Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 452 The decisive battle is coming

After the last explosion.

There was silence above the ‘Lonely Mausoleum’.

Under the light of the flares, the Japanese soldiers looked at the battlefield full of remains, and for the first time did not raise their bayonets and flags to cheer for their victory.

It was not that they were afraid of the mortar bombardment of the Chinese in the distance. After the bombardment that was completely annihilated twenty minutes ago, the few mortars owned by the Chinese no longer fired a single shot.

No matter how stupid they were, they knew that the Chinese who were forced into a desperate situation were already exhausted.

Whether it was on the hills or in the trenches by the river, the sound of continuous shooting from the Chinese's once fierce Mauser pistols and submachine guns was no longer the main theme of the battlefield.

The unique sound of the Type 38 rifle occupied the entire battlefield, both the Chinese and the Japanese.

Yes! Even the 36th Infantry Brigade, which was as strong as it was, had used up 80% of its artillery shells after nearly two hours of continuous and frenzied attacks, and its infantry had consumed enough ammunition to support three days of normal combat. Why wouldn't the Chinese, who were far less well-equipped than the Japanese, use up all their ammunition?

The Chinese may not fear death, but that is ultimately only in will, and it cannot be exchanged for bullets.

Just as the Japanese on the hill thought, the ammunition on the hill was completely consumed, and there was little left in the trenches. The remaining submachine gun bullets were concentrated in the hands of elite veterans. Unless the Japanese had already entered the trenches, they would never shoot. The rifles that were retrieved from the corpses of the Japanese in front of the battlefield maintained the shaky defense line.

As for the four mortars in Pang Dahai's hands, it was not that they were completely consumed. He still had 4 shells.

It was just that since the 67th Army fought against Japan in North China and witnessed the tragedy of the Japanese invaders killing prisoners, most of them were used to keeping the last bullet for themselves.

Four shells will be fired only after the entire position is captured, and then the artillery will collectively return to the infantry and rush into the enemy group.

The Japanese army did not cheer, not because of fear, but because of a huge sense of frustration.

Until the entire hill was occupied, the remains of Chinese soldiers found by them did not exceed 180, which meant that it was just a reinforced infantry company, but they mobilized the forces of nearly five infantry squadrons and paid more than 600 casualties.

Among them, one captain infantry squadron leader, five lieutenants and second lieutenants were killed in the battle, and the sergeants and sergeants who were the backbone of the soldiers were as high as 26.

With an absolute advantage in manpower and firepower, they have achieved such a shocking record. What else is there to cheer for?

But this may only be the thoughts of the Japanese infantry who stood on the conquered position but only tasted the bitterness. For Kanda Masatane, who finally received the news of the conquered hill position, it was a real relief.

For the army colonel at this time, it was no longer about conquering tactical strongholds, where he could use machine guns and infantry guns to mount on the hills and shoot at the Chinese who were still resisting in the trenches. Instead, he needed results.

Although the huge casualties that made people numb, he knew that as the highest commander on the front line, he must be able to write down what these casualties would bring in the battle report.

‘Conquer the most important heavy firepower position of the Chinese enemy! ’ will be the fig leaf he handed over to the brigade and even the division headquarters.

Even if this fig leaf was exchanged for the lives of more than 600 imperial infantrymen.

That’s not important, what’s important is that he needs a result.

If such casualties still can’t capture the Chinese position, I’m afraid that the brigade commander who is already exhausted and staying 800 meters away will put him on the blacklist in advance!

On the front battlefield with greater casualties, he will be more relaxed. According to the current situation, the Chinese position will be broken through by him sooner or later.

As for the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade that was in urgent need of rescue, the Japanese Army Colonel had already selectively forgotten about it. Even if there was no infantry protection, they were a dignified Imperial Artillery Brigade! With a force of nearly 8,000 people, they could pile up the small group of Chinese who attacked them with human lives!

What kind of farewell telegram is this? Who are you sending it to on the battlefield where the whole army is going to die? Anyway, I'm fighting now, whoever sends it will be embarrassed!

Anyway, Kanda Masatane, who finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, would never believe that the current predicament of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade was as tragic as described in their telegram. In his opinion, it was just the alarmist words of the Major General of the Heavy Artillery, whom he had never met twice.

Of course, even if it was really like that, what could he do? He had tried his best. For those idiots, the Imperial infantry had already paid 2,000 casualties. Even if they won in the end, the brigade was half-crippled. It would take at least two or six months to restore its former combat effectiveness.

"Order the heavy machine gun squadron of the 3rd Infantry Battalion to enter the occupied positions, and order the infantry artillery team directly under the regiment to enter the occupied positions." Kanda Masatane quickly issued military orders, his eyes cold and his voice excited.

"Send the order to the front, the whole army will temporarily stop the attack. After all the heavy firepower is redeployed, our army will launch the final attack on the Chinese. In this battle, I will personally go to the front line to fight side by side with you! Empire, military fortune is prosperous!"


In the field command headquarters covered by dim lights, a group of colonels and lieutenants all bowed their heads in response.

The morale, which had been quite low due to the previous consecutive attacks, rose because of the declaration of a certain colonel to "fight side by side".

Perhaps, only the 36th Infantry Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Setouchi, whose face was covered by the darkness, curled his lips slightly to express his disdain.

They were beaten into pigs by the Chinese, and they were still showing off! What's the "fighting side by side"? It's just symbolically standing in the trenches dug by the supervision team and watching their infantry fall on the way to the charge.

Even so, you still want to compete with me for the first-line commander, idiot! This may be the only evaluation of Setouchi on his colleague.

Although he knew very well that his colleague, who was showing off, was not very smart in fighting, but he was very skilled in the officialdom.

The reason why Kanda Masatane competed with him for the role of the first commander on the front line was to find a way to reduce his guilt. Regardless of whether this victory or not, the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade suffered a long-planned attack by the Chinese because of their 36th Infantry Brigade, and someone needs to take responsibility.

Of course, the first person responsible is Ushijima Mitsuru, the commander of the brigade, but he is a major general, and he has a strong backer in the headquarters. At most, he will retire from active service and enter the reserve. As long as the war continues, he will be re-employed one day.

Major-level officers are too low in rank and do not have the qualifications to take the blame. Obviously, the scapegoat can only fall on the colonel and lieutenant colonel.

Kanda Masatane must perform desperately! Perhaps that was also the last time he gave orders in the position of colonel.

Unfortunately, cleverness backfired. I am afraid that Kanda Masatane did not expect his opponent to be so tough. Not only did he block his army for nearly two hours, but also caused such heavy casualties to the imperial infantry.

He had no choice but to make a declaration to go to the battlefield in person.

If this idiot was killed by a stray bullet or a cold gunman from the Chinese, that would be great! The little devil in the heart of the Japanese Army Lieutenant Colonel who put his face in the dark light was flapping his wings desperately.

Because of the ownership of a corner of the battlefield, the Japanese army was in mixed emotions.

The battlefield also fell into a brief silence.

In the Chinese trenches shrouded in darkness again, the stingy old Zhou's figure was as stiff as a clay sculpture.

He was not sad that his position would face the last wave of fierce attacks from the Japanese army, nor was he sad that the key point chosen by him and Lao Zhao was lost.

Instead, he knew that the old comrade who liked to make fun of him was dead!

He was still so unreasonable, and used an almost brutal way to grab the first place to die.

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