Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 47: A shocking explosion

Chapter 47 A shocking explosion

  The Chinese people on the south bank of the Suzhou River in the concession were absolutely stimulated today.

 The mood is a complete roller coaster with twists and turns.

First, the Japanese army was fierce and powerful, and it seemed that they could capture the warehouse building in one battle, which made people worried; then the Chinese defenders suddenly emerged, and a wave of firepower destroyed the Japanese invaders, not to mention they were still struggling to survive; and then the Japanese army faced the front. The Chinese defenders showed their power on the battlefield and suppressed the firepower of the Chinese defenders, and their hearts were raised again.

The fierce battle that lasted only ten minutes made the Chinese people's hearts and minds rise and fall, and their voices suffered even more. Many people's throats had been roared to hoarseness, and they could not make a loud sound at this moment.

Then, a dozen men in dark blue military uniforms suddenly stood up by the window of the warehouse near the river, shouting at the top of their lungs: "Gua Wa Zi, get down here! Pick up your heads!"

 Confused! Confused!

Not to mention the Western soldiers responsible for maintaining order on the shore were confused, even the Chinese people were confused.

Although Sichuan dialect has a strong accent, it is by no means as difficult to understand as Jiangnan dialect. Even if two neighboring counties in Jiangsu and Zhejiang cannot understand each other, it is normal. Most Chinese people who can hear this sound understand it. .

 Those who don’t understand it can only be crooked nuts.

 That is, it is a little difficult to accept psychologically.

 What does  mean? We cheer you on and you call us fools?

Of course, there are also smart people. Seeing the anxious state of a dozen soldiers with red faces and thick necks, who were about to shout at the top of their voices, they immediately fell to the ground and told the people around them to lie down.

 The herd mentality is like this. When you see many people doing this, those who haven't figured it out will also get down, and those who haven't got down will also be dragged down.

The middle-aged man in long robe who excitedly took his son to buy cakes earlier was more witty. In a flash, he pulled his wife and children and hid in the corner of a building. He also used his body to protect the two people he wanted to protect most. people.

His father is from Sichuan, and he knows that Gua Wa Zi is just a mantra of Sichuan Province. If you can shout it like this, the subtext is that anyone who doesn't lie down is an idiot, ha!

 “Wote?” Lieutenant Western had a big question mark written all over his face.

His immediate boss's immediate boss, who was still sighing slightly at the situation, was about to express his thoughts. Looking at the Chinese people suddenly lying down on the shore, his face froze slightly. He couldn't care less about bragging to his subordinates and suddenly raised his head. Looking into the distance, his pupils shrank sharply.


“Target No. 1, detonate!”

Tang Dao's sound is as cold as a knife.

 “Blow me up!” Liu Datou was as hot as fire after receiving Tang Dao’s order.

The sergeant squad leader who pressed the detonating rod hard at that moment was blushing and his head seemed to be swollen with excitement.

 It’s impossible not to be excited!

The 1st Battalion, who was determined to die, had brought a thousand kilograms of explosives with them before arriving. The original intention was to send themselves and their positions to the sky at the last moment. Na Chengxiang persuaded the regimental deputy to change his mind and split half of the explosives as soon as Tang Dao arrived. The amount is placed elsewhere.

Liu Datou thought like most people. Suzhou Hebei Road is a very prosperous street in Zhabei District. There are many buildings similar to Sihang Warehouse on both sides of the street. Although many of them were damaged and turned into ruins in the artillery fire, there are still some buildings left. After choosing several buildings, who knows which one the Japanese will choose?

Hundreds of kilograms of explosives can blow up a building, but dispersed blasting may not have the best effect.

Tang Dao still chose the building. He almost made a desperate move and chose the four-story bank building more than 200 meters away as the blasting point.

Although Tang Dao is very powerful, this is just a matter of luck. With the idea that the flying bricks might hit the Japanese with blood, the three platoons and one squad, under the leadership of the squad leader, arranged the blasting points. , the ultra-long-distance blasting wires of more than 200 meters were all used up, including trenching, burying, and camouflage. This project alone was a lot of effort.

 Then, what no one expected was that the Japanese actually entered that building. This time, I finally don’t have to rely on bricks and pieces of wood to hit people.

 Instead, you can fly in the air.

 “Boom! Boom! Boom!”

I heard several deafening loud noises almost in no particular order. While visible flames were erupting from various parts of the bank building about 200 meters away from the Sihang Warehouse, an invisible force swept in all directions.

The brigadier general, who was still constricting his pupils, no longer cared about "shete" or "wote", and rolled his waist towards the crude and crude fortifications on the roof of the building.

That thing was just for the occasion, who knew it could actually be used? The nimble posture of the little old man in his fifties was not at all in line with his age.

The shock wave of an explosion of this magnitude may not kill someone from such a distance, but a flying brick can still kill someone.

Only living people can hear other people's comments about noble and military demeanor. Brigadier General Smallet has lived for more than fifty years, and he is very transparent.

 The Chinese are so ruthless!

"Wote?" Lieutenant Western, who was hit hard by the shock wave and fell into the fortification, uttered his last question and fainted gloriously.

In comparison, his subordinates who had been lying in the fortifications had their heads knocked down at that moment, and the injuries they suffered were much smaller. At most, they were only hit by falling gravel.

The Chinese people who were lying on the ground now knew why they were told to lie down. Those who didn't lie down would be like a leaf in front of this level of explosion shock wave, even if they were still more than 300 meters away.

 Fortunately, they were far enough away, and there was a river several meters deep that divided the battlefield and their location into two.

 Otherwise, due to their unprofessional prostrateness, I don’t know how many people would have become the victims of this terrible explosion.

 If the chest and abdomen touch the ground, the seismic waves caused by an explosion of this magnitude are enough to shatter a person's internal organs.

In the Battle of Songhu, many soldiers did not die directly from the shock wave of the shell explosion, but were shocked to death while hiding in trenches and shell holes.

The Suzhou River, which originally had only a few ripples, turned into waves at this moment. The waves rolled up were more than two meters high, as if a giant hand was ruffling the river.

For the Sihang Warehouse, which is slightly closer, the shock wave is naturally stronger, but the soldiers have made all preparations in advance, stuffing cotton in their ears, holding their heads with their hands and finding a strong enough position to squat.

But the terrible explosion still made them dizzy. The building, which was so strong that even a 70mm infantry gun could not penetrate it, seemed to be trembling, and dust continued to fall from the ceiling.

  200 meters away, the Chinese defenders hiding in the building with a wall that was more than half a meter thick could still feel this devastating force, let alone the place closer to the detonation point.

The air waves generated by the violent explosion of hundreds of kilograms scattered in all directions and destroyed the surrounding buildings. However, there were several buildings directly opposite and tens of meters away on both sides. Although they were shaken by the air waves, they were like small boats in the waves. But it was blocked after all. This is the main reason why the prostrate Chinese people were not injured, but it is estimated that their hearing will be damaged to a certain extent after today.

 The shock waves from the front, left, and right are all blocked, and naturally more energy can only be released by rushing to the rear.

Most of the small alleys in the rear are composed of countless houses with mixed brick and wood structures like Songhu's. They have long been destroyed by artillery fire and turned into ruins. How can they withstand such violent energy?

It is devastated and decayed. Wherever the air waves reach, broken walls turn into flat ground and ruins turn into rubble. If you look at it from the sky, with the building blasted by 500 kilograms of explosives as the center of the circle, the damage caused by the outward radiation of the air waves is like a regular fan.

 Within this sector, ruins become more ruins.

Toyoda Hide had just ordered his two infantry squadrons to move forward to about 400 meters in front of the Sihang Warehouse. In order to prevent being blindly hit by the machine guns on the roof of the warehouse, the lateral distance of more than 300 people was more than 500 meters.

It seems that there are one or two infantry squads just on the edge of the fan.

 The Toyota Show, about 600 meters away from the explosion point, let out a miserable scream!

 (End of this chapter)

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