rostrum!

Zhao Daqiang led his 1st Battalion and 1st Company across the rostrum!

This order is basically based on the order of the four main infantry companies of the original independent battalion, and it is also the most reasonable order that Tang Dao believes. Although the Four-Line Regiment reviewed the current soldiers to celebrate the New Year, for Tang Dao and these soldiers who have survived hundreds of battles, this is more like a commemoration.

It is the entire army of the Four-Line Regiment saying to those comrades who died on the battlefield and had to be buried in a foreign land, and even without a tombstone: Brothers, you see, the more battles our brothers fight, the stronger they are!

Otherwise, when Tang Dao shouted loudly again and again, "Long live the Chinese soldiers!", why did those soldiers who marched and held steel guns and responded loudly, "Long live the motherland! Long live the Chinese nation!" have tears on their faces?

Tears flowed across the dark cheeks and dripped onto the lapels, causing all the soldiers who saw it to twitch in their hearts.

Because only they themselves knew that it was the soldiers who walked past their superiors and remembered their comrades who had died in the battle!

They had no chance to show their bravery in front of the elders and folks of Henan Province, so they could only walk through here with their thoughts and their warm smiles.

Just like Tang Tuanzuo once said: The real death is forgetting! As long as you don't forget, he is still there!

As soldiers, they have not forgotten their comrades who stood shoulder to shoulder with them. As a commentator of the military parade, Tan Tai Mingyue will not forget the performance of every officer and soldier who walked past her in this war.

Just as she evaluated the infantry companies and the infantry company commanders, her voice was passionate but extremely pertinent!

"Captain Qian Dazhu was a corporal in the 152nd Regiment of the 76th Brigade of the 26th Division of the 43rd Army during the Battle of Songjiang. Yes, many of you may know that the 26th Division of the Sichuan Army fought very well in the Songhu battlefield. In the Battle of Dachang, they fought bloody battles with the Japanese army for seven days and nights without retreating. Only 700 people in the entire division were able to walk out of the battlefield.

But what you don’t know is that Captain Qian Dazhu’s old superior, Captain Jie Guji, died in this battle. Only 200 people were left in the 152nd Regiment of 2,000 people. But even so, Captain Qian Dazhu and his Sichuan Army comrades, facing the 100,000 Japanese troops of the 10th Army rushing from the sea of ​​Jinshanwei, resolutely supported Songjiang!

Songjiang Waichang In the battle of the city, all the comrades in the second platoon of Captain Qian Dazhu were killed in the battle. Facing the crazy attack of the Japanese invaders, Captain Qian Dazhu held his position for 15 minutes alone, preventing nearly 100 Japanese invaders from advancing, and finally waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

After the war, Captain Qian Dazhu was promoted from a private to a second lieutenant, and Commander Guo ordered the reconstruction of the second platoon, and was transferred to the independent battalion as a whole when the independent battalion was established. He and the infantry company behind him were the condensation of the fighting spirit of the Sichuan Army. "

Listening to the introduction of himself and his infantry company from the loudspeaker, Qian Dazhu, who had already stepped across the rostrum, had a firm and cold expression, like a stone, but his eyes were already full of crystal.

That was undoubtedly the most moving scene at the moment.

I don't know how many ladies who originally held the dream described in the storybook "Beauty Loves Heroes" gently covered their mouths at that moment.

It turns out that the heroes in the storybook are not steel tough guys, they will also shed tears, especially when they think of their comrades.

And they died for this country.

The dream of the ‘hero’ described in the storybook was shattered, but for these girls who were only sixteen or seventy, a hero in tears could move their hearts more.

They looked at the young lieutenant, and their hearts ached involuntarily.

“Long live the Chinese nation!”

The old man who had asked the lieutenant a question in a brocade robe suddenly waved his arms and shouted the slogan that he thought was a little inappropriate because of his rich experience.

Originally, the old fox who was deeply entangled with the upper class instinctively wanted to remain silent. His rich experience told him honestly that the Four Lines Group that shouted this slogan was demarcating the forces loyal to certain groups.

But at this moment, looking at the tears of these heroic young men, the emotions that had been surging in his heart for a long time suddenly erupted.

Who doesn’t have a son?

His son, who is already over fifty, is in his twenties. Because of his good family background, his son does nothing but hangs around restaurants and theaters all day. He is not good but not bad either. He has always called himself a dog son to outsiders since he was a child. That is just a humble word.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this group of young people, the old man had a feeling that it was not modesty, but the literal meaning.

But the parents of those young people whom he will never see again will never see their sons again!

They are all parents. Thinking of this, his heart can't help but ache, and the previous concerns were instantly stirred up.

Who cares, anyway, I have to accompany these young men to shout slogans, otherwise, I'll let them down.

Hearing this voice that suddenly sounded beside him, the face of the solemn army lieutenant beside him softened a lot.

Many gentry and celebrities who were moved by this scene also raised their arms and shouted the slogan "Long live the motherland, long live the Chinese nation!" together.

But there were also quite a few people who glanced sideways at their emotional companions and continued to remain silent.

It is true that they came to see the heroic leader, but that does not mean that they are willing to be deeply bound to the Four Lines Regiment, especially when the Four Lines Regiment shouts such a slogan of only being loyal to the country and the nation, God knows what those war zone senior officials will how to think? Those high-ranking officials were either faction bosses or confidants of the principal.

The Four Elements Group dares to risk the world's disapproval, but that doesn't mean they can!

It can be said that in these few minutes, the people in the venue had various thoughts. Some were moved by it, some were wise to protect themselves, and some even thought about whether to hold on to the entire military parade and leave quickly to avoid being watched by interested people. superior.

Those who can enter the venue are all people with a certain social status. They also understand that among the hundreds of people in the venue, there are probably many high-level spies hidden there. It is possible that everyone's words and deeds will be recorded.

But the military parade of the Four Troops will not stop because of everyone's different thoughts.

The phalanx of four infantry companies passed by, followed closely by the artillery company.

This is the combined square formation of the 1st Artillery Company and the 2nd Artillery Company. It is also the largest phalanx so far, with more than 150 people. Pang Dahai and Cheng Tieshou walked at the forefront of the phalanx with their heads held high.

Behind them were the 92 infantry cannon, Type 41 mountain cannon, 37mm combat anti-cannon, and two machine guns dragged by pack horses.

Several styles of artillery also attracted the attention of all the people.

After all, anyone who has never seen anything knows that cannons are more powerful than guns. Rifles and machine guns kill on an individual basis, but artillery kills on a group basis.

I didn’t expect that the Four Elements Regiment would have so many artillery pieces, no wonder they were so powerful.

"What is coming to us now is the newly established artillery company of the Fourth Army Regiment. They were originally officers and soldiers of the machine gun companies of each infantry company. Most of their personnel have participated in all the battles of the independent battalion of the 43rd Army, the predecessor of the Fourth Army Regiment. Company Commander Pang Panghai and Company Commander Cheng Tieshou are from the 67th Army and the 88th Division respectively. It is precisely because of these artillery brothers who have given the most powerful support to the front-line infantry that our Four Lines Regiment can fight on the front line again and again. victory!

Of course, you may be wondering what kind of artillery these are. I can tell you that here there are not only the 37mm combat anti-cannon originally equipped by our army, but also the Type 92 70mm infantry cannon and the Type 41 75mm mountain cannon equipped by the Japanese army. There is also the twin-mounted 25mm machine gun, which was captured by our Four Lines Regiment after previous battles. "

Following Tantai Mingyue's introduction, the artillery company phalanx had already approached the rostrum. However, they did not salute Tang Dao and leave shouting slogans like the infantry phalanx. Instead, the entire phalanx stopped in front of the rostrum. Next, the two leading army captains trotted all the way to the rostrum and saluted Tang Dao: "Report to the regiment, the artillery battery is all ready!"

"Okay! Pass my military order and you can fire!" Tang Dao raised his hand and returned the salute.

Erya, who was standing on the side of the rostrum, heard what Tang Dao said. He pulled out a signal gun from his waist and fired a green signal bomb into the sky.

Within five seconds, a green flare also rose several kilometers away in the southwest.

What are you doing? Isn't it a military parade? Why did you get live ammunition?

Not to mention the confused look on the colonel's staff standing next to Tang Dao, even the 'celebrities' in the venue who suddenly became quiet also felt that the atmosphere was different.

Because, they saw that four 75mm mountain guns dragged by pack horses were unloaded and then pushed to the center of the open field by four artillery squads. Each gun was 20 meters apart, and the muzzle pointed diagonally towards the sky. Several soldiers quickly Looking ahead and reporting the data loudly, the artillerymen who set up the cannon quickly adjusted the cannon according to the data reported by their comrades, while other soldiers unloaded four shell boxes from a carriage and placed them behind their respective guns. And each took out a yellow-orange cannonball.

That's live ammunition!

My dear! It was really live ammunition. When all the people in Henan Province turned their eyes around and around the yellow-orange shells that were about to be stuffed into the barrels, and finally confirmed, they could only express their emotions at this time by being stunned.

Unexpectedly, they could attend a New Year's party and see live ammunition shelling. This may have been something they never imagined.

There were many people who were surprised, but most of them still stood there waiting to see a scene they might never see in their lifetime. That is the most instinctive curiosity of human beings.

But there were also those who were afraid. Seeing the four mountain cannons being set up in an orderly manner, some people covered their ears and ran farther away, while a few others turned around and left, disappearing into the crowd outside the venue.

But this is not important. Deputy Gong Shaoxun, who is responsible for ensuring the safety of the venue, has an order. If you want to come in, you must go through strict inspection. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time!

"Commander Tang, are you trying to kill Moss?" Taking advantage of the fact that the artillerymen were still adjusting the muzzle, the colonel and staff officer from Jiangxia spoke out his hometown dialect with a painful look on his face!

Live ammunition, of course, is nothing to this person, but this is wartime, and your cannons are firing directly outside Zhengzhou City, how can that be okay?

What's more, the cost of a cannonball is at least 20 oceans. Just blast four of them out in vain, so don't waste it. In the theater staff department, he received the most requests from frontline generals, and it was for the theater to replenish artillery shells!

Seeing these yellow-orange shells, the first thought of the colonel's staff was, stay here, don't give it to me!

"Brother Fan, on this New Year's Day celebration, according to our Chinese tradition, how can there be no fireworks? Watch our regiment light some large fireworks for everyone to have fun! I have already submitted this to Commander Cheng for approval, City Defense Headquarters The other side also knows, and they helped select this bombardment point. There is no farmland there, it is a hill!" Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Commander Tang, on this occasion of the celebration, other expenses will be forgotten, but it is better to save as much as possible on the ordnance and ammunition." The colonel's staff advised heartbrokenly.

This is the tragedy of a country with a poor industrial base. Commanders who have been on the battlefield may not care much about money, but they are always very precious about the ordnance and ammunition that they cannot make.

"Brother Fan, don't feel bad. These artillery shells were also captured by our regiment from the Japanese army. They should be regarded as a test for the brothers of our regiment's artillery company. The more nervous you are, the more accurate the artillery must be! Otherwise! , How to kill the enemy on a battlefield that is more tense than this? As the fire support troops of our regiment, they must have such a psychological quality. The lives of our infantry brothers are much more important than these few shells. , right?" Tang Dao replied.

All right! There was absolutely nothing wrong with what he said, and the colonel's staff could no longer stop him. But I admire Tang Dao's way of running the army even more. He was able to waste such an important celebration to test the psychological quality of the artillerymen. Apart from this man, it is probably difficult for anyone else to do this.

This requires enough confidence and courage!

If the shot is not accurate, not to mention his artillery company will become a laughing stock, and even the entire Fourth Army Regiment will probably be embarrassed in front of the invited people, which will completely destroy the huge impact of the infantry formation in front. Completely offset.

Of course, it would be okay if we just fired a few cannons randomly into the open space in the distance, let everyone see the power of the cannons and listen to the sound, and treat it as a salute.

However, with Tantai Mingyue's loud introduction on the rostrum, it became clear that the Four Elements Group really had no intention of just letting off a salute for show.

"The reason why our Fourth Army Regiment was able to annihilate more than 2,500 Japanese troops in the Guangde Defense Battle was due to the contribution of the brothers of the artillery company. They used the various types of artillery you see in front of you. They counterattacked the Japanese army's overwhelming artillery fire. Next, during an afternoon of fighting, more than 1,200 artillery shells of various types were fired, destroying dozens of light and heavy firepower points of the Japanese invaders surrounded by our regiment, killing and wounding countless Japanese invaders.

Now, it's up to them to use their most trustworthy cannon to light the fireworks for our New Year's celebration of the Four Troops. Just in front of the hill on Jiulidi, there are two beacon towers, symbolizing the second year of the founding of our Four Lines Regiment. The fireworks are a symbol of the flames of war that our Four Lines Regiment will continue to fight against the Japanese invaders. Keep moving forward and never retreat.

However, each cannon only had one chance, there was no test firing, no follow-up firing, and only one shell was prepared for them. "Tantai Mingyue's voice sounded loudly on the training ground, which had become a little quiet.

"You see, Brother Fan, I, Tang Dao, am not the prodigal son you imagined. I don't have so many cannonballs for my brothers to play with." Tang Dao chuckled.

The colonel's staff did not smile, but solemnity rose on his face.

Hidden in Tang Dao's smile was an almost arrogant self-confidence. He believed that his artillery could hit a target 4,500 meters away with two shots.

A person with this kind of self-confidence either has great strength or is a god.


However, Tang Dao, who fought in consecutive battles and survived the battlefield to become the regiment leader, the colonel and staff knew that he would never be the latter.

"Fire!" The fat on Pang Dahai's face trembled. After the four squad leaders holding red flags raised their red flags one after another, his roar shocked the entire audience.

Following this order, the artillery squad leader holding a small red flag waved the red flag fiercely.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" The four cannons let out a huge roar one after another, which shocked the crowd more than 20 meters away and covered their ears. A group of ladies were even more beautiful.

Just firing the cannon is so powerful, how earth-shattering it will be after the cannonball hits the ground!

If Pang Dahai told them that these mountain artillery were just the medium-sized artillery currently equipped by the Sixings Regiment, if they were replaced by those 150-caliber heavy mortars and fired artillery shells from 6 miles away, it would only take 50 shells at most to defeat them. This training ground with an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters was exploded into a piece of scorched earth. Of the more than 10,000 people currently standing inside and outside the field, no more than 30% will survive, and almost no ordinary people will survive. If so, I'm afraid these ladies will not imagine the power of the shell explosion in their minds.

Artillery, in this era, is the undisputed god of war.

As all four cannons were fired in less than ten seconds!

Because this place is basically a plain, you can see far into the distance. The hills several kilometers away are very blurry, but the fires that explode one after another are very obvious. Four consecutive fires light up on the blurry shadows of the hills.

"Boom! Boom!" Only then did the rumbling sounds of artillery sound come from the distance.

Judging from the approximate position, the four cannons fired fairly accurately, at least they all hit the small hill. However, the imaginary fireworks did not light up.

Come to think of it, it's still a little bit worse. But, this is already amazing.

Anyone who has served in the military knows that being able to hit a target 100 meters away without any test firing is already a very good result.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!" After a brief moment of shock, the colonel staff applauded vigorously, and the "celebrities" and the public who reacted also clapped their hands desperately.

For a moment, the whole audience applauded like thunder.

Although it was not as amazing as imagined, it was really good.

Of course, it also meant to give face to the Four Lines Group.

A sedan chair needs people to carry it! Looking around the world, the Chinese are the best at this.

But Tang Dao did not look frustrated at all, and laughed, "Brother Fan, this is not the right time to applaud! Look, the fireworks are coming. There should be applause here."

Then, in everyone's vision, in the flames that just exploded, a series of fireworks exploded into the sky, followed by the next one. Then, two huge smoke columns rose straight up.

It took about twenty seconds from the explosion of the shells to the fireworks filling the sky.

"Haha, Brother Fan, you don't think I'm stupid enough to put the fire and fireworks filled with diesel on the explosion point! The shells only hit the fire starter, which is still 40 meters away from the fire! Otherwise, it would have blown up in an instant!" Tang Dao said with a chuckle.

In front of the fireworks and fireworks that filled the sky, the applause was silent. Without a test firing, only two shots hit the target?

"Boom!" After a brief silence of a few seconds, the thunderous applause rang out again, at least twice as loud as the previous applause.

The artillery company of the Four-Line Regiment is really awesome!

If the four infantry companies showed the spirit of a strong army, then the artillery company at this moment showed everyone their strong technical and tactical level.

"Captain Jiujin, the soldiers under Captain Pang are getting more and more awesome! They can really shoot wherever they point. I think I should treat Captain Pang to a few more drinks in the future. The 150-ton mortar can be so accurate. Can our infantry company still be afraid of the Japanese charge?" Qian Dazhu, who was already standing in a corner of the open field to rest, whispered to Li Jiujin in an amazed tone.

"Hey, Dazhu! You are still too young! As far as I know, the regiment commander arranged for Lao Pang's men to dig several single-soldier anti-artillery holes on the hill as early as last night. As for what they are for, I said it was to prevent someone from entering the artillery area. Do you believe it?" Li Jiujin's big yellow teeth were so obvious when he smiled. "However, Lao Pang's soldiers are really good, and they should not have used the backup plan!"

"This" Qian Dazhu grinned and admitted the fact that he was still young.

He always wanted to learn the ability of Tang Tuanzuo to fool people! That is, why does it feel that the gap is getting bigger and bigger! . The fastest update URL for mobile version:

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