Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 67: Still so ungrateful

Chapter 67 Still so ungrateful to martial ethics


The Japanese soldiers carrying explosive bags have used several explosive bags to blast a three-meter-wide gap in the thick wall.

After several Japanese soldiers threw several grenades into the warehouse and exploded, the Japanese soldiers who were still suffering from the grenades thrown from upstairs rushed in impatiently.

Through the telescope, Toyota saw nearly a hundred of his own soldiers successfully detonating and entering quickly, but Toyoda was not as ecstatic as he had imagined.

From a commander's point of view, he certainly hopes that the war will go as smoothly as possible, but from a soldier's point of view, he feels that this round of attack is going too smoothly.

 It went smoothly, as if the opposing commander was a super idiot.

Even if one's side has killed the opponent's big killer, even if one's side has four tanks, the other side should not let its forwards rush into the building so easily!

You must know that before the battle started, he had already made plans to use that idiot Kurokawa Orizo and his men as cannon fodder.

 The hope of victory actually rests on the two infantry squadrons that followed, okay?

 But for the sake of hair, cannon fodder has become a sharp knife that pierces the enemy's heart?

This is like a duel between two martial arts masters. One of them has already thought of several countermeasures. When he throws out a head-on punch, he is already ready to lift his vaginal leg. Who knows that the opponent is such a bad guy, just that punch He hit the opponent with a face full of peach blossoms.

 Then, the martial arts master who had gained the upper hand was still feeling a little guilty.

Might Baga’s opponent plan to spray my face with blood?

Perhaps, it was at the moment when nearly 400 people from two infantry squadrons had entered the 200-meter distance from the front of the warehouse, and even began to no longer walk forward, but took long strides to speed up, that the Japanese major, who felt a little guilty, finally regained his confidence. A little more at ease.

No matter what the Chinese commander’s plan is, as long as the 100 people rushing in are not 100 pigs, they can always hold on until the main force follows up!

 “Boom! Boom! Boom!” A familiar muffled sound echoed across the battlefield.

The Japanese military commander who had just put his mind at ease suddenly broke out in a white-haired sweat.

 The telescope was raised, and two brilliant sparks appeared in his field of vision.

Not only were the Chinese machine guns not killed in the previous round of "alerting the enemy", Baga's machine guns actually had one more.

But this is not the real reason to give Toyota a chill down his spine.

  Why have the Chinese people been so patient until now and finally come up with their trump card?

 What are they waiting for?

 Are you waiting for a tank?

Didn’t there already be two Type 89 and Type 94 vehicles before?

  Can't even that satisfy their appetite?

 A series of question marks appeared in the mind of the Japanese major, almost confusing the Japanese major himself who had a very good mind.

 But soon, he knew the answer.

 Two machine guns were popping up from the roof of the building. Naturally, the main target to be hit was not the infantry.

Even if one shell takes away two people, it will be unstoppable to the 400 Japanese infantry who have increased their speed and are about to enter the full charge stage.

 The targets of the two machine guns can only be tanks.

 It’s just that it’s different from what the Japanese imagine.

The first tanks to be attacked by the machine gun were not the four tanks closest to the warehouse, but the two Type 89 tanks that rushed out of residential buildings in the distance. Perhaps because they were too relaxed, the two Type 89 B tanks drove at the speed of a small sports car. In just one minute, the two 12.7-ton steel behemoths ran 200 meters faster, but they were faster than those with short legs. The Japanese infantrymen ran much faster.

The two machine guns aimed at one of the tanks without distracting the bombardment. Who made the sun flag on the roof of the tank look so cool?

 That would be as conspicuous as wearing bright silver armor and riding a white horse in a cavalry battle.

"Dang Dang" The machine gun that had fired several rounds finally hit the tank's relatively thick front armor, but it didn't hit the front, but the round side of the turret.

Then, the cannonball was bounced off by the rounded corners like a steel helmet, leaving a long bullet mark and a dazzling flash of fire.

The tank has not been scared, but the Japanese infantry who was moving forward was scared.

Most of the people present were veterans. They knew very well that even though these shells did little damage to the tank, the fact that they could hit the target proved that the Chinese shooters had adjusted their sights accurately. God knows at that moment, they were still so majestic. The 89 tank will be turned into a big torch.

If they stay behind, they may be implicated in the explosion of explosives in the exploded tank at any time.

Without waiting for the squadron leader's military order to be issued, under the loud orders of the sergeant leading the team, the two small teams following the targeted tank dispersed and hid in the ruins they thought were safe.

The scumbag infantry-tank collaboration training of the Japanese army was clearly exposed at this moment. The armored soldiers who thought they were awesome looked down on the infantry who were nobodies. However, when the danger came, the novices would abandon the tanks without thinking, and their physical reactions were particularly honest.

Of course, compared to the several tank crews in the tanks who were hit, the Japanese infantry were at most afraid of the catastrophic consequences, and the only ones who kept MMP in their hearts were the people in the tanks.

 They are not afraid, but confused.

The problem is not that the Chinese don't respect martial ethics, but that they don't respect martial ethics so much. All the promised machine guns were killed, so why is Mao not only still alive but also getting an extra one?

By analogy, a wretched man with short legs marries a wife who is as beautiful as a flower. What he fears most is being a cuckold, and then what! My wife vowed to tell the short-legged man that you are overthinking, but I actually like women. Isn’t the short-legged man very happy?

However, the happy short-legged man came back from abroad one day, only to find that there was another man on the bed, no, there were two men. What do you think he was feeling?

The most terrible thing is that these two "adulterers" also have knives, such as nine-ring machetes and Qinglong Yanyue knives.

 What kind of mood is this?

I am afraid that only Major Tokugawa can tell you what it is like to change your mood from heaven to hell.

 It’s a pity that I don’t have a chance.

 "Reverse! Reverse!" The Japanese Major frantically slapped the tank driver in front on the shoulder.

Yes, that's it. There are no radios installed in the Japanese tanks. Let alone communicating with the outside world, even inside the tanks, they have to rely on the "punch and kick" method. This is a unique communication method of the Japanese armored soldiers.

 By talking? You are overthinking. No one can hear you clearly amid the huge roar of the diesel engine. Is it possible that the driver has to look back at the mouth of his captain in the middle of his busy schedule, just to guess?

The decision to reverse the vehicle was naturally correct. It was already too late to fire back, and the opponent was on the roof of the building. By accident, the shells went over the roof and hit the concession area. Even before entering the battlefield, the Japanese commanders at all levels had strictly forbidden the enemy from the front. Shooting upwards and horizontally at the warehouse building is the limit.

Furthermore, the thickest armor on a tank is the frontal armor. If the 17mm armor is not enough to make people feel at ease, why not rely on the 12mm armor on the rear?

The 89 tanks with small flags were reversing crazily. A group of Japanese infantrymen who had dodged in time were cursing MMP in their hearts. They were glad that they hid quickly, otherwise those **** would have reversed without hesitation and wouldn't they have crushed me into a meat floss?

Baga people, why don’t you die? At least more than half of the Japanese infantry were cursing deep in their hearts.

 Then, their expectations came true.

Lei Xiong had already carried the two machine guns to the already set gun emplacements on the roof when the Japanese forward infantry entered a distance of 40 meters.

It took a full minute just to aim at the two 89 tanks that were rushing over from a distance. Now I adjusted the crosshairs by test firing. Would that make them run away?

Within ten seconds, the two machine guns fired five shells each in one go.

 (End of this chapter)

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